See Main Page for a guide
to all contents of all sections.
Religion in the Face of
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Catholicism: Reaction and
- The Popes: Reaction and Reform
- Renewed Marianism
- Converts
- 2ND Patrick Allitt: Catholic Converts:
British and American Intellectuals Turn to Rome, Chapter 1, with an interesting review by
Peter Steinfels. [At NY Times: you will be asked to "sign up" to access the
- Francis Thompson !859-1907): The Hound of Heaven,
with discussion
[At Drexel]
- Lytton Strachey: Cardinal Manning (1807-1982), from Eminent
Victorians, 1918 [At this Site][At this Site]
- 2ND Peter C. Erb: A Question of Sovereignty: The Politics of
Manning's Conversion, 1996 [At Emory]
- MEGA Newman Links Page [At Erasmus]
Links to discussions and all texts online. Rather emphasizes Newman as a
"conservative", and ignores his progressivism, not to mention his probable
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): The Theory of
Developments in Religious Doctrine, 1843 [At this Site]
This is a "University Sermon" from 1843 (the last of his Fifteen Sermons
Preached Before the University of Oxford), not the more extended monograph of 1845.
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): Essay On the
Development of Christian Doctrine, long excerpts. [At Caltech]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): Surrender to God (1st
Sunday in Lent), 1848 [At this Site]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): The World and Sin
(2nd Sunday in Lent), 1848 [At this Site]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): Faith and Private
Judgement,1849 [At this Site]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): The Second Spring: A
sermon delivered to the First Provincial Council of Westminster, 1852 [At this Site]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): The Idea of A
University, 1854 [At this Site]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): Sermon on Fasting [At
this Site]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): On Consulting the Faithful
in Matters of Doctrine, July 1859 [At this Site]
Newman advances ideas in ecclesiology which were not fully understood until a century
later at the Second Vatican Council.
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): Apologia Pro Vita Sua,
1864 [At this Site]
Complete text, with the subsidiary documents. This is probably the single most influential
document produced by and about English Catholicism.
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): A Letter Addressed to His
Grace the Duke of Norfolk on Occasion of Mr. Gladstone's Recent Expostulation, Dec.
27, 1874 [At this Site]
Newman's great Catholic defence of the primacy of conscience against all other authority.
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): Who is to Blame?
[At this Site]
Newman on the nature of constitutional government.
- 2ND See Catholic Encyclopedia: John Henry Newman [At New Advent]
and E. L. Core John
Henry Newman: His Developing Faith, His Life as a Catholic [At Victorian Web]
- WEB Gerard Manley Hopkins Page [At
- Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889): Selected
Poetry [At Toronto]
- Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889): Poems, complete 1918
edition, [At Bartleby]
- MEGA Chesterton Links Page [At Erasmus]
Texts and further information on G.K.Chesteron, as well as Newman, Belloc, Hopkins, and
- WEB G. K. Chesterton Page, including Chesterton's Works on the Web [At
- Gilbert Keith Chesteron: Heretics, 1905, full
text, [At CCEL]
- Gilbert Keith Chesteron: Orthodoxy, 1909,
full text, [At CCEL]
- WEB Mgsr. Robert Hugh Benson (1871-1914) [At
Notre Dame]
- Mgsr. Robert Hugh Benson (1871-1914): Papers of a Pariah,
1907 [At Notre Dame]
- Mgsr. Robert Hugh Benson (1871-1914): Confessions of a Convert,
1913 [At Notre Dame]
- St. George Jackson Mivart (1827-1900): On the Genesis of the
Species, 1871
Mivart was a Catholic convert who wrote a noted reply to the Darwinian thesis, which
he did not dismiss out of hand, in 1871. In 1876, Pope Pius IX conferred on him the degree
of doctor of philosophy.
- Converts and Decadence
- Canon John Gray
- Andre Raffalovich
- Oscar Wilde
- Baron Corvo
- Radicals
- Missionary Expansion
- Resistence to Roman Control
- Old Catholics
- "Modernism"
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Activism, Rationalism, and Fideism
- Walter Rauschenbusch: The Social Gospel, 1908 [At
this Site]
- William James (1842-1910): The
Varieties of Religious Experience, 1902 [At Psychweb][Full Text]
- Biblical Criticism
- Muscular Christianity
- The Oxford Movement
- John Keble (1792-1866): Sermon
on National Apostasy, 1833 [At Victorian Web]
Preached at the Assize Sermon in Oxford, it was sensation and is seen as the beginning of
the Oxford Movement. See article by Glenn Everett on Tractarianism
[At Victorian Web] or the Catholic Encyclopedia on The Oxford Movement
- The Tracts for the Times, 1833-1841 [At this Site]
Listing of all tracts, with links to online texts were available.
- Tracts for the Times 1: Thoughts on the Ministerial
Commisson, 1833, [by John Henry Newman][At this Site]
- Tracts for the Times 2: The Catholic Church, 1833
[by John Henry Newman][At this Site]
- Tracts for the Times 3: Thoughts on Alteration in the
Liturgy, 1833 [by John Henry Newman][At this Site]
- Tracts for the Times 4: Adherence to the Apostolical
Succession the Safest Course. On Alterations in the Prayer-book, 1833 [by John
Keble] [At this Site]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): Select
Writings [At LibertyNet]
- Negating the 39 Articles [At this Site]
- Pope Leo XIII (b.1810-r.1878-1903): On the Nullity of
Anglican Orders, Apostolicae Curae, 1896 [At this Site]
- Archbishops of England: Reply to Leo XIII [At this
- Quakers
- Fundamentalism
- Missionary Expansion
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Orthodoxy: Christian Life Under Tsars and Sultans
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Judaism and Modernity
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Eastern Religions in the West
- WEB Madame Blavatsky: Works [At Blavatsky.net]
Large number of texts from the major figure in Theosophy.
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Consideration of Religious Thought
- Ludwig Büchner: Force and Matter--Empirico-Philosophical
Studies Intelligibly Rendered, 1855 [At this Site]
This is one of the most successful, and early, statements on Materialism stemming from the
conclusions of the New Science.
- Ernst Haeckel: The Confession of Faith of a Man of Science,
1892 [At this Site]
- Andrew Dickson White: A History of the Warfare
of Science with Theology in Christendom, 1896, full text, [At Wiretap]
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955): Science and Religion, 1939
[At St. Cloud]
- Bertrand Russell (1872-1970): Why I am not a Christian [At Drew]
- Bertrand Russell (1872-1970): A Free Man's Worship, 1917 [At this Site]
An unflinching examintion of the human situation from an atheistic viewpoint.
- Bertrand Russell (1872-1970): A Free Man's Worship, 1903 [At Drew]
- Charles Peirce: The Fixation of Belief [At this Site]
- Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo (1864-1936): The Tragic Sense of Life in Men and in Peoples,
- Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo (1864-1936): The Agony of Christianity, 1925.
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Dates of accession of material added since July 1998 can be seen in the New Additions page.. The date of inception
was 9/22/1997.
Links to files at other site are indicated by [At some indication of the site
name or location]. Locally available texts are marked by [At this Site].
WEB indicates a link to one of small
number of high quality web sites which provide either more texts or an especially valuable
Since September 22, 1997, this site has been accessed times
[the counter is approximate since it only records graphical hits.]
The Internet Modern History Sourcebook is part of the
Internet History Sourcebooks Project.
created 1997: last revised 5/22/1999 |