Howard Day
born on 19th October, 1825 in New York. He worked as a printer on
the Northampton
before moving to Cleveland where he became involved in the struggle
against racial discrimination.
Inspired by the example of Frederick Douglass,
Day became editor of the Cleveland
True Democrat (1851-52)
and the Aliened American (1853-54).
In 1858 he embarked on a tour of Europe where he made speeches and
raised funds for the Anti-Slavery cause.
Day returned to the United States after the Civil
War and worked for the Freedmen's Bureau.
He became an inspector of schools in Maryland and Delaware before
being ordained a minister of the African Methodist Episcopal Church
in 1867.
Howard Day, who served as general secretary of
the General Conference of the African
Methodist Episcopal Church (1875-1880), died in Harrisburg
on 3rd December, 1900.
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