I'd like to use the catalog generator on a bunch of netCDF files, and to use the datasetNamer to grab the global attribute "title" out of the netCDF files, rather than on the file name. I get the following output when I try:
[mao@panther THREDDS]$ /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_02/bin/java -classpath cataloggen-0.7a4.jar:thredds.jar:jdom-b8.jar:dods.1.1.1.jar thredds.cataloggen.CatalogGen file:///home/mao/THREDDS/saatest.xml trash; head trash readMetadataContent=[Element: <catalogGenConfig [Namespace: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/thredds]/>] WARNING -- DatasetNamer.nameDatasetDodsAttrib(): dataset is not DODS accessible and so cannot be named using DODS attributes. Got DAS Got DAS Got DAS ...Here's my XML:
<!DOCTYPE catalog SYSTEM "http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/THREDDS/xml/CatalogGenConfig.0.5.dtd"> <catalog name="my data" version="0.6"> <dataset name="SAA netCDF Products" dataType="Grid"> <metadata metadataType="CatalogGenConfig"> <catalogGenConfig type="Catalog"> <datasetSource name="ds source" type="Local" structure="DirTree" accessPoint="/data/www/html/dods/saa/Products/netcdf/"> <resultService name="DODSserver" serviceType="DODS" base="http://panther.ngdc.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/dods/nph-dods/dods/" accessPointHeader="/data/www/html/dods/"/> <datasetNamer name="netCDF namer" type="DodsAttrib" addLevel="false" attribName="title" attribContainer="NC_GLOBAL"/> <datasetFilter name="My Test" type="RegExp" matchPattern="\/.+\.cdf$"/> </datasetSource> <datasetNamer name="dir namer" type="RegExp" addLevel="false" matchPattern="(.*)" substitutePattern="dir $1"/> </catalogGenConfig> <datasetNamer name="dir namer" type="RegExp" addLevel="false" matchPattern="(.*)" substitutePattern="dir $1"/> </metadata> </dataset> </catalog>It seems to me that the datasets are in fact DODS accessible, i.e., on a previous version of generated output using a datasetNamer based on filename, I am able to access the datasets through the generated output (THREDDS catalog) using IDV.
What am I doing wrong? (Am I using the wrong attribContainer value?)