AI usage disclosure and consent
At Science X, we prioritize transparency and quality in our reporting and content creation. Our authors do not use any AI-written text content in their articles. All stories are written by humans, ensuring accurate, original, and thoughtfully crafted journalism.
However, we do use AI technology in two specific features to enhance your experience: AI-generated images and "The Gist" (Get Instant Summarized Text) article summaries.
Article Summaries ("The Gist")
To provide a more accessible and streamlined reading experience, Science X offers "The Gist", a feature that uses Large Language Models (LLMs) and other AI systems to generate concise summaries of our articles. These summaries aim to present the key points of an article in a clear and efficient format for users who prefer quick overviews.
It is important to note that "The Gist" is intended as a supplementary tool to enhance understanding. It does not replace the full article and should be used in conjunction with the original content for a deeper comprehension.
While efforts are made to ensure accuracy, users are encouraged to refer to the full article for comprehensive information and context, as the summaries may not capture every detail.
Science X accepts no liability for any actions or outcomes arising from reliance on AI-generated content, including but not limited to summaries provided under "The Gist."
AI-Generated Images
Science X may occasionally use AI-generated images to accompany its articles. These images are created based on patterns and data from the AI's training dataset.
The following disclaimer applies to the usage of the AI-generated images on Science X websites:
- These images are not based on real individuals, objects or events, and any resemblance to actual people, places or things is purely coincidental.
- The AI-generated images may not accurately represent the specific details or characteristics of any real-life entities or situations and are intended for illustrative purposes only.
- Users should exercise caution and discretion when interpreting or using AI-generated images, as they are produced based on patterns and data, rather than genuine human creativity or real-world situations or objects.
- AI-generated images are provided for illustration and decorative purposes only and their accuracy, quality and appropriateness may vary. Users should refrain from drawing conclusions, making assumptions or taking actions based solely on these images.
- Science X does not accept responsibility for any factual errors or inaccuracies that may arise from the use of these images.
Science X encourages users to promptly report any factual errors or inaccuracies in AI-generated summaries or images by using the 'Feedback to editors' button located at the end of each article.
Science X remains committed to delivering trustworthy content while responsibly exploring new technologies. We thank our users for their understanding and engagement as we innovate and evolve in the digital age.