Copyright © 1995, R.J. Kilcullen.
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The linked files are:
Corrected Latin text for the passages from Ockham's Dialogus translated in William of Ockham, A Letter to the Friars Minor and other Writings, ed. Arthur Stephen McGrade and John Kilcullen (Cambridge University Press, 1995). The passages are:
(An electronic edition on World Wide Web of William of Ockham, Dialogus, Latin text with translation, is being made by John Kilcullen and John Scott for the Medieval Text Committee of the British Academy.)
Corrections to the translation published in A
(Please send other corrections to:
William of Ockham, The Work of Ninety Days, Introduction, Translation and Notes, by John Kilcullen and John Scott.
Three papers relating to Ockham's "political" writings:
Translations (pretty rough) of documents relevant to the controversy over the Franciscan idea of poverty as a religious ideal (from which Ockham's "political" writings arose). The documents are:
A translation of Johannes Duns Scotus, Ordinatio, II, dist. 3, pars 1, q. 5 and q. 6, 'Whether a material substance is "This" and individual through matter?', and 'Whether a material substance is individual through some positive entity, per se determining the nature to singularity?'
A translation of William of Ockham, Ordinatio, I, dist. 2, q. 6, 'Whether the universal is really outside the soul, not really distinct from the individual?'
Script of taped lectures in the course PHIL360 Later Medieval Philosophy:
Corrected Latin text of Johannes Buridan, Super libros Ethicorum Aristotelis, book 10
Corrected Latin text of Johannes Wyclif, De civili dominio, Book 1, chs. 1-10
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