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20040308: McIDAS-x Build Errors under Redhat 7.2 (cont.)

>From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Angel_Luque_S=F6llheim?= <address@hidden>
>Organization: University of Balear Islands in Spain
>Keywords: 200403051638.i25GcKrV026412 McIDAS build RedHat 7.2 Linux gcc/g77

Hi Angel,

>Thank you very much for attending to my technical problems and sorry for 
>my terrible written english.

No worries.

re: Can you retry your make to see if you get complete logging this time

>I have re-tried my make as you suggested with identical results than the 
>first time, I have saved all what I can see on the screen step by step:
>*The make-clobber-log file contend the screen results after doing "make 
>*The make-VENDOR-log file contend the screen results after doing "make 
>all VENDOR=-g77". I saved also the screen warnings and errors in the 
>file terminal-warnings-errors.
>*The makelog-end file contend the last 100 lines of 
>What do you think?

The key part of the log output you sent is contained in the link attempt
for 'mcwish':

./tclcomp ./mccomp -O -s -g77 -o mcwish wishcrex.o wisherrh.o wishinit.o wishmci
d.o wishrglb.o wishutil.o wishxinf.o wishxwin.o tkAppInit.o -L. -lmcidas
mccomp: Using default optimizations
g77 -s -Wl,-rpath,/home/mcidas/tcl/lib -O -o mcwish wishcrex.o wisherrh.o wishin
it.o wishmcid.o wishrglb.o wishutil.o wishxinf.o wishxwin.o tkAppInit.o -L. -L/h
ome/mcidas/tcl/lib -L/home/mcidas/tcl/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lmc
idas -ltk8.4 -ltcl8.4 -lX11 -ldl -lieee -lm -ldl -lm
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltk8.4
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
link    mcwish:                 FAILED

Notice that the reason the link failed was that 'ld' couldn't find

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltk8.4

The problem appears to have been created by a modification in the tclcomp.sh
script.  Instead of searching both /home/mcidas/tcl/lib and /home/mcidas/tk/lib
the script was including /home/mcidas/tcl/lib twice:

-L. -L/home/mcidas/tcl/lib -L/home/mcidas/tcl/lib

So, there are a couple of things you could do to get past this build

1) link 'mcwish' by hand:

g77 -s -Wl,-rpath,/home/mcidas/tcl/lib -O -o mcwish wishcrex.o wisherrh.o wishin
it.o wishmcid.o wishrglb.o wishutil.o wishxinf.o wishxwin.o tkAppInit.o -L. -L/h
ome/mcidas/tcl/lib -L/home/mcidas/tk/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lmc
idas -ltk8.4 -ltcl8.4 -lX11 -ldl -lieee -lm -ldl -lm

-- note that the difference here is that /home/mcidas/tk/lib is included in
   this g77 invocation

2) copy /home/mcidas/tk/lib/libtk.a to /home/mcidas/mcidas2003/src (or,
   better yet make a link to it)

>Should I try with the McIDAS-x version 2002 on linux 7.2?

If you have already downloaded the Unidata v2002 release, you could replace
the version of tclcomp.sh in the v2003b distribution with the one from
v2002.  If you havn't downloaded v2002, then do the following:

<login as 'mcidas'>
cd cmidas2003/src
rm tclcomp
mv tclcomp.sh tclcomp.sh.v2003b
ftp ftp.unidata.ucar.edu
  <user> anonymous
  <pass> address@hidden
  cd pub/mcidas/src
  get tclcomp.sh.v2002 tclcomp.sh

make all VENDOR=-g77

>Any guidance would be muchly appreciated

Please let me know the results of the option you choose above.


NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the
Unidata inquiry tracking system and then made publically available
through the web.  If you do not want to have your interactions made
available in this way, you must let us know in each email you send to us.

>From address@hidden  Wed Mar 10 10:23:09 2004

Hi Tom!

I have done some advances thanks to your suggestions, but new problems 
have not been late in appearing.

>The key part of the log output you sent is contained in the link attempt
>for 'mcwish':
>./tclcomp ./mccomp -O -s -g77 -o mcwish wishcrex.o wisherrh.o wishinit.o 
>d.o wishrglb.o wishutil.o wishxinf.o wishxwin.o tkAppInit.o -L. -lmcidas
>mccomp: Using default optimizations
>g77 -s -Wl,-rpath,/home/mcidas/tcl/lib -O -o mcwish wishcrex.o wisherrh.o 
>it.o wishmcid.o wishrglb.o wishutil.o wishxinf.o wishxwin.o tkAppInit.o -L. 
>ome/mcidas/tcl/lib -L/home/mcidas/tcl/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib 
>idas -ltk8.4 -ltcl8.4 -lX11 -ldl -lieee -lm -ldl -lm
>/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltk8.4
>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>link    mcwish:                 FAILED
>Notice that the reason the link failed was that 'ld' couldn't find
>/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltk8.4
>The problem appears to have been created by a modification in the tclcomp.sh
>script.  Instead of searching both /home/mcidas/tcl/lib and /home/mcidas/tk/lib
>the script was including /home/mcidas/tcl/lib twice:
> ...
>-L. -L/home/mcidas/tcl/lib -L/home/mcidas/tcl/lib
> ...
>So, there are a couple of things you could do to get past this build
>1) link 'mcwish' by hand:
>g77 -s -Wl,-rpath,/home/mcidas/tcl/lib -O -o mcwish wishcrex.o wisherrh.o 
>it.o wishmcid.o wishrglb.o wishutil.o wishxinf.o wishxwin.o tkAppInit.o -L. 
>ome/mcidas/tcl/lib -L/home/mcidas/tk/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lmc
>idas -ltk8.4 -ltcl8.4 -lX11 -ldl -lieee -lm -ldl -lm
>-- note that the difference here is that /home/mcidas/tk/lib is included in
>   this g77 invocation
>2) copy /home/mcidas/tk/lib/libtk.a to /home/mcidas/mcidas2003/src (or,
>   better yet make a link to it)

I have done a lot of tries until this link problem was solved. After 
retry my make the
/home/mcidas/tcl folder are empty and the /home/mcidas/tk/lib folder 
don`t exist (is that normal?). I found the tk8.4 library in the folder 
/home/mcidas/mcidas2003/tk/unix/libtk8.4.so and the tcl8.4 in the folder 
I copied both libraries in the system folder /usr/X11R6/lib and I 
started again all the build process.
Now the make was done successfully. In the atached file make-VENDOR-log2 
are the screen results. But new problems appeared testing the Build. 
After type: "mcidasx", only the comand black console window was opened 
with an error messaje:
M c I D A S - X    V e r s i o n  2003b Unidata 

mcimage: Using slow processing for Z-16 

mcwish: error while loading shared libraries: libtk8.4.so: cannot open 
shared object

Any idea at this point?

Just to know what might happen I continued with the install process and 
I made:
make install.all VENDOR=-g77 and when the install process was ended 
apparently with no problems (scren results are in the make-install-log 
file)  I type: "mcidas" and the following error messaje was displayed:

[mcidas@multicelula src]$ Error in startup script: couldn't read file 
"/home/mcidas/mcidas2003/tcl/lib/tk8.4/xmfbox.tcl": no such file or 
    while executing
"source $McINST_ROOT/tcl/lib/tk$tk_version/xmfbox.tcl"
    (file "/home/mcidas/mcidas2003/src/mcgui.k" line 136)

I found the xmfbox.tcl file in the folder  
/home/mcidas/mcidas2003/tk/library/xmfbox.tcl  and I copied it to the 
folder /home/mcidas/mcidas2003/tcl/lib/tk8.4, after that, the problem 
seems to be solved. I can strart the mcidas comand console and the GUI 
window typing "mcidas", but now when I tried to test the executables the 
problem ocurred displaying for example a sattelite image.
I want to chow you all the process step by step.
Typing: "mcidas" the startup message is:

 M c I D A S - X     V e r s i o n  2003b Unidata 
mcimage: Using slow processing for Z-32 images

Is that ok?

Selecting a default dataset included in the Mcidas2003 package with same 
satellite images:
[mcidas@multicelula ~]$ imglist.k LOCAL/DATA.ALL
Image file directory listing for:LOCAL/DATA
 Pos Satellite/         Date       Time      Center   Band(s)
     sensor                                 Lat  Lon
 --- -------------  ------------  --------  ---- ---- ------------
   1  TOPOGRAPHY     1 JAN 96001  00:00:00     0    0 1
  11  TOPOGRAPHY     1 JAN 96001  00:00:00    40  105 1
  12  TOPOGRAPHY     1 JAN 96001  00:00:00    45  105 1
  13  TOPOGRAPHY     1 JAN 96001  00:00:00     0  100 1
  14  TOPOGRAPHY     1 JAN 96001  00:00:00   -90  105 1
  15  TOPOGRAPHY     1 JAN 96001  00:00:00    90  105 1
  16  TOPOGRAPHY     1 JAN 96001  00:00:00     0    0 1
  17  TOPOGRAPHY     1 JAN 96001  00:00:00    23   71 1
  18  TOPOGRAPHY     1 JAN 96001  00:00:00    25  138 1
  19  TOPOGRAPHY     1 JAN 96001  00:00:00    40   98 1
  20  TOPOGRAPHY     1 JAN 96001  00:00:00    26  100 1
 983  METEOSAT5     19 JAN 96019  16:00:00    26  100 8
 996  G-9 IMG       25 JAN 96025  19:00:00    25  138 4
imglist.k: done

When I try to display the METOSAT or the GOES image doing also DEV=CCC 
to view the outputs of the comand:

[mcidas@multicelula ~]$ imgdisp.k LOCAL/DATA.983 DEV=CCC
imgdisp.k* GetConfigDefaultHandle() did not match, free handle 2
imgdisp.k* invalid parm - can't get pointer for handle=1
imgdisp.k* (handle.c): parameter ERROR at line 288
imgdisp.k* GetConfigDefaultHandle() handle freed
imgdisp.k* GetConfigDefaultHandle() return code is -100000
imgdisp.k* LOCAL DATA 983 X X X X 480 640 CAL=X TRACE=0 TIME=X X I 
Beginning Image Data transfer, bytes= 308288
imgdisp.k* Size of CAL block =
imgdisp.k* Size of AUX block =
imgdisp.k* Size of NAV block = 512
imgdisp.k* MCAGET NLIN= 480
imgdisp.k* MCAGET NDBPL= 640

As you can see, a lots of bad things are going out. This process never 
end I have to kill it.
What do you think?

I didn`t try with the version 2002 on Red Hat 7.2 yet, but I will if 
there are no more chance with the 2003 relase. Maybe in few days I can 
try the built process under Red Hat 9. in another computer.

Thanks for your time and effort.

>From address@hidden  Fri Mar 12 05:57:30 2004

Hi Tom

forget my last mensage. I belive that the McIDAS is well installed and 

I tried with another Meteosat-7 image and the IMGDISP and the MAP 
comands run correctly.

The next step is the setup of the McIDAS ADDE remote server.

Thanks for all

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