UC Davis is one of the world’s leading cross-disciplinary research and teaching institutions, located in Davis, California. The most academically comprehensive university on the West Coast, it is renowned for its programs in food and agriculture, the environmental sciences and sustainability, and veterinary medicine. Among its many accomplishments, it has helped develop the wine industry, pioneered new medical treatments and altered the art world. Part of the University of California system, UC Davis has 100+ majors, 10 colleges and professional schools, a health system, and research stations throughout California and beyond.
Breaching is one of the most spectacular behaviors among marine animals. A recent review shows that many shark and ray species breach, and identifies the most commonly hypothesized reasons.
Mientras que la temporada de incendios de este 2024 ha sido benévola en España, al otro lado del Atlántico el humo ha cubierto una extensa superficie en América del sur en agosto y principios de septiembre.
Listening in on neural activity is a promising way of restoring the ability to communicate for people whose bodies no longer can. Artificial neural networks are the key middleman in the process.
Kamala, a Sanskrit word for lotus, symbolizes wisdom. Its rooted in the fact that even though the flower blooms in a swamp, it remains untouched by the dirt around it.
Many countries are enacting measures to counter population decline, but manipulating fertility is an inefficient means of solving social, economic and environmental problems.
By injecting hidden risk into the financial statements of the listed companies monitored by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Supreme Court may have set the stage for the next recession.
Lawyers, advocacy groups and think tanks are soliciting historians’ expertise on the history underlying certain Supreme Court cases. Yet this history-for-hire approach raises questions.
Public tragedies are heartrending events that gain widespread public attention. But where once prominent tragedies often brought Americans together, such tragedies no longer unify the country.
By relying heavily on privately run organizations to deliver social services, the government employs fewer people, reducing the size of its bureaucracy. But these partnerships can flounder.
Es poco probable que la condena de Trump en Nueva York ponga fin a su proceso legal. El fallo podría ser recurrido y posiblemente llegue hasta el Tribunal Supremo de Estados Unidos.
La condamnation de Trump à New York dans l’affaire Stormy Daniels ne mettra probablement pas fin à la saga judiciaire, qui pourrait rapidement faire l’objet d’un appel.
The New York conviction of Trump is unlikely to end the legal saga, which could quickly be appealed and possibly rise to the level of the US Supreme Court.
Many children’s educational shows undergo pre-screening to make sure each episode delivers its intended message. Adult viewers watching alongside kids can help ensure the lessons are well received.