WVU’s mission is to deliver high-quality education, excel in discovery and innovation, model a culture of diversity and inclusion, promote health and vitality, and build pathways for the exchange of knowledge and opportunity between the state, the nation, and the world.
Their vision is to, by 2020 to attain national research prominence, thereby enhancing educational achievement, global engagement, diversity, and the vitality and well-being of the people of West Virginia.
Parenting’s ultimate goal is raising healthy, happy, successful children. Figuring out how to keep parenting once the kids are adults is just another transition.
Nem todos os fungos são assustadores e, mesmo os mais alarmantes, não vão te transformar em um morto-vivo. O mais próximo que você pode chegar de um fungo zumbificador é assistindo a filmes de terror ou jogando videogame
Alberta’s controversial approach to the opioid crisis rejects harm reduction, including supervised consumption sites. Despite recent UCP claims that the program is working, more evidence is needed.
A historian of astronomy writes about the role of astronomical events in Indigenous cultures − and also the exploitation of their sacred traditions in present times.
The US Department of Agriculture has updated its plant hardiness zone map, which shows where various plants will grow across the country. Gardeners should take note.
Many people wrongly assume that cannabis use during pregnancy is safe. Research is increasingly documenting a host of serious health harms from prenatal exposure to cannabis and other substances.