Contact SurveyMonkey Abuse
Please use this page to report instances of abuse, including unlawful content or spam, by SurveyMonkey users.
If you need support or technical help, please
contact our support team here
Organization (if applicable):
Country of residence:
What kind of abuse would you like to report?
Phishing and security
Privacy and impersonation
Violence and hate speech
Bullying, harassment, and criminal activity
Pornography and offensive graphic material
Intellectual property infringement
Please explain in detail why the information you are reporting is unlawful in your country and provide supporting information for your claim.
Please provide the survey or form URL(, details about how you came across the information you are reporting, and any other information necessary to help us identify its exact electronic location.
By submitting this form, I confirm that I believe the information and allegations contained in this report are accurate and complete.
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