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20051005: 20051003: pqact template for GFS conduit data
- Subject: 20051005: 20051003: pqact template for GFS conduit data
- Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 15:10:59 -0600
The provided pqact.conf action for MT.gfs is correct for grid #2 and #3:
CONDUIT ST.opnl/MT.gfs
PIPE decoders/dcgrib2 -d data/gempak/logs/dcgrib2_CONDUITgfs.log
-e GEMTBL=/home/gempak/NAWIPS/gempak/tables
The program dcgrib2 will determine the maximum number of grids for the file
from the $GEMTBL/grid/gribkey.tbl (where GEMTBL above is specified for
your site location).
The -m flag is used when not using gribkey.tbl to determine the output file
What are your ldmd.conf request lines?
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User SUpport
>From: "John Hobbie" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200510051844.j95IiGG7000363
>Hi Steve --
>I looked up the pqact template that was on an old backup file and found,
>CONDUIT MT.(avn|gfs|mrf|ensg)
> PIPE decoders/dcgrib2 -m 22999 -d data/gempak/logs/dcgrib_nmc2.log
> -e GEMTBL=/home/gempak/NAWIPS/gempak/tables
>I wasn't sure about the -m option -- there seem to be two possible uses for
> it , maxtime and maxgrids -- but should that be increased in size, and if s
> o, by how much? And also should I use that version of the template?
>The other thing I discovered was that there is a difference in the dcrib_nmc2
> .log s in the two systems -- the older gempak/ldm on "newpsn.nsbf.nasa.gov" a
> nd the latest gempak/ldm on "psnldm.nsbf.nasa". The system with the older
> gempak version consistenly list 25619 files read and processed. The new syst
> em logs anywhere from 9164 to 11666 files.
>Also, the system with the older gempak/ldm versions gets the full forecast t
> ime run (180 hrs for GFS003 and out to 384 hours for GFS002) but the box wit
> h the new gempak/ldm version rarely gets past 90 hours and doesn't generate
> GFS002.
>Could this be due to a configuration problem of too many open files or insuffi
> cient allocated memory? If so, what do you recommend as a fix?
>Could it be a difference in decoders between the older gempak version and the
> latest? If so, shoud I swap the one that works for the one that is having pr
> oblems?
>Our operating plan is to make the upgrades as easy to perform as possible. T
> hus, with each new issue of gempak, the latest decoders are put in the ldm' s
> decoder directory and the latest pqact.gempak file is used to replace the c
> omparable entries in the existing pqact.conf file. The idea is to accept wh
> at unidata sends out as the default pqact to minimize the need for tweeking,
> thus reducing the level of computer knowlege required to affect the upgrade.
>Thanks for any ideas you might have on this,
>-----Original message-----
>From: Unidata Support address@hidden
>Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 14:48:25 -0500
>To: "John Hobbie" address@hidden
>Subject: 20051003: pqact template for GFS conduit data
>All current GEMPAK templates and decoders work.
>The entries below will capture the grid #002 and grid #003 from the ST.opnl
>line, as well as the grid #004 (0.5 degree) from the ST.opnt line.
>All three data sets are being decoded here.
>Check your ldmd.conf on your new machine and verify that it is asking
>for the grid #003 GFS in its request to your old machine.
>I don't see that nsbf is sending any LDM stats, so I can't verify the volume
>of data that your new macine is seeing.
>Steve Chiswell
>Unidata USer Support
>>From: "John Hobbie" <address@hidden>
>>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>>Keywords: 200510032153.j93LreG7003123
>>I recently installed the latest GEMPAK, and LDM on one machine, while another
>> machine is still running several previous versions ago software. The old sy
> s
>> tem is feeding the new system the conduit GFS products from thelma. The old
>> system is capturing and decoding the GFS002 data (the global extended out to
>> 384 hours) as well as the GFS003 data (the global hi res up to 10mb); it du
> m
>> ps them both into a common directory called model along with other model dat
> a
>> . The new system is only collecting the GFS003 data.
>>We are using the latest pqact-gempak templates in the new system and the mode
> l
>> data are being placed in directories by grid type -- ETA, GFS, NGM etc -- b
> u
>> t no GFS002 file is being generated. I can not discern any differences in t
> h
>> e CONDUIT template in the two systems but I won't promise that I missed some
> t
>> hing.
>>Do the new pqact templates miss the GFS002 products? Or are there new decod
> e
>> rs that are not properly decoding the GFS002 or renaming them to something e
> l
>> se and stuffing in an other directory other than gfs?
>>The pqact.conf entry being used on the new machine is:
>>CONDUIT ST.opnl/MT.gfs
>> PIPE decoders/dcgrib2 -d data/gempak/logs/dcgrib2_CONDUITgfs.log
>> -e GEMTBL=/home/gempak/GEMPAK5.8.3a/gempak/tables
>># Use a single dcgrib2 decoder for all 0.5 degree GFS data
>>CONDUIT ST.opnt/MT.gfs
>> PIPE decoders/dcgrib2 -d data/gempak/logs/dcgrib2_CONDUITgfs2.log
>> -e GEMTBL=/home/gempak/GEMPAK5.8.3a/gempak/tables
>>Thanks for your help
>>National Scientific Balloon Facility
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>Unidata inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available
>through the web. If you do not want to have your interactions made
>available in this way, you must let us know in each email you send to us.
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