Papers by zinaida chemodurova
The Affective Turn in Metamodernist Fiction and "New Sincerity", 2024
The aim of the article is to analyze pragmatic strategies and mechanisms to enhance narrative
emp... more The aim of the article is to analyze pragmatic strategies and mechanisms to enhance narrative
empathy, the key notion of metamodernist fiction that distinguishes it from postmodernist and modernist literary
texts. The article postulates foregrounding of emotivity markers in metamodernist texts as a linguistic manifestation
of the cultural logic of “new sincerity” in the contemporary fiction that is characterized by the lack of an explicit
ludic modality of postmodernist fiction and by stressing means of producing emotional resonance on the part of
the reader and their active perspective-taking. The article makes an original contribution to cognitive stylistics,
multimodal studies and narratology by hypothesizing polyphony of narrative “voices”, second-person narrative
and visual foregrounding as effective pragmalinguistic tools of triggering emotive and cognitive empathy that
increases reader’s immersion in metamodernist fictional worlds. Using the novels by M. Porter and J. Egan, the
short stories by J.S. Foer and D. Eggers as its case studies, the article proves the relevance of viewing the “new
sincerity” concept as a driving force behind the authorial empathy towards fictional characters, which enhances
emotionogenic potential of metamodernist fiction and contributes to reader’s engagement with modeled emotive
situations. The findings of the research testify to the importance of further research into “new sincerity” and
potential mechanisms of inducing reader’s empathy which is justly considered a powerful instrument for promoting
social interaction, helping readers of all ages to inhibit aggression and develop understanding of others’ motives,
emotions and desires
Известия Российского государственного педагогического университета им. А.И. Герцена, 2023
The article deals with the lexical content of the slot “Game” as an integral part of the
concep... more The article deals with the lexical content of the slot “Game” as an integral part of the
concept sphere of Russian and English children’s detective stories. The findings testify to the widespread use of allusions to classic detective stories in the characters’ names and detective methods, as well as the use of dramatizations and dress-up by the characters. These are universal mechanisms that account for numerous language transformations. The article also demonstrates the frequent use of lexis with the semantics of mystery to describe the young detectives’ ludic “secret” activities.
Вопросы когнитивной лингвистики, 2023
Статья предлагает рассматривать моделируемые в транскультуральных художественных текстах авторами... more Статья предлагает рассматривать моделируемые в транскультуральных художественных текстах авторами-билингвами символы как особые художественные образы-транскультурные символы-синергетически репрезентирующие идеи и понятия как минимум двух культур и отражающие уникальную транслингвальную/транскультурную авторскую модальность. Целью статьи является выявление роли транскультурных символов в создании транскультуральных художественных текстов, а также их значения для усиления когнитивной деятельности читателей. В исследовании доказана гипотеза о том, что символ в транскультуральном художественном тексте представляет собой результат авторской рефлексии над сложнейшими механизмами «семиотической конденсации», отражающими память разных культур и творчески преобразующимися в смысловой структуре создаваемого текста, и способствует сюжетодвижению, усилению игровой модальности, экспрессивности и эмотивности таких текстов. Ключевые слова: транскультуральный художественный текст, транскультурный символ, транслингвальная авторская модальность, транскультурная рефлексия, транскультурная компетенция/ Для цитирования: Чемодурова З.М Символизм транскультурального художественного текста как механизм усиления когнитивной активности читателей // Вопросы когнитивной лингвистики. 2023. № 2. С. 24-37.
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 2. Jazykoznanije, 2022
Using Dan Brown's Wild Symphony, Craig Silvey's The Amber Amulet, and Jon McGregor's In Winter th... more Using Dan Brown's Wild Symphony, Craig Silvey's The Amber Amulet, and Jon McGregor's In Winter the Sky as its case studies, this article attempts to explore a number of mechanisms and strategies contributing to the multimodal fiction construction and posing challenges for modern readers of all ages. The article proposes to examine multimodal resonance as a cognitive mechanism enhancing the emotional impact of multimodal stories on recipients and triggering the receptive mechanism of narrative empathy. Various semiotic resources, both free resources, such as photos, maps, and illustrations, and bound ones, including font types and typographical experiments, are analyzed from the standpoint of their role in fictional world creation. The article makes an original contribution to the Multimodal Stylistics Studies by hypothesizing the relevance of identifying two distinctive mechanisms of foregrounding: visual foregrounding as a range of formal ways to construct a multimodal ...
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 2. Jazykoznanije
The current paper investigates the mechanism of attentional convergence viewed as a type of forma... more The current paper investigates the mechanism of attentional convergence viewed as a type of formal text organization which is based on the convergent potential of several types of foregrounding and is used by writers to stimulate cognitive activities of their readers. The article offers the analysis of the "attentional effects" produced by the combinatorial use of the false expectancy mechanism, coupling, convergence of stylistic devices, salient textual positions of the ultimate narrative beginning and ending, intertextual markers. The hypothesis formulated in the article suggests that the effect of the attentional convergence might be responsible for causing cognitive dissonance as an inherent component of the interpretational programmes modern writers devise for their readers. The article describes the effect caused by the attentional convergence on the readers of short stories created by renowned English-Language female authors, such as J. Briscoe, T. Chevalier, E. Fre...
The article addresses the problem of thematic and stylistic peculiarities of Nabokov’s novel focu... more The article addresses the problem of thematic and stylistic peculiarities of Nabokov’s novel focusing on its playful aspects. The article explores the mechanism of "the author’s mask” which can account for some specific features of the temporal organization of the text and contributes to modeling "the bispatial” structure of the fictional universe of the novel.
Language Studies and Modern Humanities
Visual Foregrounding in Contemporary Fiction, 2021
This paper proposes a hypothesis according to which visual foregrounding is viewed as a formal fe... more This paper proposes a hypothesis according to which visual foregrounding is viewed as a formal feature of modern texts focusing readers' attention on various unbound semiotic resourses (such as drawings, maps, photographs) contributing to the transmodal meaning-making process and performing a range of functions in the narrative. The findings of the research presented in the article prove that the strategy of visual foregrounding contributes to enhancing ludic modality of fictional texts, their emotional potential, particularly narrative empathy, сonveying their heightened expressivity. Multimodal resonance is believed to be the cognitive mechanism ensuring the integrative function that visual foregrounding performs in the literary text. Visual images are considered to be visual props engaging readers in games of make-believe and, thus, intensifying their mental world construction process.
Studia Linguistica XXIX, 2020
The objective of the article is to analyze the role of intertextuality in constructing “short sho... more The objective of the article is to analyze the role of intertextuality in constructing “short short stories”, or microfictions, which have gained popularity with the onset of the Digital Age. Intertextual markers used by the authors of such microstories are viewed in the article as one of the mechanisms of foregrounding enhancing the expressivity of the stories, their emotional impact, and ludic potential.
This paper addresses the issue of representing the concept CHILDHOOD in postmodernist autobiograp... more This paper addresses the issue of representing the concept CHILDHOOD in postmodernist autobiographical narrative based on literary works by P. Auster, C. Brooke-Rose, J. Coetzee and V. Nabokov. The first part of the article presents the conclusions drawn on the basis of the data collected over the course of etymological and corpus analyses of the concept as well as a survey among native speakers of the English language. The second part of the article offers the textual analysis aimed at identifying additional characteristics of the concept CHILDHOOD represented extensively in postmodernist autobiographies. The findings reveal that the results of both parts of the study intersect at some point and prove the validity of a multi-dimensional procedure involved in the examination of the concept. The results of the undertaken research are also relevant to further exploring the dominant cogni-tive sphere of the autobiographical narrative which, apart from the analyzed concept of childhood, is constituted by the concepts MEMORY and TIME.
The current paper investigates the mechanism of attentional convergence viewed as a type of forma... more The current paper investigates the mechanism of attentional convergence viewed as a type of formal text organization which is based on the convergent potential of several types of foregrounding and is used by writers to stimulate cognitive activities of their readers. The article offers the analysis of the "attentional effects" produced by the combinatorial use of the false expectancy mechanism, coupling, convergence of stylistic devices, salient textual positions of the ultimate narrative beginning and ending, intertextual markers. The hypothesis formulated in the article suggests that the effect of the attentional convergence might be responsible for causing cognitive dissonance as an inherent component of the interpretational programmes modern writers devise for their readers. The article describes the effect caused by the attentional convergence on the readers of short stories created by renowned English-Language female authors, such as J. Briscoe, T. Chevalier, E. Freud, T. Hadley, S. Hill, S. Vickers, to name just a few of the 21 writers, who contributed to the collection entitled "Reader, I Married Him" inspired by "Jane Eyre" and Charlotte Bronte's bicentenary. The analysis carried out in the article focuses on the linguocultural features of gender constructing, undertaken in these modern stories and reflecting diverse attitudes of modern female authors to the issues of gender stereotypes, gender roles, gender motivated patterns of behaviour. The findings presented in the article prove the relevance of a further investigation of various attention focusing mechanisms enhancing the expressiveness of the literary texts and increasing their pragmatic effect on readers.
The analysis of the most common mechanisms of pragmatic focusing used by modern English-speaking ... more The analysis of the most common mechanisms of pragmatic focusing used by modern English-speaking authors in the reinterpretation of canonical, “roving” plots is proposed. Particular attention is paid to the context as one of the types of Foregrounding possessing ontological salience and realizing text-forming, expressive, evaluative, LUDIC functions. A comparative structural, compositional, and linguistic-stylistic analysis of eight literary texts intertextually correlated with the classic story of the Blue Beard made it possible to identify such methods of attention distribution in the TEXTS modeled by A. Carter, D. Bartelmi, J. Updike, J. K. Oates, S. King, M. Atwood, W. Vernon, and F. Block as a LUDIC mode of formulating narratives, changing narrative perspectives, introducing “text within the text”, metafictional commentary. Along with focusing mechanisms, the article also pays attention to the defocusing of some traditional narrative elements, which is believed to be an integral part of the interpretation program of the literary texts under consideration. The authors of numerous versions of the story about Bluebeard, foregrounding various language “games of focus”, highlight the creative transformations of archetypal images and cross-cutting motives that reflect gender, socioeconomic, cultural changes in modern society.
Cognitive Dissonance as a Component of the Interpretational Programme of Postmodernist Fiction, 2019
Российский государственный педагогический университет имени А.И. Герцена (Санкт-Петербург, Россия... more Российский государственный педагогический университет имени А.И. Герцена (Санкт-Петербург, Россия) Целью статьи является анализ феномена когнитивного диссонанса, рассматриваемого в исследовании как неотъемлемый компонент интерпретационной программы постмодернист-ских художественных текстов, представляющих собой метафикциональные повествования. Ак-туальность статьи обусловлена выявлением основных механизмов и приемов построения по-стмодернистского повествования, ведущих к возникновению когнитивного диссонанса, прежде всего стратегии двойного кодирования, механизма маски автора-творца, приема моделирования обширного топоса экстрадиегетического адресата. Ключевые слова: когнитивный диссонанс, интерпретационная программа, метафикциональное повествование, эксплицитная игровая модальность, стратегия двойного кодирования, ирония. Для цитирования: Чемодурова З.М. Когнитивный диссонанс как компонент интерпретационной программы постмодернист-ского художественного текста // Вопросы когнитивной лингвистики. 2019. № 2. С. 55-64.
The paper deals with the challenges in teaching the course in Postmodernist fiction and focuses o... more The paper deals with the challenges in teaching the course in Postmodernist fiction and focuses on some cognitive, pragmatic, stylistic strategies used by many postmodern authors to construct their complex fictional universes. A special attention is paid to the narrative mode known as Metafiction and the diverse use of playfulness in self-conscious literary works. The " play/game concept is analysed in its reference to constructing and receiving fictional texts.
The article addresses the issue of cognitive mechanisms of focusing and defocusing in Metafictio... more The article addresses the issue of cognitive mechanisms of focusing and defocusing in Metafiction viewed as one of the postmodernist narrative models. The analyzed mechanism of the “ludic authorial mask” causes the redistribution of attention in Metafiction foregrounding the fictional world modelling as the pragmatic focus of the narration.
KEY-WORDS: focusing, defocusing, Metafiction, self-disclosing narrative, authorial mask.
The article examines a narrative model of metafiction used by many postmodernist authors. The con... more The article examines a narrative model of metafiction used by many postmodernist authors. The constitutive factor of metafiction is believed to be the reflexive play of many postmodernist writers which determines a construction of the playful “narratee’s topos” as a result of postmodern writers’ reflection on the problems of fiction/reality correlation and the role of modern readers in literary text interpretation.
The article analyzes some structural and compositional features of postmodernist fictional texts ... more The article analyzes some structural and compositional features of postmodernist fictional texts and singles out several regularities related to the endings of such texts. The ludic potential of the endings ensuring a more active involvement of the readers in “make-believe games” is in the focus of the author's attention. Reflexive play of postmodernist authors, carried out in Metafiction, can often account for the endings foregrounding the copmpletion of the make-believe act. Combinatory authorial play stipulates the creation of contradictory and indefinite fictional worlds and leads to the narrative fragmentation and incompleteness of postmodernist literary texts.
The article views the literary text as interdiscourse and examines mechanisms of discourse intera... more The article views the literary text as interdiscourse and examines mechanisms of discourse interaction represented in postmodern texts. The article focuses on the strategy of simulated discourse change which determines a number of properties inherent in postmodern literary texts.
Books by zinaida chemodurova
Художественный текст: формулы смысла : коллективная монография , 2022
The chapter in the book addresses the challenge of characterizing some features of multimodal fic... more The chapter in the book addresses the challenge of characterizing some features of multimodal fiction. It offers the analysis of the functions performed by "multimodal clusters" in contemporary fiction and focuses on cognitive mechanisms and stylistic traits most salient in the literary experiments of the 21 century
Voices of Creativity and Reason in English Language Teaching, 2021
the aim of this paper is to explore the phenomenon of intertextuality in postmodernist fiction. I... more the aim of this paper is to explore the phenomenon of intertextuality in postmodernist fiction. I focus mostly on the ludic aspects of this constituent text property and distinguish several types of intertextual games in postmodernist literary texts, such as metafictional games, revisionist games, games involving characters of transworld identity. They are viewed in this paper as narrrative techniques foregrounding ludic modality of postmodernist fiction and intensifying the readers' cognitive activity.
Papers by zinaida chemodurova
empathy, the key notion of metamodernist fiction that distinguishes it from postmodernist and modernist literary
texts. The article postulates foregrounding of emotivity markers in metamodernist texts as a linguistic manifestation
of the cultural logic of “new sincerity” in the contemporary fiction that is characterized by the lack of an explicit
ludic modality of postmodernist fiction and by stressing means of producing emotional resonance on the part of
the reader and their active perspective-taking. The article makes an original contribution to cognitive stylistics,
multimodal studies and narratology by hypothesizing polyphony of narrative “voices”, second-person narrative
and visual foregrounding as effective pragmalinguistic tools of triggering emotive and cognitive empathy that
increases reader’s immersion in metamodernist fictional worlds. Using the novels by M. Porter and J. Egan, the
short stories by J.S. Foer and D. Eggers as its case studies, the article proves the relevance of viewing the “new
sincerity” concept as a driving force behind the authorial empathy towards fictional characters, which enhances
emotionogenic potential of metamodernist fiction and contributes to reader’s engagement with modeled emotive
situations. The findings of the research testify to the importance of further research into “new sincerity” and
potential mechanisms of inducing reader’s empathy which is justly considered a powerful instrument for promoting
social interaction, helping readers of all ages to inhibit aggression and develop understanding of others’ motives,
emotions and desires
concept sphere of Russian and English children’s detective stories. The findings testify to the widespread use of allusions to classic detective stories in the characters’ names and detective methods, as well as the use of dramatizations and dress-up by the characters. These are universal mechanisms that account for numerous language transformations. The article also demonstrates the frequent use of lexis with the semantics of mystery to describe the young detectives’ ludic “secret” activities.
KEY-WORDS: focusing, defocusing, Metafiction, self-disclosing narrative, authorial mask.
Books by zinaida chemodurova
empathy, the key notion of metamodernist fiction that distinguishes it from postmodernist and modernist literary
texts. The article postulates foregrounding of emotivity markers in metamodernist texts as a linguistic manifestation
of the cultural logic of “new sincerity” in the contemporary fiction that is characterized by the lack of an explicit
ludic modality of postmodernist fiction and by stressing means of producing emotional resonance on the part of
the reader and their active perspective-taking. The article makes an original contribution to cognitive stylistics,
multimodal studies and narratology by hypothesizing polyphony of narrative “voices”, second-person narrative
and visual foregrounding as effective pragmalinguistic tools of triggering emotive and cognitive empathy that
increases reader’s immersion in metamodernist fictional worlds. Using the novels by M. Porter and J. Egan, the
short stories by J.S. Foer and D. Eggers as its case studies, the article proves the relevance of viewing the “new
sincerity” concept as a driving force behind the authorial empathy towards fictional characters, which enhances
emotionogenic potential of metamodernist fiction and contributes to reader’s engagement with modeled emotive
situations. The findings of the research testify to the importance of further research into “new sincerity” and
potential mechanisms of inducing reader’s empathy which is justly considered a powerful instrument for promoting
social interaction, helping readers of all ages to inhibit aggression and develop understanding of others’ motives,
emotions and desires
concept sphere of Russian and English children’s detective stories. The findings testify to the widespread use of allusions to classic detective stories in the characters’ names and detective methods, as well as the use of dramatizations and dress-up by the characters. These are universal mechanisms that account for numerous language transformations. The article also demonstrates the frequent use of lexis with the semantics of mystery to describe the young detectives’ ludic “secret” activities.
KEY-WORDS: focusing, defocusing, Metafiction, self-disclosing narrative, authorial mask.