I am a senior researcher at the CNRS (French National Center of Scientific Research) affiliated at CREST, and Professor of Statistics and Econometrics at ENSAE and Ecole Polytechnique.
I hold a PhD and HDR (French habilitation to supervise Ph.D. students) from Toulouse School of Economics.
I am Associate Editor of the Journal of Econometrics.
I am Fellow of Hi! Paris since September 2021.
I am Fellow of the Institut Louis Bachelier since 2021.
ANR Grant for the project: "Moment Conditions Models and Bayesian Inference for Policy Evaluation" (December 2021-2025).
Research Interests: Econometrics, High Dimensional Econometrics, Bayesian Inference, Google search data, semi- and non-parametric econometrics, nowcasting
Curriculum Vitae:
Here is my CV and my Google Scholar profile.
In 2019 CNRS awarded me the Bronze Medal. Press Release.
Campus École polytechnique
5, Avenue Henry Le Chatelier
91120 Palaiseau - France
emails: anna[dot]simoni[at]ensae[dot]fr