Paul Halsall Bibliography - Sources for Byzantine Art and Archeology [compiled 1990] I BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RESOURCES A Bibliographies The periodicals Byzantinoslavica, (Prague: 1929-), and Byzantinisches Zeitschrift, (Leipzig: 1892-), provide running bibliographies of works in all languages, Byzantine Studies provides a similar service but only for English language publications. Allen, Jelisaveta Stanojevich, ed., Author Index of Byzantine Studies, microfiche catalogue, (Washington D.C.: Dumbarton OAks, Center for Byzantine Studies/IDC, 1985) [an alphabetical ordering of all the bibliographies published in Byzantinische Zeitschrift 1892-1981. Also includes, fiche 147, an name index of Migne's Patrologia Greaco-latina.] Arts and Humanities Citations Index (Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information) [complicated and complete] Beck, Hans George, Kirche und Theologische Literature im Byzantinischen Reich, Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, 12te Abteilun, 2te Teil, 1er Band, (Munich: C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1959) [bibliography up to 1957.] Beck, Hans George, Geschicte der Byzantinischen Volksliteratur, (Munich: 1971) International Medieval Bibliography ed. R.S. Hoyt & P.H. Sawyer (Leeds & Minneapolis: 1967- ) [Contains references in foreign languages. Easy to use. Needs a better indexing system] Farrar, Clarissa P. & A.P. Evans, English Translations from Medieval Sources, (New York: Columbia UP, 1946) Ferguson, Mary Ann Heyword, Bibliography of English Translations from Medieval Sources, 1943-67, (New York & London: Columbia UP, 1975) Hanawelt, Emily, A., "An Annotated Bibliography of Byzantine Sources in English Transaltion", Byzantine Studies/Etudes Byzantines 9:1 (1982), pp. 68-87 [D1.B83] Krumbacher, Karl, Geschichte der byzanitinischen Literatur 527-1453, 2nd ed., (Munich: 1897) McBain, Bruce, "An Annotated Bibliography of Sources for Late Antiqiuty in English Transaltion", Byzantine Studies/Etudes Byzantines 10:1 (1983), pp. 68-87 and 10:2 (1983), pp. 223-247 [D1.B83] Medieval Studies: A Bibliographical Guide ed. Everrett V. Crosby et al (New York: Garland, 1983) Moravcsik, G., Byzantinoturcica, 2nd ed., (Berlin: 1958) Recently Published Articles pub. by American Historical Association [complete, but no index and so difficult and time-consuming] Parks, G.B. & Ruth Z. Temple, The Literature of the World in English Translation, Vol 1: The Greek and Latin Literatures, (New York: Frederick Ungar, 1968) [Also includes German and French transaltions. pp. 149-182 for Byzantine sources.] II WRITTEN SOURCES (see also bibliography on Byzantine Sources) A General Constantine VII Porphrygenitus, De Ceremoniis Aulae Byzantinae, ed., J.J. Reiske, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1829); ed. and trans. in part, A. Vogt, 2 vols. (Paris: Bude, 1935, 1939-40; Paris: 1967) [C10.] Darrouzes, J., Notitiae Epicopatuum Ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae, (Paris: 198 ) [C6-15.] Janin, R., La geographie ecclesiastique de l'empire Byzantine. 3. Le Siege du Constantinople et le patriarcat oecumenique: Les eglises et les monasteres, 2nd ed., (Paris: 1969) [C4-15.] Holt, E.G., Written Sources of Art History Oikonomides, N., Les Listes de preseance byzantines des IXe et Xe siecles, (Paris: 1972) Photius, Bibliotheca (Myriobiblion), ed. & trans. R. Henry, (Paris: Bude, 1959-77); nos. 1-165 trans. by J.H. Freese, The Library of Photius, (London: 1920) [C9-10.] B Church Liturgy The Festal Menaion, trans. Mother Mary & K. Ware, (London: 1969) Lenten Trioden, trans. Mother Mary & K. Ware, (London & Boston: 1978) The Liturgy of the Orthodox Church, Greek text and Eng. trans. Athenagoras Kokkinos, (London & Oxford: 1979) C Western Sources Gilles, Pierre (Petrus Gyllus), The Antiquites of Constaninople, (1550, trans. 1729) Liutprand of Cremona, De legatione constantinopolitana, trans. E.A. Wright, (London: 1930) Villardoun, Geoffrey, The Fourth Crusade III BYZANTINE ART - SITE REPORTS Alpatov, M., "Eine Reise nach Konstantinopel, Nicaa und Trapezunt", Repertorium Fur Kunstwissenschaft (1928) Alpatov, M., "Les Reliefs de Sainte Sophie de Trebizond", Byzantion 4 (19 ), pp. 407 ff. Kalokyris, K., The Byzantine Wall Paintings of Crete Mango, Cyril & E.J. Hawkins, "The Hermitage of St. Neophytos and its Wall Paintings", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 20 (1966), pp. 121-206 [+DF531.D6] [C12.] Rice, David Talbot, in Journal of the Hellenic Society 3 (1932), pp. 47 ff. Rice, David Talbot, "Notes on Some Religious Buildings in the City and Vilayet of Trebizond", Byzantion 5 (19 ), pp. 50 ff. Rice, David Talbot, "The Cathedral of Trebizond", Illustrated London News (11th Oct. 1958) Weitzmann, K., The Monastery of St. Catherines at Mout Sinai: The Icons, Vol. 1 IV SECONDARY WORKS - BYZANTINE ART A General Baynes, N. and H. Moss, Byzantium: an Introduction to East Roman Civilisation, (London: Oxford UP, 1948) Beckwith, J., The Art of Constantinople, (London: 1968) Beckwith, J., Early Christian and Byzantine Art, (London: 1970) Brehier, L., Les Institutions de l'Empire Byzantin, (Paris: Albin Michel, 1948) Brehier, L., Vie et mort de Byzance, (Paris: Albin Michel, 1949) Brehier, L., La civilisation byzantine, (Paris: Albin Michel, 1950) Browning, Robert, Justinian and Theodora, (London: Wiedenfield & Nicolson, 1971) Byron, R., The Byzantine Achivement, (London: Routledge, 1928) Dalton, O.M., Byzantine Art and Archeology, (London: Constable, 1961) Demus, O., Byzantine Mosaic Decoration Grabar, André, Byzantine Painting, (London: Skira, 1952) Haussig, H.W., Kulur Geschichte von Byzanz, (Stuttgart: Alfred, Kröner, 1959), trans, as A History of Byzantine Civilisation Hunger, H., "Mimesis", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 23/24 (1969-70), pp. 17-38 Kitzinger, E., The Art of Byzantinium and the Medieval West Kitzinger, E., "Byzantine Art in the Period between Justinian and Iconclasm", Akten des X. Congress Internationalen Byzantinstik (Munich: 1958), IV.i. Maclagan, M., The City of Constantinople, (London: Thames & Hudson, 1968) Mango. Cyril, The Art of the Byzantine Empire Mathew, G., Byzantine Aesthetics Runciman, Steven, Byzantine Civilisation, (London: Edward Arnold, 1933, repr. since) Runciman, Steven, The Last Byzantine Renaissance, (London: ) Runciman, Steven, Mistra, Byzantine Capital of the Peloponnese, (London: Thames and Hudson, 1980) Sherrard, P., Constantinople: Iconography of a Sacred City, (London: 1965) Talbot-Rice, David, The Byzantines, (London: Thames & Hudson, 1962) Talbot-Rice, David, The Art of the Byzantine Era, (London: Thames & Hudson, 1963) Talbot-Rice, David, Byzantine Painting: The Last Phase, (New York: 1968) Talbot-Rice, Tamara, Everyday Life in Byzantium, (London: B.T. Batsford, 1967; repr. New York: Dorset Press, 1987) [Not very good. Useful line drawings.] Weitzmann, K., Studies in Classical and Byzantine Manuscipt Illumination, (Chicago & London: 1971) B Origins of Byzantine Art Grabar, A., Christian Iconography Jenkins, R.J.H., "The Hellenistic Heritage in Byzantine Art", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 17 (1963), pp. 37-52 Kitzinger, E., Byzantine Art in the Making Mango, Cyril, "Antique Statuary and the Byzantine Beholder", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 17 (1963), pp. 53-75 Weitzmann, K., "Survival of Mythological Representations", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 14 (1960), pp. 45-68 C Icons Kitzinger, E., "The Cult of Images in the Age before Iconoclasm", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 8 (1954), pp. 83-150 Weitzmann, K., The Icon D Iconoclasm Alexander, P.J., The Patriarch Nicephorus Alexander, P.J., Religious and Political History and Thought in the Byzantine Empire, (London: Variorum, 19 ) Anastos, M.V., in Cambridge Medieval History, Vol IV The Byzantine Empire: Part I: Byzantium and Its Neighbours, ed. Joan M. Hussey, (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1966. 1967), pp. 61-104 Anastos, M.V., Studies in Byzantine Intellectual History Campenhausen, H., von, Tradition and Life in the Church, pp. 171-200 Barnard, L.W., Byzantion 43 (1973), pp 13-39 Barnard, L.W., The Graeco-Roman and Oriental Background of the Iconoclastic Controversy Baynes, Norman H., Byzantine Studies and Other Essays, (19 ), pp 226- 239 Brehier, L., La Querelle des Images Brock, S., "Iconoclasm and the Monophysites", in A. Bryer & J. Herrin, eds., Iconoclasm, (Birmingham: 1977) Brown, Peter, "A Dark Age Crisis", English Historical Review 88 (1973), pp 1-34 [Review of this article in Byzantion (1974)] Bryer, A. & J. Herrin, eds., Iconoclasm, (Birmingham: 1977) Every. George, The Byzantine Patriarchate Florovsky, George, "Origen, Eusebius and the Iconoclast Controversy", Church History 19:2 (1956) Gardner, A., Theodore of Studium Gero. S., "The Eucharistic Doctrine of the Byzantine Iconoclasts and its Sources", Byzantinische Zeitschrift 68 (1975), pp. 4-22 Gero. S., Byzantine Iconoclasm during the reign of Leo III Gero. S., Byzantine Iconoclasm during the reign of Constantine V Grabar, A., L'iconoclasme byzantin: Dossier archeologique Grabar, O., "Islam and Iconoclasm", in A. Bryer & J. Herrin, eds., Iconoclasm, (Birmingham: 1977) Gouillard, J., "Le synodikon et sa doctrine des images", Travaux et Memoires 2 (1967), pp. 169-182 Grunebaum, G.E. von, History of Religion 2 (1962), pp 1-10 Head, Constance, Justinian II Huxley, G.L., "Hagiography and the First Byzantine Iconoclasm", Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 80, C (1980), pp. 187-196 Ladner, Gerhard, "Origin and Significance of the Iconoclastic Controversy", Medieval Studies 2 (1940), pp 127-149 Ladner, Gerhard, "The Concept of the Image in the Greek Fathers and the Byzantine Iconoclastic Controversy", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 7 (1953), pp. 1-34 Laurent, V., "L'oeuvre canonique du concile in Trullo 691-692", Revue des etudes byzantines 23 (1965), pp. 7-41 Mango, Cyril, "Historical Introduction", in A. Bryer & J. Herrin, eds., Iconoclasm, (Birmingham: 1977) Martin. E.J., History of the Iconoclastic Controversy Meyendorff, John, Byzantine Theology, pp. 41-53 Ostrogorsky, George, Studien zur Geschichte des Byzantinischen Bilderstreites Pelikan, Jaroslave, The Spirit of Eastern Christendom, History of Christian Doctrine, ( :19 ), pp. 91-145 Sharf, A., " The Jews, the Montanists and the Emperor Leo III", Byzantinische Zeitschrift 59 (1966), pp 37-46 Sevcenko, I., "Hagiography of the Iconoclast World", in A. Bryer & J. Herrin, eds., Iconoclasm, (Birmingham: 1977) E The Emperor and Art in Byzantium Grabar, Andre, L'empereur dans l'art byzantine, (London: Variorum, 1970) Gavrilovic, Zaga, "The Cosmic Symbolism of the Cross and the Emperor in Ptochoprodromos Poem IV", Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 10 (1986), pp. 1-40 [C12.] F Byzantine Art and Islamic Art Ahrweiler, Helene, "L'Asie Mineure at les invasions arabs", Revue historique 227 (1962), pp. 1-32 Ahrweiler, Helene, Byzance et la mer Arnold, T.W., Painting in Islam Barnard, L.W., "Byzantium and Islam: The Interaction of Two Worlds in the Iconoclastic Era", Byzantinoslavica 36 (1975), pp. 25-37 Breyer, L., Bilderstreit und Araberstrum im Byzanz Canard, M., "Les relations politiques et socials entre Byzance et les Arabes", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 18 (1964), pp. 33-56 Creswell, K.A.C., "The Lawfulness of Painting in Early Islam", Ars Islamica 11/12 (1946) Dodd, E., The Image of the Word 2 vols. Dodd, E., "The Image of the Word", Berytus 18 (1969), pp. 35-61 Ettinghausen. R., Arab Painting Gibb, H.A.R., "Arab-Byzantine Relations under the Ummayad Caliphate", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 12 (1958), pp. 219-233 Grabar, O., "Islamic Art and Byzantium" , Dumbarton Oaks Papers 18 (1964), pp. 67-88 Grabar, O., The Formation of Islamic Art Grabar, O., "The Umayyad Dome of the Rock", Ars Orientalis 3 (1957), pp. 33-62 Grierson, Philip, "The Monetary Reforms of `Abd al-Malik", Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient 3 (1960), pp. 241-264 Grunebaum, G.E. von, Classical Islam Grunebaum, G.E. von, Islam and Medieval Hellenism Grunebaum, G.E. von, "The Sources of Islamic Civilisation", Der Islam 46 (1970), pp. 1-54 Hodgson, Marshall, "Islam and Image", History of Religion 3 (1964), pp. 220-260 Jeffrey, A., "Ghevond's Text of the Correspondence between Omar II and Leo III", Harvard Theological Review 37 (1944) Marcais. G., "Le question des images dans l'art musulman", Byzantion 7 (1932), pp. 161-183 Meyendorff, John, "Byzantine Views of Islam", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 18 (1964), pp. 115-132 Sahas, D.J., John of Damascus on Islam Vasiliev, Alexander A., "The Iconoclastic Edict of Caliph Yazid II. A.D. 721", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 9/10 (1956), pp. 23-47 G Byzantium and Western Art Kitzinger, E., The Art of Byzantinium and the Medieval West VI BYZANTINE ARCHITECTURE - SITE REPORTS Foss, C., "Late Antique and Byzantine Ankara", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 31 (1977), pp 1-25 Foss, C., Byzantine and Turkish Sardis Foss, C., Ephesus after Antiquity Kinross, Lord Patrick, Haghia Sophia Lethaby, W.R. and H. Swainson, The Church of Sancta Sophia Mathews, Thomas F., The Early Churches of Constantinople Millingen, Alexander van, The Walls of Constantinople Millingen, Alexander van, Byzantine Churches in Istanbul; Their History and Architecture Rodley, Lyn, Cave Monasteries of Byzantine Cappodocia, (New York: Cambridge UP, 1985) {Rev. Timothy E. Gregory, AHR 94:2, p. 425-426} Segal, J.B., Edessa: The Blessed City Swift, E.H., Haghia Sophia Talbot-Rice, David, in Journal of the Hellenic Society 3 (1932), pp. 47 ff. Talbot-Rice, David, "Notes on Some Religious Buildings in the City and Vilayet of Trebizond", Byzantion 5 (19 ), pp. 50 ff. Talbot-Rice, David, "The Cathedral of Trebizond", Illustrated London News (11th Oct. 1958) VII BYZANTINE ARCHITECTURE - SECONDARY WORKS Hamilton, J.A., Byzantine Architecture and Decoration, (London: B.T. Batsford, 1956) Hoddinott, R.F., Early Byzantine Churches in Macedonia and Southern Serbia Krautheimer, R., Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture, (London: 1965) Mango, Cyril, Byzantine Architecture: The Brazen House Whitby, Michael, "The Long Walls of Constantinople", Byzantion, 55:2 (1985), pp. 560-583 VIII BYZANTINE ARCHEOLOGY - SITE REPORTS Bryer, Anthony M. & David Winfield, The Byzantine Monuments and Topography of the Pontos, 2 vols., Dumbarton Oaks Studies 20, (Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1985) IX BYZANTINE ARCHEOLOGY - SECONDARY WORKS Dalton, O.M., Byzantine Art and Archeology, (London: Constable, 1961) Guilland, R., Etudes de topographie de Constantinople byzantine 2 vols., (Berlin & Amsterdam: 1969) X. ADDENDA - OTTOMAN ART AND ARCHITECTURE Aslanapa, Oktay, Turkish Art and Architecture Davis, Fanny, The Palace of Topkapi in Istanbul Ettinghausen, Richard, Turkey: The Ancient Miniatures Freely, John, Istanbul, Blue Guide, (London: Ernest Benn; New York: W.W. Norton: 1983) [Maps, plans and pictures of many monuments in Constantinople.] Goodwin, Godfrey, A History of Ottoman Architecture Kuran, Aptullah, The Mosque in Early Ottoman Architecture Lane, A., Early Islamic Pottery Lane, A., Later Islamic Pottery Miller, Barnette, Beyond the Sublime Porte Miller, Barnette, The Palace School of Mohammed the Conqueror Penzer, N.M., The Harem XI MODERN GUIDEBOOKS TO BYZANTINE MONUMENTS Cameron, Pat, Crete, Blue Guide, (London: Ernest Benn; New York: W.W. Norton: 1986) [Maps, plans and pictures of many monuments in Crete.] Freely, John, Istanbul, Blue Guide, (London: Ernest Benn; New York: W.W. Norton: 1983) [Maps, plans and pictures of many monuments in Constantinople.] Mamboury, Ernest, The Tourist's Istanbul Senturk, Cevat, Trebizond, (Istanbul: Arofis Matbaassi, 1975) [Usefully illustrated guidebook.] Sumner-Boyd, Hilary and John Freely, Strolling through Istanbul: A Brief Guide to the City
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