was founded in 1820 by John
Scott (1783-1821) as a rival to the Gentleman's
Magazine. It was a non-political magazine that concentrated
on the world of literature. Scott championed the work of young writers
such as William Wordsworth, Charles
Lamb, Leigh Hunt, William
Hazlitt and Thomas Carlyle.
In 1821 Scott accused a rival journal, Blackwood's
Magazine, of libel. A representative of the journal, J. H.
Christie, challenged Scott to a duel. Scott accepted and died as result
of the wounds received during the fight. Scot's policy of supporting
young writers was continued under his replacement, John Taylor (1781-1864).
In the early part of the 20th century the London
Magazine employed some of Britain's top cartoonists
including Frank Reynolds, Henry
M. Brock, H. M. Bateman and Lewis
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