Papers by Jaroslaw Ignacy
Przegląd Organizacji
Jednym z trudniejszych wyzwań stojących przed strategami w czasach dużej zmienności i niepewności... more Jednym z trudniejszych wyzwań stojących przed strategami w czasach dużej zmienności i niepewności jest umiejętność podejmowania decyzji w warunkach paradoksów – gdy możliwe do zastosowania rozwiązania wydają się ze sobą sprzeczne, a jednocześnie żadnego z nich nie można porzucić. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja kluczowych paradoksów w zarządzaniu strategicznym, przybliżenie ich genezy, przejawów i następstw. Dobór paradoksów nastąpił w oparciu o model napięć organizacyjnych, zaadaptowany do kontekstu zarządzania strategicznego. Na bazie krytycznego przeglądu literatury, wśród najważniejszych paradoksów obecnych w zarządzaniu strategicznym przyjęto następujące pary: krótki vs długi horyzont, indywidualizm vs kolektywizm, konkurencja vs współpraca, eksploracja vs eksploatacja oraz cele finansowe vs cele CSR.
Foresight, 2010
... Zob. K. Borodako, Foresight w zarządzaniu strategicznym. Wydawnictwo CH Beck. ... PARP. Warsz... more ... Zob. K. Borodako, Foresight w zarządzaniu strategicznym. Wydawnictwo CH Beck. ... PARP. Warszawa 2009, • K.Burmeister, A.Neef ,B.Beyers (2004) Corporate Foresight: Unternehmen gestalten Zukunft, Hamburg 2004, • K. Borodako, Foresight w zarządzaniu strategicznym. ...
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, 2008
"Some conclusions gathered during holistic empirical research of Lower Silesian communities ... more "Some conclusions gathered during holistic empirical research of Lower Silesian communities have been presented in this article. Communal self-government has substantially increased its role since 1989. Although new chances and opportunities have been given, many new threats and problems had to be faced up. Local development is the most important aim of communal selfgovernment. This paper describes the main problems, regarding the process of local development, that the local communities are dealing with. It also indicates its the main causes of observed difficulties. The current stare analysis is based on empirical approach."
ABSTRACT Entities operating in the public finance sector have recently started facing the challen... more ABSTRACT Entities operating in the public finance sector have recently started facing the challenge of implementing management control mechanisms. In order to successfully handle this task, it is not enough just to involve managers and employees of the given organisation, but it is also necessary to foster conditions favourable to improving management processes for public entities. Since management control is a rather new instrument of the public finance system, the need for ongoing monitoring of the progress taking place in the sphere of its implementation in individual institutions is becoming more and more evident. Bearing the foregoing in mind, the authors of the article have attempted to assess the extent of the management control implementation in local self-government bodies by analysing the declarations made by the these institutions pertaining to the management control status for the years 2010-2011.
Social Science Research Network, 2013
ABSTRACT Entities operating in the public finance sector have recently started facing the challen... more ABSTRACT Entities operating in the public finance sector have recently started facing the challenge of implementing management control mechanisms. In order to successfully handle this task, it is not enough just to involve managers and employees of the given organisation, but it is also necessary to foster conditions favourable to improving management processes for public entities. Since management control is a rather new instrument of the public finance system, the need for ongoing monitoring of the progress taking place in the sphere of its implementation in individual institutions is becoming more and more evident. Bearing the foregoing in mind, the authors of the article have attempted to assess the extent of the management control implementation in local self-government bodies by analysing the declarations made by the these institutions pertaining to the management control status for the years 2010-2011.
Local development strategy is a widespread and commonly used instrument in public management. Str... more Local development strategy is a widespread and commonly used instrument in public management. Strategies are applied by municipalities to develop their full potential. A key factor in effective use of strategies for local development are criteria for selecting strategic goals. The article is an attempt to provide applicable selection criteria recommended for local authorities for selection of strategic goals. Methods: Finding a solution to this crucial part of creating any local development strategy required a range of different exploratory methods and techniques. The research process was based on mixed (both qualitative and quantitative) research methods. Purposeful sampling was applied for choosing in-depth interviews. Results: Despite the huge differences in the level of development of municipalities in the Lower Silesia they exhibit remarkable similarities in the ways of creating and selecting goals. The conducted research showed that the criteria applied were inconsistent and varying which was a crucial drawback from the viewpoint of strategic management. The lack of stable, objective criteria impaired an effective attainment of strategic goals which in result hampered the implementation of local development strategy. Conclusions: The combination of results of literature review and advanced empirical research allowed to provide selection criteria applicable for selecting strategic goals. They should be considered as a starting point to create "good practices" regarded as general pattern solutions for local authorities. Practical implications: Research results indicate a neglected area in the field of local developmentmunicipalities are mainly unaware of the factors resulting in the dramatically low level of implementation of strategic plans. Identified problems require local governments to take actions to overcome them. Current solutions to selecting strategic goals are unsatisfactory. The criteria presented in this paper offer crucial applicable recommendations to help municipalities overcome diverse difficulties of selecting goals in local development strategies. The additional value is the fact that the application of suggested criteria does not require large financial input, and are likely to support public sector's development efforts.
Local development strategy is a widespread and commonly used instrument in public management. Str... more Local development strategy is a widespread and commonly used instrument in public management. Strategies are applied by municipalities to develop their full potential. A key factor in effective use of strategies for local development are criteria for selecting strategic goals. The article is an attempt to provide applicable selection criteria recommended for local authorities for selection of strategic goals. Methods: Finding a solution to this crucial part of creating any local development strategy required a range of different exploratory methods and techniques. The research process was based on mixed (both qualitative and quantitative) research methods. Purposeful sampling was applied for choosing in-depth interviews. Results: Despite the huge differences in the level of development of municipalities in the Lower Silesia they exhibit remarkable similarities in the ways of creating and selecting goals. The conducted research showed that the criteria applied were inconsistent and varying which was a crucial drawback from the viewpoint of strategic management. The lack of stable, objective criteria impaired an effective attainment of strategic goals which in result hampered the implementation of local development strategy. Conclusions: The combination of results of literature review and advanced empirical research allowed to provide selection criteria applicable for selecting strategic goals. They should be considered as a starting point to create "good practices" regarded as general pattern solutions for local authorities. Practical implications: Research results indicate a neglected area in the field of local developmentmunicipalities are mainly unaware of the factors resulting in the dramatically low level of implementation of strategic plans. Identified problems require local governments to take actions to overcome them. Current solutions to selecting strategic goals are unsatisfactory. The criteria presented in this paper offer crucial applicable recommendations to help municipalities overcome diverse difficulties of selecting goals in local development strategies. The additional value is the fact that the application of suggested criteria does not require large financial input, and are likely to support public sector's development efforts.
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, 2008
The increasing role of a communal self-government triggers the need of introducing strategic appr... more The increasing role of a communal self-government triggers the need of introducing strategic approach in management process. This is reflected in a recently observed increased interest of communes in working out local development strategies. It is obvious that it is only half of the success to develop a good strategy. Equally important is the implementation process and the main question is how to transform long term objectives defined in a strategy into activities undertaken by local authorities in a yearly prepared budget. Therefore the article describes current barriers and main facilitators in proper functioning of strategy implementation process on the example of Lubań, commune from Lower Silesian region.
Local development strategy is a widespread and commonly used instrument in public management. Str... more Local development strategy is a widespread and commonly used instrument in public management. Strategies are applied by municipalities to develop their full potential. A key factor in effective use of strategies for local development are criteria for selecting strategic goals. The article is an attempt to provide applicable selection criteria recommended for local authorities for selection of strategic goals. Methods: Finding a solution to this crucial part of creating any local development strategy required a range of different exploratory methods and techniques. The research process was based on mixed (both qualitative and quantitative) research methods. Purposeful sampling was applied for choosing in-depth interviews. Results: Despite the huge differences in the level of development of municipalities in the Lower Silesia they exhibit remarkable similarities in the ways of creating and selecting goals. The conducted research showed that the criteria applied were inconsistent and varying which was a crucial drawback from the viewpoint of strategic management. The lack of stable, objective criteria impaired an effective attainment of strategic goals which in result hampered the implementation of local development strategy. Conclusions: The combination of results of literature review and advanced empirical research allowed to provide selection criteria applicable for selecting strategic goals. They should be considered as a starting point to create "good practices" regarded as general pattern solutions for local authorities. Practical implications: Research results indicate a neglected area in the field of local developmentmunicipalities are mainly unaware of the factors resulting in the dramatically low level of implementation of strategic plans. Identified problems require local governments to take actions to overcome them. Current solutions to selecting strategic goals are unsatisfactory. The criteria presented in this paper offer crucial applicable recommendations to help municipalities overcome diverse difficulties of selecting goals in local development strategies. The additional value is the fact that the application of suggested criteria does not require large financial input, and are likely to support public sector's development efforts.
Atrakcyjnośc inwestycyjna w duzym stopniu decyduje o poziomie rozwoju i konkurencyjności poszczeg... more Atrakcyjnośc inwestycyjna w duzym stopniu decyduje o poziomie rozwoju i konkurencyjności poszczegolnych obszarow w skali krajowej i miedzynarodowej. Celem artykulu jest analiza atrakcyjności inwestycyjnej aglomeracji wroclawskiej w latach 2009–2013 i wskazanie jej silnych oraz slabych stron na podstawie badan desk-research, ktore wskazują, ze za szczegolnie korzystne czynniki rozwoju wojewodztwa dolnośląskiego nalezy uznac najwyzszy poziom rozwoju infrastruktury gospodarczej oraz najwyzszą aktywnośc inwestycyjną wobec inwestorow w latach 2009–2013. Za niekorzystne czynniki nalezy natomiast uznac: utrate przewagi w zakresie dostepności transportowej w latach 2009–2013 oraz najnizszy w Polsce poziom bezpieczenstwa powszechnego w 2013 roku.
Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, 2016
Strategic goals are rarely examined in strategic management, while empirical research carried out... more Strategic goals are rarely examined in strategic management, while empirical research carried out in Poland on strategic goals of enterprises showed that during more than 25 years of market economy these goals have changed seriously. These changes are particularly evident when the goals of Polish enterprises set in the first decade after the transformation are compared to those set today. During the whole period after the transformation, the strategic objectives of Polish enterprises have been highly expansive and the growth of the size of a company has been the desired choice. Research carried out during the last crisis showed that a the change of external conditions and the higher risk of a worse financial situation caused by the economic crisis made enterprises rearrange their goals hierarchy and favour goals related to harmonious and safe development and multiplying the value for the owners. This is one of the elements in the change in managers' attitude, which the economic crisis helped in opening an opportunity to improve the quality of enterprise development management.
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, 2014
The importance of environmental strategies in the context of building the competitive advantage o... more The importance of environmental strategies in the context of building the competitive advantage of enterprises Jarosław Ignacy: Selected problems in the formulation and implementation of corporate strategic objectives in the light of empirical research .
Papers by Jaroslaw Ignacy