To search the database, select one of the following tools
- Radial:
Search the sky around a given point
- Rectangular:
Search the sky in a rectangular region
- SQL:
Type in a SQL query directly
Search Tools for scientists
The names and units of fields on the query pages
- ra, dec are the sky coordinates of the search.
- They can be entered either in
degrees or in the h:m:s, d:m:s notation.
- radius is the search radius for a radial query.
- It is measured in minutes of arc.
- u,g,r,i,z are the magnitudes of the objects in the SDSS.
- These represent the fluxes of light measured in logarithmic units, through various wavebands
from the ultraviolet to the infrared
The output options and formats on the query pages
- Return: the number of objects
- Selecting all will return all objects
- Selecting top N will return the first N objects satisfying the query
- Format: the output format
- It can be HTML, when a formatted web page is returned
- It can be CSV, when a comma separated, unformatted text is returned, with one header line
and subsequent objects in a new line, attributed separated by a comma
- It can be XML, not yet implemented