Mike, I have attatched the catawba mapfile I converted from your shape file. The lat/lon file you have is fine. What you do want to avoid is files in UTM coordinates since ssfgsf knows nothing about that coordinate system. I had modified the output format in $GEMPAK/source/cgemlib/shp/shpwssfr.c line 64, eg: /*fprintf ( fpout, "%9.3f%9.3f%9.3f%9.3f",*/ fprintf ( fpout, "%11.5f%11.5f%11.5f%11.5f", for more precision in the lat/lon output for the street level files for 5 decimal places instead of 3. This format does not match that of the input FORMAT in ssfgsf.f. Thus, you would need to either revert my mod in the above cgemlib/shp routine, or update the ssfgsf.f routine (Instead, I believe that I'll provide a format independent read in ssfgsf.f in the next distribution). Steve Chiswell Unidata User Support >From address@hidden Thu Jul 8 06:12:47 2004 >Return-Path: <address@hidden> >Received: from mxsd04.duke-energy.com (mxsd04.duke-energy.com []) > by unidata.ucar.edu (UCAR/Unidata) with ESMTP id i68CCkaW027874 > for <address@hidden>; Thu, 8 Jul 2004 06:12:46 -0600 (MDT) >Organization: UCAR/Unidata >Keywords: 200407081212.i68CCkaW027874 >X-Abuse-complaints: abuse at duke-energy.com >X-Email-problems: postmaster at duke-energy.com >X-DNS-problems: hostmaster at duke-energy.com >Received: from mxmd02.duke-energy.com (mxmd02.duke-energy.com []) > by mxsd04.duke-energy.com (8.12.10+Sun/8.12.10) with SMTP id > i68CCevd002397 > for <address@hidden>; Thu, 8 Jul 2004 08:12:40 -0400 (EDT) >Received: from deinet01.duke-energy.com (deinet01.duke-energy.com >[]) by mxmd02.duke-energy.com with SMTP (MailShield v2.03 - >SOLARIS/SPARC Jun 27 2001 14:53:33); Thu, 08 Jul 2004 08:12:39 -0400 >Subject: Shapefile and Gempak Again. >To: address@hidden >X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 5.0.2a November 23, 1999 >Message-ID: <address@hidden> >From: Michael W Dross <address@hidden> >Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 08:12:36 -0400 >X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on DEINET01/DukePower(Release 6.5|September >26, 2003) at > 07/08/2004 08:12:39 AM >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Content-type: multipart/mixed; > >Steve, > >I hate to keep bothering you, but I have been trying for several weeks, >have had 3 different GIS people send me several different >types of shapefiles. They convert in WXP but when I try do the final >conversion to make a Gempak map the program >core dumps. I think it would be a benefit to the whole Gempak community if >we could document exactly what format >is needed. I am sure there are others that will have the need to create >there own custom maps. > >I am attaching the latest files from our GIS guys that's supposed to be >LAT/LON but still core dumps. Can you take >a few minutes and look into this and let me know what I need to tell the >GIS people in order to get the exact >format ssfgsf needs? > >Thanks in advance.... **************************************************************************** Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program 303 497 8643 P.O. Box 3000 address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidata WWW Service http://my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/support ****************************************************************************
Description: catawba