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20021108: AWIPS 220 grid
- Subject: 20021108: AWIPS 220 grid
- Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 15:48:57 -0700
After looking at the gbpolr.c code, and the OESA88 KWBM product,
I believe that:
1) The OESA88 KWBM product is being created with the wrong
I & J scanning direction flags in byte 28 of the GDS.
As seen in the NOAAPORT data stream, byte 28 is:
64 = 01000000
which in table 8 of the WMO388 grim manual provides
that the I scanning mode=0 is the +i direction,
and the J scanning mode=1 is the +j direction.
I believe that this should be:
128 = 10000000
2) In order to make the grid decode corectly in dcgrib2 or
nagrib (using cpyfil=gds), I was able to hack the gbpolr.c code
to flip the sense of the I and J scanning mode flags when the
projection plane is the south pole. I don't beleive that this
is the correct approach...and would have advese consequences
if any other S. Hemisphere polar stereographic grids exist
(grid #28 comes to mind as a touchstone, but I don't know
if any of these grids are around).
I will provide you with an attatchment of gbpolr.c that has a hemflag
check and flips the sense of I and J direction for the southern hemisphere.
You can try this at your own discretion. You should see that the OESA88 KWBM
grid is correctly plotted at this point....but no guarantees as to how long
this product will exist in this manner.
I would like to get someone at NCEP to comment of the creation of the AWIPS grid
#220. Since AWIPS generally hard codes the bounds in the software rather than
reading the values from the actual data products, they may not have encountered
the problem. If we can clarify the Byte 28 settings before committing to
code changes, it would be better in the long run.
Steve Chiswell
#include "gbcmn.h"
void gb_polr ( unsigned char *ptarray )
* gb_polr *
* *
* This routine will get the GDS information for a Polar Stereographic *
* grid. All of the information is put into the data structure for *
* the GDS. *
* *
* gb_polr ( ptarray ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *ptarray unsigned char Data buffer *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Chou/EAI 02/93 *
* S. Jacobs/EAI 10/93 Copied from GBUTIL *
* S. Jacobs/EAI 1/94 Clean up; Rename variables *
* L. Williams/EAI 7/94 Reformat header *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 2/96 Cleanup GBDIAGs and comments *
* S. Jacobs/NCEP 12/00 Added prototypes *
* S. Chiswell/Unidata 11/02 Apparanet problem with Awips grid 220 *
* i/j scanning direction for S. Hemisphere*
* appears to be against convention *
int Dx, Dy, flag1, flag2, mode, Nx, Ny, La1, Lo1, LoV, dummy, indx;
int hemflag;
double loncnt, lat1, lon1, rtemp, X1, X2, Y1, Y2,
TDx, TDy, Xll, Xur, Yll, Yur;
* BYTES 7-8
* Nx - number of points along X-axis
indx = 6;
Nx = gb_btoi(ptarray, indx, 2, FALSE );
* BYTES 9-10
* Ny - number of points along Y-axis
indx = 8;
Ny = gb_btoi(ptarray, indx, 2, FALSE );
* BYTES 11-13
* La1 - latitude of first grid point
indx = 10;
La1 = gb_btoi(ptarray, indx, 3, TRUE );
lat1 = ( La1 / 1000.0 ) * DEG_TO_RAD;
* BYTES 14-16
* Lo1 - longitude of first grid point
indx = 13;
Lo1 = gb_btoi(ptarray, indx, 3, TRUE );
lon1 = ( Lo1 / 1000.0 ) * DEG_TO_RAD;
* BYTE 17
* Resolution and component flags
indx = 16;
flag1 = gb_btoi(ptarray, indx, 1, FALSE );
* BYTES 18-20
* Lov - orientation of the grid (center longitude)
indx = 17;
LoV = gb_btoi(ptarray, indx, 3, TRUE );
loncnt = ( LoV / 1000.00 ) * DEG_TO_RAD;
* BYTES 21-23
* Dx - X-direction grid length
indx = 20;
Dx = gb_btoi(ptarray, indx, 3, TRUE );
* BYTES 24-26
* Dy - Y-dirction grid length
indx = 23;
Dy = gb_btoi(ptarray, indx, 3, TRUE );
* BYTE 27
* Projection center flag [0=NP, 1=SP]
indx = 26;
flag2 = gb_btoi(ptarray, indx, 1, FALSE );
* BYTE 28
* Scanning mode
indx = 27;
mode = gb_btoi(ptarray, indx, 1, FALSE );
* BYTES 29-32
* Reserved - set to zero
indx = 28;
dummy = gb_btoi(ptarray, indx, 4, FALSE );
* Compute the linear coordinates of the first point.
if ( flag2 == 0 ) {
* Northern Hemisphere
X1 = RADIUS * tan ( PI4TH - lat1/2 ) * sin ( lon1-loncnt );
Y1 = -RADIUS * tan ( PI4TH - lat1/2 ) * cos ( lon1-loncnt );
hemflag = 1;
else {
* Southern Hemisphere
X1 = RADIUS * tan ( PI4TH + lat1/2 ) * sin ( lon1-loncnt );
Y1 = RADIUS * tan ( PI4TH + lat1/2 ) * cos ( lon1-loncnt );
hemflag = -1;
* Compute the grid spacing
TDx = Dx / ( 1 + sin ( PI3RD ) );
TDy = Dy / ( 1 + sin ( PI3RD ) );
* Compute the linear coordinates of the second point.
* Check the scanning mode to determine +/- grid spacing.
if ( ( mode >> 7 ) == 1 )
X2 = X1 + ( Nx - 1 ) * ( -TDx ) * hemflag;
X2 = X1 + ( Nx - 1 ) * TDx * hemflag;
if ( ( ( mode >> 6 ) & 1 ) == 1 )
Y2 = Y1 + ( Ny - 1 ) * TDy * hemflag;
Y2 = Y1 + ( Ny - 1 ) * ( -TDy ) * hemflag;
* Get the point coordinates paired as Lower Left and Upper Right.
Xll = G_MIN( X1, X2 );
Yll = G_MIN( Y1, Y2 );
Xur = G_MAX( X1, X2 );
Yur = G_MAX( Y1, Y2 );
* Compute the lat/lon of the first point.
if ( flag2 == 0 ) {
* Northern Hemisphere
gds.latll = ( HALFPI - 2 *
atan2 ( sqrt ( pow (Xll,2.0) + pow (Yll,2.0) ),
rtemp = loncnt + atan2 ( Xll, -Yll );
else {
* Southern Hemisphere
gds.latll = - ( HALFPI - 2 *
atan2 ( sqrt ( pow (Xll,2.0) + pow (Yll,2.0) ),
rtemp = loncnt + atan2 ( Xll, Yll );
if ( rtemp > PI )
gds.lonll = ( rtemp - TWOPI ) * RAD_TO_DEG;
else if ( rtemp < -PI )
gds.lonll = ( rtemp + TWOPI ) * RAD_TO_DEG;
gds.lonll = rtemp * RAD_TO_DEG;
* Compute the lat/lon of the second point.
if ( flag2 == 0 ) {
* Northern Hemisphere
gds.latur = ( HALFPI - 2 *
atan2 ( sqrt ( pow (Xur,2.0) + pow (Yur,2.0) ),
rtemp = loncnt + atan2 ( Xur, -Yur );
else {
* Southern Hemisphere
gds.latur = - ( HALFPI - 2 *
atan2 ( sqrt ( pow (Xur,2.0) + pow (Yur,2.0) ),
rtemp = loncnt + atan2 ( Xur, Yur );
if ( rtemp > PI )
gds.lonur = ( rtemp - TWOPI ) * RAD_TO_DEG;
else if ( rtemp < -PI )
gds.lonur = ( rtemp + TWOPI ) * RAD_TO_DEG;
gds.lonur = rtemp * RAD_TO_DEG;
* Set the proj angle information, the number of x,y points,
* and the coded flags.
if ( flag2 == 0 ) {
* North Pole
gds.angle1 = 90.0;
else {
* South Pole
gds.angle1 = -90.0;
gds.angle2 = (float) ( LoV / 1000.0 );
gds.angle3 = 0.0;
gds.kx = Nx;
gds.ky = Ny;
gds.flag1 = flag1;
gds.flag2 = flag2;
gds.scan_mode = mode;
if ( GBDIAG_GDS == TRUE ) {
printf ( " GDS bytes 7 - 8 (Nx) = %d\n", Nx );
printf ( " GDS bytes 9 - 10 (Ny) = %d\n", Ny );
printf ( " GDS bytes 11 - 13 (La1) = %d\n", La1 );
printf ( " GDS bytes 14 - 16 (Lo1) = %d\n", Lo1 );
printf ( " GDS byte 17 (flag1) = %d\n", flag1 );
printf ( " GDS bytes 18 - 20 (LoV) = %d\n", LoV );
printf ( " GDS bytes 21 - 23 (Dx) = %d\n", Dx );
printf ( " GDS bytes 24 - 26 (Dy) = %d\n", Dy );
printf ( " GDS byte 27 (flag2) = %d\n", flag2 );
printf ( " GDS byte 28 (scan_mode) = %d\n", mode );
printf ( " GDS bytes 29 - 32 (skipped)\n" );