David Kertzer joined Brown in 1992 as Paul Dupee, Jr., University Professor of Social Science. A Professor of Anthropology and Italian Studies, he was appointed Provost in 2006, serving in that role until 2011. Kertzer founded and directed the Anthropological Demography program. He was also founding director of the Politics, Culture, and Identity research program of the Watson Institute for International Studies.
A Brown alumnus (A.B., 1969), Kertzer received a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Brandeis University in 1974. He was William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor at Bowdoin College from 1989 to 1992. Kertzer twice won the Marraro Prize from the Society for Italian Historical Studies for the best book in Italian history. Kertzer co-founded and for a decade co-edited the Journal of Modern Italian Studies. He served as president of the Social Science History Association and the Society for the Anthropology of Europe, and co-edited the book series New Perspectives on Anthropological and Social Demography for Cambridge University Press. His book The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara was a finalist for the National Book Award in 1997 and is published in 17 languages. In 2005 he was elected as a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His book, The Pope and Mussolini, won the Pulitzer Prize for Biography in 2015. His most recent book, The Pope at War (2022), tells the story of Pope Pius XII's relations with Mussolini and Hitler during the Second World War.
Kertzer, David I. "The Fascists and the Jews of Italy: Mussolini’s Race Laws, 1938–1943. By Michael A. Livingston. Studies in Legal History. Edited by Sarah Barringer Gordon, Holly Brewer, and Michael Lobban.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Pp. x+268. $90.00 (cloth); $72.00 (Adobe eBook Reader)." Journal of Modern History, The, vol. 88, no. 1, 2016, pp. 213-215. |
Kertzer, David I. "Interview with Romano Prodi." Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 20, no. 4, 2015, pp. 508-526. |
Kertzer, David I. "Roma senza il Papa: La Repubblica romana del 1849." Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 20, no. 4, 2015, pp. 574-575. |
Kertzer, D. I. "Sport and the Shaping of Italian American Identity." Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, vol. 44, no. 4, 2015, pp. 513-514. |
Kertzer, David I. "Cattolici e fascisti. La Santa Sede e la politica italiana all'alba del regime (1919–1925)." Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 19, no. 3, 2014, pp. 344-345. |
Kertzer, David I. "Interview with Romano Prodi." Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 19, no. 4, 2014, pp. 412-423. |
Kertzer, D. I. "LARRY WOLFF. Paolina's Innocence: Child Abuse in Casanova's Venice." The American Historical Review, vol. 119, no. 1, 2014, pp. 267-268. |
Kertzer, D. I. "MAURA E. HAMETZ. In the Name of Italy: Nation, Family, and Patriotism in a Fascist Court." The American Historical Review, vol. 119, no. 1, 2014, pp. 271-271. |
Kertzer, David. "Peter Eisner." Journal of Jesuit Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, 2014, pp. 159-160. |
Kertzer, David I. "The Roman Catholic Church, the Holocaust, and the demonization of the Jews: Response to "Benjamin and us: Christanity, its Jews, and history" by Jeanne Favret-Saada." hau, vol. 4, no. 3, 2014, pp. 329. |
Kertzer, David. "The Life & Pontificate of Pope Pius XII. Between History and Controversy." Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 18, no. 4, 2013, pp. 526-528. |
Kertzer, David I. "Understanding Family Change and Variation: Toward a Theory of Conjunctural Action." Population Studies, vol. 67, no. 1, 2013, pp. 129-131. |
Kertzer, David I. ":Pius XII, the Holocaust, and the Cold War." The American Historical Review, vol. 114, no. 2, 2009, pp. 505-506. |
Gribaldo, Alessandra, Judd, Maya D., Kertzer, David I. "An Imperfect Contraceptive Society: Fertility and Contraception in Italy." Population and Development Review, vol. 35, no. 3, 2009, pp. 551-584. |
Kertzer, D. I. "Social Anthropology and Social Science History." Social Science History, vol. 33, no. 1, 2009, pp. 1-16. |
Kertzer, David I. "Frank J. Coppa, The Papacy, the Jews, and the Holocaust :The Papacy, the Jews, and the Holocaust." Journal of Modern History, The, vol. 80, no. 2, 2008, pp. 401-403. |
Kertzer, David I., White, Michael J., Bernardi, Laura, Gabrielli, Giuseppe. "Italy’s Path to Very Low Fertility: The Adequacy of Economic and Second Demographic Transition Theories." European Journal of Population/Revue européenne de Démographie, vol. 25, no. 1, 2008, pp. 89-115. |
Kertzer, David I. "Carl Ipsen. Italy in the Age of Pinocchio: Children and Danger in the Liberal Era. :Italy in the Age of Pinocchio: Children and Danger in the Liberal Era. (Italian and Italian American Studies.)." The American Historical Review, vol. 112, no. 4, 2007, pp. 1275-1276. |
Kertzer, David I. "Joshua D. Zimmerman, editor. Jews in Italy under Fascist and Nazi Rule, 1922–1945. :Jews in Italy under Fascist and Nazi Rule, 1922–1945." The American Historical Review, vol. 111, no. 2, 2006, pp. 583-585. |
KERTZER, DAVID I., SIGLE, WENDY, WHITE, MICHAEL J. "Childhood mortality and quality of care among abandoned children in nineteenth-century Italy." Population Studies, vol. 53, no. 3, 1999, pp. 303-315. |
Kertzer, David I., White, Michael J. "Cheating the angel-makers: surviving infant abandonment in nineteenth-century Italy." Continuity and Change, vol. 9, no. 03, 1994, pp. 451. |
Kertzer, David I. "Ethos, economics and “civilization” in rural Italy." Reviews in Anthropology, vol. 3, no. 4, 1976, pp. 400-408. |
Kertzer's major interests include the anthropological study of politics; anthropological demography; and European social history. He is particularly interested in how political identities are created and in the role of religion in politics.
Current Research
Kertzer is currently working on a book on the relationship of the Vatican to the Italian Fascist regime during the Second World War.
2004-10: Principal investigator, "Explaining Very Low Fertility," National Institutes of Health ($798,000.).
2004-6: Principal investigator, "Explaining Very Low Fertility," National Science Foundation ($253,000.).
2002-4 Co-principal investigator, “Russia’s New Experiment in Power Sharing: Self-Determination, National Identity, and the First Russian Census,” Carnegie Corporation, $344,000.
1998-2001 Co-principal investigator, “Recreating National Identity in the States of the Former Soviet Union,” Mellon Foundation ($40,000); NCEEER ($60,000).
1996-98 Principal investigator, “The Lives of Abandoned Children,” National Science Foundation ($150,000.).
1995-96 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers ($30,000.).
1994 Principal investigator, "Conference on Anthropological Demography," Funded by NICHD ($31,398) and NIA ($5,000).
1990-91 Principal investigator, "Infant Abandonment in Nineteenth-Century Italy," NSF ($50,000.).
1986-1988 Principal investigator, "Coresidential Dynamics among Italian Sharecroppers," NSF ($110,000.).
1986-1987 Guggenheim Fellowship.
1984-1986 Principal investigator, "Longitudinal Perspectives on Demographic Behavior," NICHD ($349,000.).
1982-1983 Principal investigator, continuation grant, "Household Dynamics in Longitudinal Perspective," NICHD ($148,000.)
1982-1983 Grant to support fellowship at Center for Advanced Study, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
1980 Research grant, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Catania, Italy.
1980 Summer Institute on Life-Span Human Development, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford.
1979-1982 Principal investigator, "Household Dynamics in Longitudinal Perspective," NICHD, ($254,000.).
1975-1977 Principal investigator, "Social Change in an Urbanizing Italian Parish," National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, ($30,000.).
1975-76 Co-principal investigator, "Dynamics of Age Stratification: The Latuka in Transition," Russell Sage Foundation.
1974 NIH postdoctoral Summer Institute in Population. Carolina Population Center, Chapel Hill.
The Pope at War: The Secret History of Pius XII, Mussolini, and Hitler. New York: Random House, 2022. Italian, UK, German, Spanish and Chinese editions. One of the best books of 2022: The New Yorker.
The Pope Who Would be King: The Exile of Pius IX and the Emergence of Modern Europe. New York: Random House, 2018. Italian edition, Garzanti.
The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe. New York: Random House, 2014. Italian edition Rizzoli (Il patto col diavolo: Mussolini e papa Pio XI, 2014); UK edition, Oxford University Press, 2014; Romanian Edition, Papa si Mussolini, Editura Rao, 2015; French edition, Le pape et Mussolini, Les Arenes, 2016. German, Portuguese, Polish, Chinese, Czech, and Brazilian editions in press. Winner of the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Biography, and the American Historical Association Marraro Prize for best book in Italian history. A History Book Club main selection.
Amalia's Tale: A Poor Peasant, an Ambitious Attorney, and a Fight for Justice. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2008. Italian edition, La sfida di Amalia, Rizzoli, 2008; Brazilian edition A Historia de Amalia, Rocco, 2009,
Prisoner of the Vatican: The Popes' Plot to Capture Italy from the New Italian State. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2004. Italian edition Rizzoli (Prigioniero del Vaticano, 2005). A History Book Club selection. Chosen as one of the best books of 2004 by Publishers' Weekly.
The Popes Against the Jews: The Vatican's Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism, 2001. New York: Knopf (paperback Vintage, 2002). A selection of Book of the Month Club; Quality Paperback book club; and Traditions (the Book of the Month Club's Jewish interest book club). Italian edition by Rizzoli (I papi contro gli ebrei, 2002); Brazilian edition by Rocco (O Vaticano e os Judeos: Os papas e a ascensão do anti-semitismo moderno, 2002); Spanish edition by Plaza Janés (Los papas contro los judíos, 2002); Dutch edition by Prometheus (In Gods Naam, 2002); British edition by Macmillan (The Unholy War, 2002); German edition by Propylaen Verlag (Die Päpste gegen die Juden. Der Vatikan und der moderne Antisemitismus, 2001); French version by Editions Robert Laffont (Le Vatican contre les juifs, 2003); Hungarian edition by Ulpius-Haz (A pápák a zsidók ellen, 2003); Polish edition by W.A.B. (Papieze a Zydzi: O roli Watykanu w rozwoju wspólczesnego antysemityzmu , 2005) . Finalist, Mark Lynton Prize for History 2002. Selected one of the "100 Best Books of the Year, 2002", Toronto Globe and Mail.
The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara. New York: Knopf, 1997. Paperback published by Vintage, 1998. Italian edition (Prigioniero del Papa Re) published by Rizzoli in 1996; British edition by Picador in 1997 (paperback will be by Papermac); French (Pie IX et l'enfant juif, Perrin, 2001); German (Die Entführung des Edgardo Mortara, Hanser, 1998); Brazilian (O Seqüestro de Edgardo Mortara, Rocco, 1998); Hebrew (Kinneret, 2000); Spanish (El secuestro de Edgardo Mortara, Plaza Janés, 2000). Finalist, National Book Award for nonfiction, 1997. Winner, National Jewish Book Award for Jewish-Christian relations, 1997. Selected one of the "Best Books of the Year, 1997", Publishers Weekly, Toronto Globe and Mail. "Edgardo Mine," a stage version of the book , written by Alfred Uhry, opened at Hartford Stage in October, 2002.
Politics and Symbols: The Italian Communist Party and the Fall of Communism. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996.
Sacrificed for Honor: Italian Infant Abandonment and the Politics of Reproductive Control. Boston: Beacon Press, 1993 (paper, 1994). Runner-up, 1995 Goode Award (book on family), American Sociological Association.
Family, Political Economy, and Demographic Change: The Transformation of Life in Casalecchio, Italy, 1861-1921 (with Dennis Hogan). Cloth and paper editions. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1989. Italian edition (with Dennis Hogan and Massimo Marcolin) published as Famiglia, Economia, e Società. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1991. Winner 1990 Marraro Prize from the Society for Italian Historical Studies.
Ritual, Politics, and Power. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988. Cloth and paper. Offered as an alternate selection by the History Book Club. Italian edition, Riti e simboli del potere, Laterza, 1989; Japanese edition, published by Keiso Shobo; 1990. Romanian edition, Ritual, Politica, si Putere, Editura Univers, 2002. Polish edition, Rytual, Polityka, Wladza, Oficyna Wydawnicza Volumen, 2010; Chinese edition, published by Jangsu People's Publishing House, 2015 (with a new preface by the auithor).
Family Life in Central Italy, 1880-1910: Sharecropping, Wage Labor, and Coresidence. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1984. Completely revised and expanded version of Famiglia contadina, 1981. Winner of the 1984 Marraro Prize from the Society for Italian Historical Studies.
Famiglia Contadina e Urbanizzazione [Peasant Family and Urbanization]. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1981.
Comrades and Christians: Religion and Political Struggle in Communist Italy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1980. Cloth and softcover editions. Italian translation with a new preface published as Cattolici e Comunisti. Milan: Franco Angeli, 1981. New English language edition published by Waveland Press, 1990.
Year | Degree | Institution |
1974 | PhD | Brandeis University |
1969 | BA | Brown University |
--Pulitzer Prize for Biography, The Pope and Mussolini, 2015; also winner of the American Historical Association Marraro Prize for best book in Italian histrory.
--Elected Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2005.
--Mark Lynton Prize for History, finalist 2002, The Popes Against the Jews .
--Fellowship, Rockefeller Foundation Study Center, Bellagio, Italy, May-June 2000.
--Fulbright Chair, University of Bologna, spring 2000.
--American Academy of Rome, Department of Education Professor, fall 1999.
--National Book Award for nonfiction for 1997, finalist, for The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara . Also National Jewish Book Award for Jewish-Christian relations, 1997.
--National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, 1995-96.
--1990 Marraro Prize (Society for Italian Historical Studies) for "the best work on Italian history" in 1989 for Family, Political Economy, and Demographic Change .
--Guggenheim Fellowship, 1986-1987.
--1985 Marraro Prize (Society for Italian Historical Studies) for "the best work on Italian history" in 1984 for Family Life in Central Italy .
--Fellowship, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, 1982-3.
--Fulbright Senior Lecturer, University of Catania, Italy, winter-spring 1978.
--Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellow, 1972-1973.
--Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude, Brown University, 1969.
Population Association of America
Social Science History Association
American Ethnological Society
Society for the Anthropology of Europe
Faculty Fellow. Watson Institute for International Studies, 2013-2018 |
Modern Italian History
Anthropological demography
History of Anthropological Theory
Politics and Symbols
ANTH 0066X - Politics and Symbols |
ANTH 1910G - Senior Seminar: Politics and Symbols |
ANTH 1990 - Senior Seminar: (Re)Making Anthropology |
ANTH 2000 - History of Ethnological Theory |
ANTH 2300 - Anthropological Demography |
ITAL 1390 - Modern Italy |
ITAL 2220 - New Perspectives on Fascism |