CO-OPS API For Data Retrieval
The CO-OPS API for data retrieval can be used to retrieve observations and predictions from CO-OPS stations.
Station ID
A 7 character station ID, or a currents station ID.
Specify the station ID with the "station=" parameter.
station=9414290 (water level / met station)
station=cb1401 (currents station)
Station listings for various products can be viewed at or viewed on a map at
Tides & Currents Station Map
Date & Time
The API understands several parameters related to date ranges.
All dates can be formatted as follows:
yyyyMMdd, yyyyMMdd HH:mm, MM/dd/yyyy, or MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm
One the 5 following sets of parameters can be specified in a request:
Parameter Name (s) |
Description |
begin_date and end_date |
Specify the date/time range of retrieval |
begin_date and range |
Specify a begin date and a number of hours to retrieve data starting from that date |
end_date and range |
Specify an end date and a number of hours to retrieve data ending at that date
date |
Data from today’s date.
Note! Only available for preliminary water level data, meteorological data and predictions.
Valid options for the date parameter are:
• Today (24 hours starting at midnight)
• Latest (last data point available within the last 18 min)
• Recent (last 72 hours)
range |
Specify a number of hours to to back from now and retrieve data for that period Note!
• If used alone, only available for preliminary water level data, meteorological data
• If used with a historical begin or end date, may be used with verified data
begin_date=20120101&end_date=20120102 |
Retrieves data for January 1st, 2012 through January 2nd, 2012 |
begin_date=20120415&range=48 |
Retrieves data for 48 hours beginning on April 15, 2012 |
end_date=20120307&range=48 |
Retrieves data for 48 hours ending on March 17, 2012 |
date=today |
Retrieves data for today |
date=latest |
Retrieves the last data point available within the last 18 min |
date=recent |
Retrieves the last 3 days of data |
range=12 |
Retrieves the last 12 hours of data |
Data Products
Specify the type of data with the "product=" option parameter.
Data Length Limitations: |
To prevent numerous large data requests slowing data access through the internet services; all internet data services have limits on the amount/length of data which can be retrieved per request. These limits are based on the interval of data requested. |
1-minute interval data |
Data length is limited to 4 days |
6-minute interval data |
Data length is limited to 1 month |
Hourly interval data |
Data length is limited to 1 year |
High / Low data |
Data length is limited to 1 year |
Daily Means data |
Data length is limited to 10 years |
Monthly Means data |
Data length is limited to 200 years |
Tides / Water Levels Data |
Note!Data is verified on a monthly basis for the past month. (Example: January data is verified in February). No specific date can be provided for verified data availability; as the order stations are verified will change each month to avoid appearances of one station being “more important” than another.
Datum is mandatory for water level data products, except Air Gap
Option |
Description |
water_level |
Preliminary or verified 6-minute interval water levels, depending on data availability. |
hourly_height |
Verified hourly height water level data for the station. |
high_low |
Verified high tide / low tide water level data for the station. |
daily_mean |
Verified daily mean water level data for the station.
Note!Great Lakes stations only. Only available with “time_zone=LST” |
monthly_mean |
Verified monthly mean water level data for the station. |
one_minute_water_level |
Preliminary 1-minute interval water level data for the station. |
predictions |
Water level / tide prediction data for the station.
Note!See Interval for available data interval options and data length limitations. |
datums |
Observed tidal datum values at the station for the present National Tidal Datum Epoch (NTDE). |
air_gap |
Air Gap (distance between a bridge and the water's surface) at the station. |
Meteorological Data |
Note!Default is 6-minute interval data. Use with “interval=h” for hourly data |
Option |
Description |
air_temperature |
Air temperature as measured at the station. |
water_temperature |
Water temperature as measured at the station. |
wind |
Wind speed, direction, and gusts as measured at the station. |
air_pressure |
Barometric pressure as measured at the station. |
conductivity |
The water's conductivity as measured at the station. |
visibility |
Visibility (atmospheric clarity) as measured at the station.
(Units of Nautical Miles or Kilometers.) |
humidity |
Relative humidity as measured at the station. |
salinity |
Salinity and specific gravity data for the station. |
Currents Data |
Bin is required for most stations |
Option |
Description |
currents |
Currents data for the station.
Note! Default data interval is 6-minute interval data.Use with “interval=h” for hourly data> There may be differences in bin depths across the deployments as sensor depth and on rare occasions bin size could change when a sensor is re-deployed. |
currents_predictions |
Currents prediction data for the stations.
Note! See Interval for options available and data length limitations. |
Operational Forecast (OFS) |
Note! Model nowcast / forecast data is available at most real-time water level stations within OFS model domains. |
Option |
Description |
ofs_water_level |
Water level model guidance at 6-minute intervals based on NOS OFS models. Data available from 2020 to present. |
product=water_level |
Retrieves 6-minute interval water level data for the station |
product=hourly_height |
Retrieves verified hourly water level data for the station |
product=visibility |
Retrieves visibility data for the station |
product =currents_predictions |
Retrieves predicted currents for the station |
product=ofs_water_level |
Retrieves 6-minute nowcast/forecast guidance from OFS models for the station |
The expand can be specified with the "expand=" option parameter.
Note! expand is for currents product to retrieve echo intensity and correlation magnitude data.
Only apply to currents product.
Option |
Description |
detailed |
Currents product - to retrieve echo intensity and correlation magnitude data(The units are in counts) |
expand=detailed |
Retrieves currents data with echo intensity and correlation magnitude data for the station |
The datum can be specified with the "datum=" option parameter.
Note! Datum is mandatory for all water level products to correct the data to the reference point desired.
Does not apply to Air Gap data, which is only provided relative to a fixed reference point on the bridge.
Option |
Description |
Columbia River Datum. Note!Only available for certain stations on the Columbia River, Washington/Oregon |
International Great Lakes Datum Note! Only available for Great Lakes stations. |
Great Lakes Low Water Datum (Nautical Chart Datum for the Great Lakes).
Note! Only available for Great Lakes Stations |
Mean Higher High Water |
Mean High Water |
Mean Tide Level |
Mean Sea Level |
Mean Low Water |
Mean Lower Low Water (Nautical Chart Datum for all U.S. coastal waters)
Note! Subordinate tide prediction stations must use “datum=MLLW” |
North American Vertical Datum Note! This datum is not available for all stations. |
Station Datum - original reference that all data is collected to, uniquely defined for each station. |
datum=MLLW |
Retrieves data with heights relative to Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) for the station |
The unit type can be specified with the "units=" option parameter.
Option |
Description |
metric |
Metric units (Celsius, meters, cm/s appropriate for the data)
Note!Visibility data is kilometers (km), Currents data is in cm/s.
english |
English units (fahrenheit, feet, knots appropriate for the data)
Note!Visibility data is Nautical Miles (nm), Currents data is in knots.
units=english |
Retrieves data in english units. |
Time Zone
The time_zone of the data can be specified with the "time_zone=" option parameter.
Note!Does not apply to products of datums or monthly_mean; daily_mean (Great Lakes) must use time_zone=lst
Option |
Description |
gmt |
Greenwich Mean Time |
lst |
Local Standard Time, not corrected for Daylight Saving Time, local to the requested station. |
lst_ldt |
Local Standard Time, corrected for Daylight Saving Time when appropriate, local to the requested station |
time_zone=gmt |
Retrieves data with date/times in Greenwich Mean Time. |
time_zone=lst_ldt |
Retrieves data with dates/times in Local Time, adjusted for daylight saving time when appropriate. |
Tide/Water Level Data
Verified water level height data cannot be retrieved using the Interval parameter.
Each available interval for verified water level data is a separate data product and must be retrieved using the appropriate product type.
Tide/Water Level PredictionsNote! Harmonic tide prediction stations can provide tide predictions on any available interval.
Subordinate tide prediction stations can only provide tide predictions on a high / low interval.
Data Length Limitation: High/Low tide predictions are limited to 10 years. All other intervals are limited to 1 year.
Option |
Description |
h |
Hourly tide predictions for the station. |
1, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30, 60 |
Tide predictions on the interval (number of minutes) requested. These are the only values accepted. |
hilo |
Tide predictions for high tide and low tide times and heights. |
interval=h |
Returns tide predictions on an hourly interval |
interval=15 |
Returns tide predictions on a 15-minute interval |
interval =hilo |
Returns tide predictions for high tide and low tide times and heights |
Currents Data
Note!The default interval is a 6-minute interval and there is no need to specify it.
Option |
Description |
h |
Hourly interval data (the 6-minute interval value on the hour) is returned. |
interval=h |
Retrieves current data on the hour. |
Currents PredictionsNote!Harmonic currents prediction stations can provide tidal current predictions on any available interval.
Subordinate current prediction stations can only provide tidal current predictions on a max/slack interval.
Data Length Limitation: Max_Slack current predictions are limited to 1 year. All other intervals are limited to 1 month.
Option |
Description |
h |
Hourly current predictions for the station. |
1, 6, 10, 30, 60 |
Current predictions on the interval (number of minutes) requested. These are the only values accepted. |
max_slack |
Current predictions of max flood/ebb currents (time and speed) and slack water (times). |
interval=h |
Returns current predictions on an hourly interval |
interval=10 |
Returns current predictions on a 10-minute interval |
interval=max_slack |
Returns current predictions for max flood, slack water, and max ebb currents |
Meteorological DataNote! The default interval is a 6-minute interval and there is no need to specify it.
Option |
Description |
h |
Hourly interval data (the 6-minute interval value on the hour) is returned. |
interval=h |
Retrieves meteorological data on the hour. |
Current data and predictions provide information for a specific depth, each depth available for a station has a different Bin number.
• At PORTS (real time currents) stations a bin number is not required, the data is returned using a predefined bin.
◦ If a bin number of 0 (bin=0) is used, data for all bins are provided. (Data Length Limitation: 7 days for all bins)
• All other current stations require a bin number to access data.
• Historic Survey Current Stations - the Bin numbers / depths for historical survey currents stations are available through the
MetaData API
◦ If a bin number of 0 (bin=0) is used, data for all bins is provided. (Data Length Limitation: 7 days for all bins)
• Tidal current predictions stations - the Bin number for tidal current prediction stations are available through the
MetaData API and
Soap Web Services Station Listing
◦ If a bin number is not used, the bin nearest the surface will be provided.
◦ Using an invalid number (like bin=-1) will provide an error message noting the valid bin numbers.
Option |
Description |
<numerical value> |
The bin number requested |
bin=3 |
Returns currents data for bin number 3 of the specified station |
Velocity Type
The Velocity Type can be specified with the "vel_type=" option parameter.
Note! This only applies to Current Predictions at Harmonic Stations.
Option |
Description |
speed_dir |
Return results for speed and direction -the 2 dimensional speed and direction, may not match flood/ebb directions
Note!only supports current prediction intervals of 1, 6, 10, 30, 60; does not apply to max_slack predictions.
default |
Return results for velocity major, mean flood direction and mean ebb direction.
If not included in the API query, the default is automatically used
Vel_type = speed_dir |
Returns current predictions data in a velocity and direction output. |
Vel_type = default |
Returns current predictions data in flood/ebb directions |
The data file output format can be specified.
Option |
Description |
xml |
Extensible Markup Language. This format is an industry standard for data.
json |
Javascript Object Notation. This format is useful for direct import to a javascript plotting library. Parsers are available for other languages such as Java and Perl. |
csv |
Comma Separated Values. This format is suitable for import into Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet programs.
format=xml |
Returns data requested in xml format. |
This parameter provides an “identifier” in automated activity / error logs that allows us to identify your query from others.
This allows us to identify and assist you in correcting any problems encountered in your query.
• External Users: please use the name of your company, organization, application, your name, or a combination / variation of these.
• Internal NOAA Users: please include the office acronym and name of the application calling the API.
Initials, abbreviations or acronyms for part of the value are acceptable.
Separate words of the name can be separated by an underscore, or merged into a single entry.
Note! This is not a required parameter. Not including the parameter will make identifying issues through automated logs impossible.
Your_Company |
A user or application from Your Company has called the API |
MyTideApp |
An application, My Tide App, has called the API |
John_Public |
The customer, John Public, has called the API |
UnivAlpha_AStudent |
The customer, A. Student from University Alpha, has called the API |
NWSMarineForecast |
The NOAA National Weather Service (NWS), Marine Forecast application has called the API |
Data API Response Descriptions
The formatted data responses (columns and data flags) for different data types are described in the
Response Help Page.
Sample API Queries
Note! The order of specific parameters listed in the query is flexible. The samples below use the parameter order created by our
API Builder Tool.
• Real Time Water Levels Data - 9414290 San Francisco, CA - Today.
• Verified Hourly Heights Data - 8518750 The Battery, NY - 2020
• Tide Predictions (high/low) - 8557863 Rehoboth Beach, MD - August 2025
• Wind Data (Hourly) - 8724580 Key West, FL - June 2021
• Visibility Data - 8453662 Providence Visibility (kilometers) - Today
• Real Time Currents Data - cb0102 Cape Henry (PORTS station) - Today
• Historical Currents Survey Data - CFR1624 Southport, NC; 10ft depth (bin 9) - April 2016
• Current Predictions (10 minute Interval, flood/ebb direction) - EPT0003 Eastport, Estes Head - Today
• Current Predictions (10 Minute Interval, speed/direction) - EPT0003 Eastport, Estes Head - Today
• Current Predictions (Max/Slack) - PCT1291 Grays Harbor Entrance, WA - November 2022
• OFS Water Level (6-min) - 8638610 Sewells Point, VA (CBOFS)
• OFS Water Level (6-min) - 9063020 Buffalo, NY (LEOFS)
Error Message
Depending on the nature of the exception the user will get a customized error message back in the same format of the request.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Wrong Date: The end date should be greater than the begin date
"Great Lakes stations don't have Predictions data."
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