Papers by Valentina Ivančić
Ekonomska misao i praksa : časopis Sveučilista u Dubrovniku, 2015
Social Science Research Network, 2012
This paper examines the relationship between the external environment and strategy implementation... more This paper examines the relationship between the external environment and strategy implementation process taking into account two aspects. The first aspect defines the impact of environmental characteristics on strategy implementation process. Respondents were asked to evaluate the level of turbulence and complexity of changes in micro and macro environment what defines the level of environment uncertainty. The second aspect defines the enterprise proactiveness in data collecting, processing and opportunities building. The empirical research has been conducted in large enterprises in the Republic of Croatia. The sample includes 78 enterprises and 208 respondents from different hierarchical levels and functions. The empirical results suggest that private enterprises mainly focused on international placement perceive a higher level of context uncertainty. However, this do not significantly influence strategy implementation process, if the enterprise approach in data collecting, proces...
Implementacija strategije je najrizičnija i najkompleksnija faza procesa strateškog menadžmenta. ... more Implementacija strategije je najrizičnija i najkompleksnija faza procesa strateškog menadžmenta. Rizičnost i kompleksnost proizlaze iz velikog broja čimbenika koji utječu na proces implementacije strategije. U okviru ove doktorske disertacije, utjecajni čimbenici raspodjeljuju se u tri glavna konstrukta: (1) sadržaj strategije, (2) kontekst u kojem se strategija implementira i (3) proces implementacije. U sklopu sadržaja strategije analizira se kvaliteta strateških planova. Odnosno, proučava se u kojoj mjeri je sadržaj strategije usklađen sa zahtjevima okoline i trenutnim sposobnostima poduzeća za implementaciju onoga što je planirano. Kontekst predstavlja okvir u kojem se strategija razvija. Analizom konteksta proučava se u kojoj mjeri unutarnja i vanjska okolina modificiraju tijek transformacije oblikovane strategije u konkretne aktivnosti. Proces implementacije strategije proučava adekvatnost uspostavljanja pojedinih utjecajnih čimbenika tijekom te faze. Čimbenici koji utječu na ...
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, 2021
Purpose: Although the implementation process involves employees from different hierarchical level... more Purpose: Although the implementation process involves employees from different hierarchical levels, previous research on the implementation topic focused mostly on a top management perspective, omitting the perspective of lower hierarchical levels. We believe that employees from different hierarchical levels perceive differently the way the implementation process is carried out because of many intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Considering the primary role of lower hierarchical levels during the implementation process, we decided to include lower levels of management and operatives in our research. Methodology: We investigate the way employees from different hierarchical levels perceive the implementation process. The implementation process in our research was evaluated using four implementation factors: 1) People, 2) Resources allocation, 3) Communication, 4) Operational planning & control. We sent the questionnaire to all large Croatian enterprises (396) and gathered 208 questionnai...
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2012
Abstract: Increased global competitiveness, reduced product life cycles, rapid technological adva... more Abstract: Increased global competitiveness, reduced product life cycles, rapid technological advancements, and dynamic customer requirements have drastically altered the nature of competition. Henderson (1989) argues that two firms cannot coexist if they make their ...
Vilfredo Pareto (1848- 1923) studying the inequality of welfare distribution in Italy during the ... more Vilfredo Pareto (1848- 1923) studying the inequality of welfare distribution in Italy during the nineteenth century developed a useful tool named „the principle 80:20“ which was later adopted in many fields to explain that a small number of causes can be responsible for a large percentage of effects. The principle can be applied to indicate the priority of problem solving and determine the direction of business drivers’ development. Separating the vital few from the trivial many, the management staff can improve firm performance. This paper, in particularly links the Pareto principle postulates to the decision making techniques and proposes different points of view for improving the purchasing process in a particular firm. The firm Mix Metal is a small trader in iron scrap present on the Croatian market since 2004. In this case the Pareto principle is adopted to rationalize the purchasing process and ensure better long term sales margins. The aim of the paper is to develop several p...
Contributions to Management Science, 2016
Strategy implementation is recognized as the source of frustrations and the black box of strategi... more Strategy implementation is recognized as the source of frustrations and the black box of strategic management processes. This chapter summarizes research attempts in defining implementation problems and critical factors. Further on, based on previous empirical results, it suggests an integrated strategy implementation model. We suggest that the core of the integrated model includes factors like resources, communication, people, control mechanisms, operative planning, and time. Strategy formulation is the antecedent of strategy implementation. The relation between formulation and implementation could be influenced by outer and inner environment (culture, structure, and leadership). The basic conclusion is that multiple factors should be considered simultaneously when developing and implementing a strategy.There are two points that ought to be kept in mind when studying strategy implementation process. The first one is the hierarchical level of the respondents included in the empirical research. Namely, most research is founded on responses provided by top managers ignoring middle, low, and nonmanagerial perspectives. The second is to look after different levels the strategy refers to. Most research has been focused on business and less on the corporate level of organizations.
… Conference Knowledge and Business Challenge of …, 2011
Abstract: The process of strategic management is the core of the strategic management literature.... more Abstract: The process of strategic management is the core of the strategic management literature. The classical contributions of the founders of strategic management suggested that the process should be directed as deliberate and controlled as possible and every ...
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2015
The strategic management process implies the management sta has at least three engagements: de ne... more The strategic management process implies the management sta has at least three engagements: de ne, conduct and evaluate applied strategy. However, the most common reasons of rm bankruptcy are linked to wrong implementation and that's why implementation is often de ned as the Achills heel of the strategic management process (Roney, 2004, p. 233). Unfortunately, most strategic planning e orts fail during this crucial phase and rms wast signi cant resources already invested. is paper examines the literature of strategy implementation and post a link between some critical points important to reduce errors in strategy implementation and improve rm performance. JEL Classi cation: L21, L 22, L25
The purpose of this paper is to point out the importance of I&D activities for the growth of the ... more The purpose of this paper is to point out the importance of I&D activities for the growth of the national economy. At the same time, the question is whether early innovations' adoption can have a positive impact on company growth considering the structure of the Croatian economy, based predominantly on small enterprises. Furthermore the paper discuss about the variety and the complexity of psychological and sociological aspect that influence compay growth in Croatia.
Na bazi svjetskog iskustva neto vie od 90% dobro formuliranih strategija doivljava neuspjeh (B... more Na bazi svjetskog iskustva neto vie od 90% dobro formuliranih strategija doivljava neuspjeh (Bonoma 1984; Noble 1999; Nutt 1990, Kaplan, Norton 2005; Speculand 2009) zbog ega se faza implementacije strategije smatra Ahilovom petom procesa stratekog menadmenta (Ivan i , Jelenc, Mencer 2015). Kvalitetna formulacija strategije ne osigurava uspjenost uvo enja i kasnijeg odravanja strategije. S obzirom da je formuliranje strategije skupo, a da o implementaciji strategije ovisi opstanak i uspjenost poduze a, razloge neu inkovite implementacije strategije treba temeljito istraiti. Iako se gotovo svako poduze e, u ve oj ili manjoj mjeri, suo ava s nizom razli itih problema prilikom implementacije strategije, istraivanja koja istrauju to podru je nisu mnogobrojna. Cilj ovog rada je ispitati u estalost pojavljivanja problema implementacije strategije na pojedinoj hijerarhijskoj razini, te s obzirom na fazu u kojoj se proces implementacije nalazi, vlasnitvu poduze a, primjenu ISO standarda, primjenu Balanced Scorecard metode i gospodarskoj grani kojoj poduze e pripada. Istraivanje se fokusira na velika hrvatska poduze ima i to zbog njihovog zna ajnog udjela u ukupnom ostvarenju prihoda u gospodarstvu te kompleksnosti odra ivanja cjelokupnog procesa stratekog menadmenta. Dodatni korak u odnosu na prethodna istraivanja sagledava se u ispitivanju stavova zaposlenika svih hijerarhijskih razina unutar pojedinog poduze a. Odnosno, ispitani su stavovi najvieg poslovodstva, srednje razine poslovodstva, najnie razine poslovodstva i operative. To zna i da je ocjena u estalosti pojavljivanja pojedinog problema formirana na temelju iskustva ve eg broja pojedinaca, a ne isklju ivo na temelju iskustva najvieg poslovodstva to je naj e i slu aj u dosadanjim istraivanjima. Podaci su obra eni u statisti kom programu SPSS. U obradi podataka koriteni su t- test i analiza varijance (ANOVA). Rezultati istraivanja upu uju na to da se problemi implementacije strategije razlikuju s obzirom na fazu u kojoj se proces implementacije nalazi, vlasnitvu poduze a i primjenu Balanced Scorecard metode. Posjedovanje ISO standarda za upravljanje kvalitetom i gospodarska grana kojoj poduze e pripada ne predstavljaju zna ajni prediktori smanjenja ili pove anja u estalosti pojavljivanja problema koji ometaju tijek implementacije strategije. Istraivanjem je tako er potvr eno da nema razlike u percipiranju problema implementacije strategije s obzirom na poziciju zaposlenika unutar hijerarhije poduze a.
Organizations & Markets: Policies & Processes eJournal, 2014
The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is increasingly present in the economic lite... more The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is increasingly present in the economic literature and helping to explain interactions between the economic entity and environment. Therefore, according to the contemporary economic conditions, it is necessary to accept the complementarity of both business and social goals. Social and firm welfare are often under mutual influence, because without economic development there is not possible for society to prosper and vice versa the development of society cannot be achieved without economic growth. The literature about CSR is very heterogeneous and multiple meanings are generated by different ways of defining the term. This paper answers the call in the literature for the pragmatic approach in strategic management pointing out a possibility of a multitude of approaches when looking at socio-sensible business aspects. Our research is focused on organizational (micro) level of analysis. Managers often present him/herself and the firm i...
For any business, as to grow and prosper, managers must be able to anticipate, recognize and deal... more For any business, as to grow and prosper, managers must be able to anticipate, recognize and deal with change in the internal and external environment. This paper examines the relationship between the external environment and strategy implementation process, taking into account two perspectives of analysis. The first one defines the impact of environmental characteristics on the implementation process. Respondents were asked to evaluate the level of environment uncertainty in everyday business through the level of change complexity and turbulence. The second one defines the enterprise response and proactiveness in external data collecting, processing and identification of opportunities. The paper is based on empirical research, conducted in large Croatian enterprises. The sample includes 78 enterprises and includes respondents from different hierarchical levels and business functions. Enterprises do not associate the lack of implementation success to the context uncertainty. Respondents, regardless of their position within the organization, emphasize they have a lack of competencies managing rapidly evolving situations. Enterprises, with a higher level of proactiveness in researching context characteristics, demonstrate a greater level of preparation in opportunities exploitation. In addition, private enterprises, mainly focused on international market, perceive a higher level of context uncertainty.
Ova knjiga iznosi i tumaci sve važne cimbenike koje obilježavaju pojedinu fazu procesa strateskog... more Ova knjiga iznosi i tumaci sve važne cimbenike koje obilježavaju pojedinu fazu procesa strateskog menadžmenta. Autor je kroz cijeli rad aktivno ukljucen u sadržaj svojim kritickim tumacenjima, postavljanjem teza te poticanjem alternativnog nacina promisljanja. Knjigu se ne može smatrati klasicnim sveucilisnim udžbenikom, vec materijal za istinsko studiranje sadržaja Strateskog menadžmenta koji zahtijeva intelektualnu ozbiljnost i dubinu kod prepoznavanja i obrade pojedinih sadržaja.
Papers by Valentina Ivančić