Great Lakes Shoreviewer
The Great Lakes Shoreviewer is a risk assessment and climate adaptation planning tool. It provides oblique-angle color photography plus multiple layers of additional analysis for prioritized sections of Great Lakes coastline in Michigan (Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, and Lake Huron). It also provides potential risk rankings (high, medium, low) for coastal property, buildings, roads, and infrastructure.
The tool provides professional color photography of every inch of coastline (and many islands) in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Each coastline photo also has a series of maps showing important natural features for planning and protection efforts.
A Help screen in the tool describes map navigation, data control, and button functions and instructions for viewing risk assessment layers, viewing aerial imagery, and save a location or obtaining coordinates.
Local, state, and federal data, including high-resolution aerial imagery, were used to create the Shoreviewer. Risk categories indicated in the tool are for preliminary planning purposes only and should not be used for actual planning decisions without additional site assessment.