Comments: Behind the Scenes

Wow. My comments system has been extremely well received. As a result, a few people have asked how I did it.

Position fixed

The system was originally intended to be CSS only using position:fixed on the div that contains Post a Comment. This is great for browsers that support it and pretty much useless for any browser that doesn't. There's one caveat on using fixed positioning that I'll get to later on.

Here's the CSS snippet that started it all:

#postcomment.sidebarfixed { width: 215px; position:fixed; top: 50px; left:548px;}
* html div.sidebarfixed  { width: 215px; top: 50px; left:548px; position:absolute; }

The first declaration specifies a width for the container and the top and left points. When using fixed positioning, top and left are from the corner of the viewport and not the corner of the web page. This creates the "stickiness" factor.

Then I used the ol' star-html hack for Internet Explorer to give it absolute positioning. What this meant was that for Firefox and any other browser that supported fixed positioning, the comment box would stay on the page as your scrolled down. For IE, this meant it was stuck at the top of the page and it wasn't going anywhere. (My original implementation actually had the comment box staying in it's traditional spot underneath the comments.)

Since I didn't expect too much traffic or many comments, my little proof of concept was okay. But with the comments pouring in, I decided to add scroll support so that IE users didn't feel left out or wondering what everyone was talking about.

Our friend JavaScript

Enter JavaScript. I added a function to run every time the user scrolled the page to reposition the Post a Comment.

window.onscroll = window_onscroll;

function window_onscroll(){
  var el = document.getElementById('postcomment');
  {// only do this for ie
    var s;
    // scrolling offset calculation via 
    if (self.pageYOffset){s = self.pageYOffset;}
    else if (document.documentElement && 
      document.documentElement.scrollTop) {	
        s = document.documentElement.scrollTop; }
    else if (document.body) {	s = document.body.scrollTop; } s + 30;

The code taken from Quirks Mode will determine how much the page has scrolled. Then, I adjust the top position of my div along with an offset. That's all there was to it!

For those wondering why I'm checking the type of document media, it's a DOM-based browser check. A little more foolproof than user agent string checking.

Horiontal Scrolling with Fixed Positioning

One of the problems discovered in Firefox (and I assume any other browser supporting fixed positioning) was that if the browser was sized too small for the content and the user scrolled sideways then the div would slide along with it and out of my design. Ick.

Let's bring in our friend JavaScript again. This time, we'll have it reposition our Comment box when the user scrolls sideways.

I added the following into my window_onscroll function:

  {// only do if not ie
    var x;
    // scrolling offset calculation via
    if (self.pageXOffset){ x = self.pageXOffset;}
    else if (document.documentElement &&
        x = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; }
    else if (document.body) { x = document.body.scrollLeft;} = (548 - x) + "px";

Again, we use some DOM-based browser check but this time to make sure we're NOT Internet Explorer. Then we have it reposition the Post a Comment functionality. Using the scroll event in Firefox can be troublesome since it currently only fires when a user clicks on the scrollbar and drags it. Any other action doesn't seem to work (like using the scroll wheel). This ended up working well for me since it's less likely people will scroll horizontally with any other method besides the scrollbar.

That's all there is to it!

Published May 18, 2005 · Updated September 17, 2005


212 Comments · RSS feed
Randy Walker said on May 19, 2005

I'm a huge fan of position: fixed and I enjoy your site :)

Peter Herndon said on May 19, 2005

Is your website really supposed to be 4 columns? In Safari, it has 4 columns, where the 4th column on the right is comprised of the Favourite Posts, Syndicate, and Bookmarks link lists.

On the front page, that leaves the third column pretty much empty, except for the search bar.

Jonathan Snook said on May 19, 2005

Peter: Yup, it's supposed to be four columns. :) It does leave the third column on the home page a little light but with a lot of my traffic coming from RSS, links to specific articles, or search engines, the home page is no longer the focal point.

test said on May 19, 2005


isma said on May 19, 2005


craig said on May 20, 2005

Hi Jonathan, you've certainly come a long way with your fixed comment design! It was cool when I saw the first prototype and now, I love it. The ability to scroll and read and refer to sections on a page will no doubt pay off for users.
BTW, how's your GainCMS coming along? I enjoyed reading all the ins an outs of your travels there, might be me but I haven't noticed an update for a while?
Anyway congrats on an excellent innovative design.

H?berlein said on May 20, 2005

Bin beeindruckt. Das ist eine Klasse L?sung f?r das Kommentieren von blog-Eintr?gen.

Clay Smith said on May 20, 2005

I guess you're just going to have to live with it being all jiggly in Win IE. I use Firefox myself, though, so I don't care.

Michael Simmons said on May 20, 2005

Very cool.

(I haven't tried this yet. Here it goes..)

Dave P said on May 20, 2005

No real content here, I just wanted to test out the comment system everyone is raving about... sorry!

me said on May 21, 2005

this is cool, but doesn't work for those stuck with Mac OS 9 and IE 5. The contents of this form slip over the right column, as you scroll sideways.

I know, IE5 Mac, but you should be aware of that, if you wish to use this technique.

Kudos, anyway.

test said on May 21, 2005

Just testing to see what the hub-bub is all about

James said on May 22, 2005

Very nice. I've always wondered how to do something like this.

Faruk Ateş said on May 22, 2005

Personally, I'm no big fan of position:fixed as it has a tendency to slow down pages a great deal. Until browser support is fixed, I tend to shy away from it myself.

A nice concept though. :)

Patrick said on May 22, 2005

Wow! Probably the most ingenious commenting system I've seen so far...

Andy said on May 22, 2005


Thread0r said on May 22, 2005

Can I aim at a comment and post a reply to a certain comment like that?

steev said on May 22, 2005

wow, very nice

asd said on May 22, 2005


Reimer said on May 22, 2005

Another method for fixing the position of an element on Internet Explorer is the the IE-only feature "expression": top:expression(body.scrollTop + "px"); position: absolute;

neal kernohan said on May 22, 2005

actually it degrades OK in IE5, which is what I am posting from. A little untidy, the text I am now typing is being written over the top of the 'name' input box above. still, nice concept and i would stick with it.

Taka said on May 22, 2005

is this ajax?

said on May 22, 2005

seems like you are using ajax it true ?

Sebastian Redl said on May 22, 2005

You know what would be a REALLY cool addition? To make it possible to quote the comment the arrow points at. I think it even should be possible using some very tricky (and probably quite cross-browser-unreliable) JavaScript.

Hayo said on May 22, 2005

hahaha! Ajax! no, its that arcane technology called css?

bobdole said on May 22, 2005

this is crap, its totally distracting and I hate fixed position geocities type crap

pixeldiva said on May 22, 2005

Wow - this is the second really fabulous thing I've seen from you in the space of two weeks - first a fabulous colour tool that does the contrast testing while you're at it, and now a really interesting way to do comments.

Keep up the good work! I'll be coming back to see what else you get up to :)

Tom said on May 22, 2005

I used IE7 to do some fixed positioning stuff, not to shabby I might add.

Rob said on May 22, 2005

Is there a way to make it position at the bottom of the screen instead of the top? I was looking for something similar but it has to be positioned at the bottom of the screen. Nothing that I have tried works in IE and I really don't want to use frames. :(

dpi said on May 22, 2005


Jonathan Snook said on May 22, 2005

Just so that it's clear, there is no AJAX being used in the comments area. Just some CSS and JavaScript. (Although, I did hotwire the search functionality with it but that's another story. ;) ).

neil said on May 22, 2005

Just testing

michaelsarver said on May 23, 2005

I came across your site via 456 Berea Street. You have a very nice site!

I loved this article explaining your comments system. For the new web developer such as I this has been very valuable!

Dan Mall said on May 23, 2005

Beautiful site! Awesome way to break out of the mold. I definitely respect that.

My Name said on May 23, 2005

Testing, 1,2,3

Jens Meiert said on May 23, 2005

Quite neat, compliments!

Casey Glass said on May 23, 2005

Nice design, just testing to see how it works now :)


Grit said on May 23, 2005

This is great. Thanks for sharing!

George said on May 23, 2005

Hey, your url box doesn't auto http. Not sure how, but could that be a security issue?

Andreas said on May 23, 2005

Good work Jonathan!

George said on May 23, 2005

The rain in spain falls mainly on the planes.

dotScott said on May 23, 2005

Great job. Best I've seen. One small (very small) comment, the commentsmetadata top dotted line is one pixel lower than the comments div in both IE and FF

Ivor Biggun said on May 23, 2005

da bomb!

Sally Carson said on May 23, 2005

Awesome idea! People will be ripping you off for months!

Bruno Torres said on May 23, 2005

The effect of position:fixed is really awesome, The comment preview is nice stuuf too.
I agree that people will use this idea all around.

Kristopher Gosser said on May 23, 2005

I may be wrong, but to be AJAX, he would have had to use XML somewhere and use the HTTPonRequest (or something like that) function.

Then it would have been AJAX.

Charlie said on May 23, 2005

This is a wonderful system! Congratulations!

joe said on May 23, 2005

testing too

Nick said on May 23, 2005

Very nice, how long before it is everywhere?

Ben said on May 23, 2005

damn cool! well done mate, a fantastic design throughout your site!! *applauds*

kumap said on May 23, 2005


joe said on May 23, 2005

very nice!

laboratik said on May 23, 2005

The comments thingy doesn't work in IE 6(i'm posting this with FireFox)

Nice site by the way :-)

laboratik said on May 23, 2005

didnt read well i suppose....
the comments thing in IE6 is on the bottom of all the comments ?!

said on May 23, 2005

odd ... shouldn't work

<iframe src=""></iframe>

matthew said on May 23, 2005

Just seeing what the fuss is..

Helge Moulding said on May 23, 2005

The way it jiggles in IE reminds me of the Geocities watermark, back when Geocities did stuff like that. (It kinda died out when Yahoo bought them.)

clint said on May 23, 2005

cool in theory, not sure I agree with the usability stance, fixed sites scroll awful in FF mac, and as mentioned above are atrocious in IE using any method Ive seen so far, IE7, the js tom foolery etc... If fixed was supported in IE then I'd give it a shot, but even on the mac side being a FF user, when sites use fixed and I have to scroll alot, I just wont visit the site anymore because of it scrolling like a comb thru tangled hair...

jaydee said on May 23, 2005

Nice new concept you got here :)

eastwoord said on May 24, 2005

yeah too bad about IE.

jason said on May 24, 2005

clint dont be an asshole

Sebastian Redl said on May 24, 2005

No idea what you're talking about, clint. Page scrolls wonderfully smooth for me. (Although I admit, it drives my Athlon64 to 60% CPU usage.)

Andreas said on May 24, 2005

This is beautiful. I have seen similar things on other sites, but this is the first time I see it in pure XHTMl. And I love the way that the page is rendered when the CSS is removed. It makes the page work well even in my old cellphone. However, in both Firefox and IE, it drives CPU usage up quite high.

Abe said on May 24, 2005

test comment!

uga said on May 24, 2005


SteveC said on May 24, 2005

Inoventive front-end design with position: fixed.

And a live preview?

And ajax enabled comments?

Too good to be true :)

Jennifer Grucza said on May 24, 2005

I like the fixed comment form, but actually what I think is even cooler is how the commenter name and comment time appear in the margin. The design is very nice.

Adrian Kostrubiak said on May 24, 2005

Wow, this is quite some spiffyness. I really like the way you've done this.

Not to mention that I really like this design. Very good job with all of this.

zcorpan said on May 25, 2005

Why not use conditional comments instead of DOM checking?

<!--[if IE]> only IE <![endif]-->
<!--[if !IE]><--> all but IE <!--><![endif]-->

JeanGlode said on May 25, 2005

great artcile, thx a lot man !

StraTechnolgost said on May 25, 2005

I like very much this technique. I am just wondering about cross-browser compatibility but I think I would really like to implement it in the future in one of my web sites.


Oh! The live preview with the faded update technique is even nicer!

laoshi said on May 25, 2005

cool !

enda said on May 25, 2005

very nice, need to redesign my blog if i want to use this.

said on May 25, 2005

test comment!

. said on May 25, 2005


pak said on May 25, 2005

test comment!

said on May 25, 2005


GM said on May 26, 2005

just another irritating test comment

parrfolio said on May 26, 2005

Very nice design!

Dave said on May 26, 2005


Dan Bailey said on May 27, 2005

Excellent idea, well done :)

Matt said on May 27, 2005


WDOlive said on May 27, 2005

great fixed position trick...

donald plummer said on May 27, 2005

I love surfing the web for cool revolutions like this. Great stuff even if I never use it or even if no one else ever uses it. Its this kind of thinking that we need more of. Wow, it even shows my typing as I type it in the preview... Fades rock too.

Vitaly Friedman said on May 28, 2005

A great comments system, indeed. I guess my bookmarks have to be updated ;) Thanks!

Vitaly Friedman,

said on May 30, 2005


Sam said on May 30, 2005

Looks nice...

pi said on May 30, 2005


Pascal said on May 30, 2005

Very nice and usefull application of css and js. Going to use this as well

Magicien said on May 30, 2005

Just testing This cool toy!

Chris Hester said on May 30, 2005

In Opera 8, all the name boxes have green backgrounds, and they don't line up to the arrows.

omaoma said on May 30, 2005


Philo said on May 30, 2005

This is Philip from Taiwan ($this->normalizeEntities16bit("21488")$this->normalizeEntities16bit("28771")$this->normalizeEntities16bit("65289"). I think that this post is a great tutorial. It really inspired me. Well done!! :) $this->normalizeEntities16bit("35613")$this->normalizeEntities16bit("35613")...

Ilya Orlov said on May 31, 2005

Testing the comment system.

asdf said on May 31, 2005


asdf said on May 31, 2005


John said on June 01, 2005

Very nice!

d00d said on June 01, 2005

what's going on?

dsdssd said on June 03, 2005


lobotomia said on June 07, 2005

estou aqui para dizer alguma coisa

test said on June 07, 2005


qwerty said on June 09, 2005

aha Coool

cumhuronat said on June 13, 2005

thx mate, this code really rulezz

kosmar said on June 13, 2005

seems like frames without their baddness are coming back thru fixed positions (imagine overflow:scroll added).
nice :focus feedback on these forms, too.
and i love the flashing preview thing (is it an animated gif? or js? or a moz filter?), wow and its realtime update, hellya :)

joe said on June 13, 2005


said on June 13, 2005


Dalton said on June 13, 2005


said on June 14, 2005


jj said on June 14, 2005


said on June 14, 2005


fenasi kerim said on June 15, 2005

am$this->normalizeEntities16bit("305")na koyim insan buna bi s$this->normalizeEntities16bit("305")n$this->normalizeEntities16bit("305")r m$this->normalizeEntities16bit("305")n$this->normalizeEntities16bit("305")r yapar. isteyen yaz$this->normalizeEntities16bit("305")yo. sokiym b?yle comment formuna.

ry said on June 15, 2005

so nice!

Suleyman SONMEZ said on June 16, 2005

This is greate. I think use this comment system :)

said on June 16, 2005


onr said on June 16, 2005

Hmm fantastic

name said on June 16, 2005

test comment system

ufux said on June 17, 2005


said on June 18, 2005

very nice!

Testing This said on June 19, 2005


jaja said on June 21, 2005


Sik kafali japon askeri said on June 22, 2005

amina kadumun cocugu

jawrr said on June 22, 2005

Thanks man, this post came very appropriate. :)

NAKATA said on June 23, 2005

So Great!

fergus said on June 23, 2005

i kind of like this

it's like..

..... magic!

Mikey Muss said on June 24, 2005

the fixed positionning was exactly what I was looking for. I want to revamp our site and put a navigation bar on the left so that readers of our articles will be able to jump to any part of the text "from" any part of it.
This is great work.
Since I don't know a thing about javascript I'd like to borrow yours, if you don't mind.


DJ LoBraico said on June 28, 2005

I love it! This is beautiful, usable, and useful. Excellent job. Thanks for the informative post too. :)


said on June 29, 2005


said on July 01, 2005

vhvhmdsvmosdvmodvmodvmomo dvmomvomodvmo

thaisie said on July 04, 2005


nice One!

said on July 04, 2005

test comment!

said on July 07, 2005

I love it! This is beautiful, usable, and useful. Excellent job. Thanks for the informative post too. :)

said on July 15, 2005


FlupKe said on July 18, 2005

Wow, very nice work !

Jojo said on July 20, 2005

Does it reallywork?

said on July 20, 2005


said on July 26, 2005


said on July 26, 2005

the fixed positionning was exactly what I was looking for. I want to revamp our site and put a navigation bar on the left so that readers of our articles will be able to jump to any part of the text "from" any part of it.
This is great work.
Since I don't know a thing about javascript I'd like to borrow yours, if you don't mind.


said on July 26, 2005


kenzo said on July 26, 2005

i just, i just... i,.. i..

kenzo said on July 26, 2005

i just... i... i just... i

Sponge bob said on July 28, 2005

turk her yerde turk beee :)

Si said on August 01, 2005

This is a great idea and works relatively well. Its kinda freaking me out seeing the form all the way down the screen but there are a few issues that are bothering me...

  1. While I am at a 1280x1024 resolution, I get a horizontal scroll when I go down to 1024, let alone 800. Could you possibly try getting this to work at multiple resolutions?
  2. There are some wierd keyboard issues going on for me while I type in the "textarea". Some of the keys such as "home", "end" and CTRL+Arrows dont seem to work in Firefox/Win2K. Were you aware of this?

Apart from that, good design work and a great idea for a form. You've inspired me sir!

Jonathan Snook said on August 01, 2005

I actually tried to get it to work okay at 1024 and it seems to work under certain conditions but I noticed just the other day that it still threw a scrollbar in under certain situations.It's something I'll look into when I have a chance. Having it work under 800 is less of a concern for me as little of my audience is at that resolution.

I hadn't noticed any peculiar behaviour with those keys but I don't think I've tried it in FF/Win2k in awhile. I'll be sure to check it out the next time I'm on a Win2k machine.

Thanks for the input.

Caliskan Genc said on August 03, 2005

haydi bre

said on August 08, 2005


said on August 13, 2005

i love ju

adrian said on August 13, 2005


said on August 15, 2005


Mick said on August 17, 2005


Testy said on August 19, 2005

Just ?seeing how odd ??^?chars are coped with.

test said on August 21, 2005


said on September 02, 2005


said on September 15, 2005

hm. how cool is this

Tom said on September 22, 2005

That's wooooow, i still can't believe what i see...

Maybe i try that on my Blog ?



volve said on September 25, 2005

Very snazzy.

I'm thinking of doing something similar. :)

said on September 28, 2005


pepitu said on October 01, 2005

realment ?s molt bonic. aix? funciona amb php?

DJ LoBraico said on October 02, 2005


said on October 08, 2005


said on October 14, 2005


Hetzakoatl said on October 14, 2005

A test?

Mike said on October 15, 2005

Jo, das ist mal recht cool anzuschauen. Ungewohnt aber sehr sehr crazy!

Samantha said on October 15, 2005

Awesome! Shame that in IE6 it jiggles as you scroll. Hopefully this works better for the next gen IE7 users. I wonder if the hack will still work, supposedly IE7 doesn't like hacks...Personally I use Firefox and it looks great. Keep up the awesome work!! BTW... there is a comic about your comments system that I found quite funny here's the link

Now I feel like a spammer...

said on October 22, 2005


cumhur onat said on October 28, 2005


puu said on November 04, 2005

well done this is so so so cool!!!!!

Anon said on November 13, 2005

I was looking for a solution for this problem for ages. I had a bar that I wanted to be position:fixed, but IE wouldn't do it and the Javascript on quirksmode wouldn't work in Firefox with the XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.

I have to say this comments thing is a bit jittery, in IE. Might be better to go as quirksmode suggests and opt for a delay before moving.

It's still great though. :D

Ahmed said on December 17, 2005

This is the most creative comments system i've ever seen. Major props to you for this - you should be on

Jonathan Snook said on December 17, 2005

Ahmed: Thanks! And guess what? I am in webcreme!

said on December 18, 2005


Yarg Does Dallas you freak said on December 23, 2005

i love this comment shit.

Leopold Porkstacker said on December 24, 2005

That?s some cooooooool sheeeeit!!! Impressive!!!

said on December 29, 2005

oh i like this

said on January 07, 2006

pee pee

Omid said on January 14, 2006

This is my commnet

Sphagnum said on January 24, 2006

This live preview is pretty awesome. I'm going through the Javascript now with the assumption that as long as I properly reference my source when I copy portions of it, it's ok. Please let me know if I'm stepping on any toes here... Great comment system!

Brandon Cox said on February 11, 2006

Very nice interface. It's a shame that IE 6 wobbles a bit. Perhaps IE7, once it's out of eternal beta, will finally support position:fixed.

Oh and dotted borders, too.

serg said on February 23, 2006

Dont work for those stuck with Mac OS 9 and IE 5

carlos said on February 24, 2006

very nice site

Coenzyme said on February 24, 2006

test and comments....

Nazia said on March 22, 2006

the code snippet given to run the "Post a Comment" along scrolling, does not satisfy when the work area form would contain a "Drop-down" field. In that case the drop-down disappears and re-appears only on focusing back on that field.

tim smith said on April 02, 2006

I know I'm off topic but today is the best day as she has said

Arnaldo said on April 08, 2006

is wonderfull it´s idea

dale said on April 14, 2006

how did you make this comment box? this is cool, i need one for my site too. hope you could help me...

Leszek said on April 17, 2006


said on April 19, 2006

This is my comment

Let's see how well this box handles a name that is really long and doesn't fit within the comments d said on April 28, 2006

Let's see let's see. Nice idea though.

laura said on May 06, 2006

holy cow

Branndon said on May 08, 2006

testing out comments

Densha Otoko said on May 17, 2006

cool site!

gg said on May 22, 2006


Lindsey said on May 30, 2006

I am being a sheep and testing this. Pretty awesome. I love live previews. Mmmm. CSS reboot fall here I come!

Justin said on June 04, 2006

Isnt the live preview slighlty vulnerable?

Jonathan Snook said on June 04, 2006

Justin: Adding scripts to the live preview won't make their way to the final posted comment.

said on June 13, 2006


fatfingur said on June 21, 2006

everybody's commenting, i might as well try to comment here... woah the preview is pretty cool eh.

just test said on July 05, 2006

Just some comment

CodeAndEffect said on July 07, 2006

Just seen your comment box scroll into view on another article, then found this one all about it.

Wonderfully simple idea, well done.

Diviner said on July 10, 2006


Thank you very much. It's very useful for me :)

Good Luck

Yann said on July 11, 2006

Moi aussi je teste. Juste pour voir. Just testing. Wow! Love the preview thingy!

kimbou said on August 09, 2006

very neatly done. keep it up!

myisha said on August 13, 2006

i love it, but I'm confused on how to use it for myself? is that selfish? I want to allow user comments on my site. How can I do it, like you have??

Mag said on August 30, 2006

It's nice, as a person involved in the web industry, to do all what it takes for your website by yourself, without any need to external stuff.

cumhur onat said on September 01, 2006

very nice technic, I used this on

jane said on September 19, 2006

great script-function, thank you for sharing it.

James said on September 25, 2006


dhewi said on September 30, 2006

Weird effect in Safari. My page-up/down buttons only work after five or so presses at the top or bottom of the page. Not a problem once you know they will work.

Daan said on April 12, 2007

its looks pretty amazing

Kudos said on May 22, 2007

hey, looks super great. nice job man!

Alastair Moore said on August 08, 2007

Nice work!

Dixie Medina said on November 12, 2008


tadalis bestellen said on February 25, 2011

The show must go on.

Sorry, comments are closed for this post. If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to send them to me directly.
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