Top Stories for the tag "science" voted on by you!
October 28, 2006
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Many misuse the word "theory." In common usage, the word theory signifies a conjecture, an opinion, or a speculation. But in scientific terms, such as "Theory of Evolution" or "Big Bang Theory," the meaning is different. Because of the common usage definition, pseudo-scientists are quick to conclude that the "Theo (13 hours and 38 minutes ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: theory science
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submitted by Buwayahman
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Parents should listen to their instincts and pick up their newborn babies when they cry, Queensland University of Technology researcher Professor Karen Thorpe said. (23 hours and 21 minutes ago)
Channel: Women | Tags: Babies women mothers science news
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submitted by SFL_ORG_News_Center
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A test to see how well man made chemical 'cells' can pass themselves off as the real thing could help scientists solve the problem of defining when something is alive, say researchers. (1 day and 2 hours ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science news media
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submitted by SFL_ORG_News_Center
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Biologists say the discovery of a new photoreceptor gene in fish, birds, and amphibians implies that humans may have gone through a nocturnal phase in the course of evolution.
(1 day and 4 hours ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science nocturnal evolution genetics
submitted by capn_caveman
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The astrophysicists of the international H.E.S.S. collaboration report the discovery of fast variability in very-high-energy (VHE) gamma rays from the giant elliptical galaxy M 87. The fast variability time-scale of the gamma rays tells astronomers that the powerful object emitting these rays can not be larger than our solar system. (1 day and 4 hours ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science black holes gamma rays event horizon
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submitted by capn_caveman
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If you think we know all there is to know about water, think again. Scientists claim they have created a totally new alloy of hydrogen and oxygen molecules by splitting water. (1 day and 4 hours ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science water hydrogen oxygen alloy
submitted by capn_caveman
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Someday, those mercury warning labels posted near the fish section of supermarkets may join lead paint and asbestos as relics of a bygone era. (1 day and 15 hours ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: environment science technology news mercury
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submitted by SFL_ORG_News_Center
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This is really funny, this site allows you to type any message and it will call whoever you specifiy with whatever callerID you specify! The system converts the message to a computerized voice of your choice. Imagine the funny uses. (1 day and 18 hours ago)
Channel: Gadgets | Tags: funny technology free science news
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submitted by siaver
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Glioblastoma multiforme, the most common of malignant brain tumors in adults, is one of the deadliest of all forms of cancer. Striking some 18,000 new victims in the United States every year, the disease is always fatal, usually within six months of onset. (1 day and 18 hours ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science cancer medical news media
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submitted by SFL_ORG_News_Center
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Evidence that the world's oceans were once steamy cauldrons comes from the distribution of the element silicon in ancient rocks known as cherts. (1 day and 19 hours ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: Science ocean hot
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submitted by pagey
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Scientists have discovered a bacterial "switch gene" in two groups of microscopic plankton common in the oceans. The gene helps determine whether certain marine plankton convert a sulfur compound to one that rises into the atmosphere, where it can affect the earth's temperature, or remain in the sea, where it can be used as a nutrient. (1 day and 22 hours ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science news media envvironment
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submitted by SFL_ORG_News_Center
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Using 3D models run on some of the fastest computers in the world, Laboratory physicists have created a mathematical code that cracks a mystery surrounding stellar evolution. (1 day and 23 hours ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science stars 3D model Big Bang
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submitted by capn_caveman
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Astronomers using NASA's infrared Spitzer Space Telescope have discovered that an exploded star, named Cassiopeia A, blew up in a somewhat orderly fashion, retaining much of its original onion-like layering. (1 day and 23 hours ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science space supernova Spitzer
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submitted by capn_caveman
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Manure Inspector, Orangutan-Pee Collector, etc... (2 days ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science jobs dirty nasty
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submitted by capn_caveman
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It sounds like a bad joke, but it's a question that has been weighing heavily on Leonard Susskind's mind. Susskind, a physicist at Stanford University in California, has been trying to save that elephant for decades... (2 days ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science black hole physics elephant
submitted by capn_caveman
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The world's most powerful pulsed, nondestructive magnet is now ready to explore the frontiers of high magnetic field science - after 10 years of research, major instrument development, and construction. (2 days ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science magnet powerful
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submitted by capn_caveman
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Hubble has returned to the intriguing V838 Monocerotis many times since its initial outburst in 2002 to follow the evolution of its light echo. Two new images provide the most astonishing views of V838 to date. (2 days ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science space Hubble images light echo
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submitted by capn_caveman
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Researchers who have successfully decoded the genome of the common honey bee say it could provide a better understanding of the role genes play in mediating conflict and provide 'future proofing' for agricultural production. (2 days ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science news media
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submitted by SFL_ORG_News_Center
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The COROT space telescope is proceeding smoothly towards its launch in December 2006. Once in orbit, COROT will become the first spacecraft devoted to the search for rocky planets, similar to our own Earth. (2 days ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: space science news media
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submitted by SFL_ORG_News_Center
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Scientists from the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, and the University of Chicago have uncovered a remarkably well-preserved fossil lamprey from the Devonian period (2 days ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science news media
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submitted by SFL_ORG_News_Center
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Astronomers have taken amazing pictures of two of the most distant galaxies ever seen. The ultradeep images, taken at infrared wavelengths, confirm for the first time that these celestial cherubs are real. (2 days ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science space galaxies distant
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submitted by capn_caveman
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Mice that cannot degrade surplus DNA develop arthritis, according to a new study. If the same occurs in humans, the discovery may suggest new treatments for the inflammatory disorder, researchers say. (2 days ago)
Channel: Health & Fitness | Tags: health science arthritis DNA surplus
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submitted by capn_caveman
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Spontaneous combustion is not high on most people's list of worries, but when it happens to materials at one of the world's oldest and largest storage centers for weapons-grade uranium, it is a different matter. (2 days ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science nuclear waste storage security
submitted by capn_caveman
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Radio telescopes designed to study the primordial universe could also eavesdrop on extraterrestrial civilizations similar to our own. "By a happy accident," says Abraham Loeb of Harvard University, "the telescopes will be sensitive to just the kind of radio emission that our civilization is leaking into space." (2 days ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: science space alien radio transmissions
submitted by capn_caveman
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Combining data from years of laboratory work with the power of bioinformatics, researchers have created a map that helps explain how the brain generates the assortment of specialized proteins it needs to process information. (3 days ago)
Channel: Science | Tags: Medical science news media
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submitted by SFL_ORG_News_Center
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