Institute for Advanced Study

Princeton, NJ.


Curriculum Vita

At the intersection of theoretical physics and pure mathematics lies a fascinating discovery: the mathematics of geometric spaces and combinatorial patterns directly shapes the behavior of fundamental particles. My research explores this connection through the lens of scattering amplitudes – mathematical functions that describe how particles interact – and their deep relationships with algebraic geometry and combinatorics.

In the past decade, this interdisciplinary field has witnessed remarkable breakthroughs. The Cachazo-He-Yuan (CHY) formula revealed that quantum field theory amplitudes emerge naturally from the geometry of certain moduli spaces – mathematical objects that parametrize configurations of points in space. This connection has opened new avenues in both physics and mathematics, particularly in understanding del Pezzo surfaces and related geometric structures.

My recent work focuses on an ambitious program initiated by Cachazo, Early, Guevara, and Mizera that generalizes traditional particle interactions. This framework, which began with geometric insights about points in higher dimensional projective spaces, has revealed unexpected connections to combinatorial structures called matroids, their subdivisions and orientations. These findings suggest that the mathematical language of particle physics might be even richer than previously imagined, potentially leading to new physical theories and mathematical insights.


Supplementary materials:


Recent and Upcoming Conferences and Workshops

Figure 1: it's the degeneration of a permutohedron to a "period solid" or fundamental root parallelepiped, part of the development of a quantum analog of plates, in my Ph.D. thesis.   The middle rows of the matrices give the destinations of the vertices in the degeneration.

Figure 2: uses machinery developed in From weakly separated collections to matroid subdivisionsIt is the exchange graph for a "condensation" around certain multi-split matroid subdivisions of the hypersimplex D(5,12).   However, the algorithm used here to generate the figure requires only elementary properties of weakly separated collections.

Selected posters and invited talks: