Despite feeling some schadenfreude at watching politicians squirm over being derided as such, a scholar of speculative fiction wants to keep America weird.
The Conservatives have run out of steam. Should Labour win – and it’s highly likely it will – the task facing a Starmer government will be stern and far-reaching.
The UK of 2024 is very different than 1997. Back then, Britons had hope for the future. Today, many are disaffected and cynical, hoping things won’t continue to get worse.
Economic analysis may have influenced the date of the election – but this kind of diagnostic approach could be more widely adopted when it comes to forming policies.
In her new book, Who’s Afraid of Gender?, feminist philosopher Judith Butler explains how gender and sex are socially constructed, while fighting critics who see gender as a threat to the social order.
Changing the ‘psychological distance’ someone feels toward an issue can shift their attitudes in ways that might help people on opposite sides of an issue see more eye to eye.
We investigated whether rates of children in care have been growing or falling across all English local authorities according to their party political leadership.
Through action films, dramas and kids’ cartoons, right-wing activists are working to build their own alternative entertainment universe insulated from Hollywood’s purported liberal biases.
The problems faced by the House GOP in choosing a new speaker aren’t particular to Republicans. They’re a reflection of larger problems that have afflicted both parties in Congress.