November 20, 2006 9:09pmTop Art & Design Stories Submitted and Voted by You!
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LONDON (Reuters) - A square yard of prime "space in a case" is up for auction in a London museum and the winning bidder can exhibit whatever they want.
(8 hours and 26 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: London museum space up for auction winner may exhibit whatever they want
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submitted by moemebe
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Worldmapper is a collection of world maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to the subject of interest.
(8 hours and 23 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: woldmapper world maps territories re sized interest
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submitted by jeremytoday
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An artist's creation of gingerbread Nazis drew complaints after it was displayed in a hardware store window, prompting the store owner to demand the artwork be removed. Charlie Palmer covered the gingerbread men during the weekend and said he wanted them out by of his business by Tuesday.
(2 hours and 3 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: art display scandal
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submitted by Deidre
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FBI agents in New Jersey have recovered a 1778 painting by famed Spanish artist Francisco de Goya that was stolen as it was being taken to an exhibition earlier this month, the agency announced Monday. The painting, "Children with a Cart," (4 hours and 16 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: goya paint fbi.
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submitted by zepequeno
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Germany's culture minister and top museums are calling "for more transparency in the restitution of paintings stolen by the Nazis, amid concerns that the nation's galleries risk losing scores of valuable and popular works." (6 hours and 43 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: art Germany nazis
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submitted by Dakota
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Welcome to Justin Schlecter's portfolio of intricate geometric paperclip sculptures. (10 hours and 37 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: paperclips schlecter sculptures
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submitted by jeremytoday
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A gallery of 28 funny, cool and amazing light bulb pictures. (4 hours and 51 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: funny cool amazing light bulb pictures
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submitted by footwalls
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Pablo Picasso, the auction world's top-priced artist, was a loser in this season's New York sales as buyers opted for Gustav Klimt, who was more in the news. November impressionist and modern sales raised a record $847.3 million, said Sotheby's. Prices for the old standby's pictures may have been too high, experts said. (3 hours and 33 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: picasso art auctions klimt paintings
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submitted by Deidre
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Some amazing bee shots by Rick Lieder. (3 hours and 51 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: macro bees Rick Lieder
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submitted by jeremytoday
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Spreadshirt have hidden 300 t shirts around the World, and they're waiting for you to find them. The locations and clues are at this site. You have to leave one of your own old t-shirts in the same place as you find the new one! (8 hours and 41 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: shirt treasure hunt spreadshirt
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submitted by MattSparkes
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The CrazyPC Hover Mouse is the world's first 100% friction-less mouse. Utilizing advanced, patent-pending electromagnetic hovering technology, the Hover Mouse floats one centimeter above the mousing surface at all times. It is a well established fact, that friction results in wear to your mouse and decreased accuracy while gaming. Since the Hover M (7 hours and 23 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: Gadgets Amazing Computer
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submitted by vincente
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Haven't seen 'White Guys' yet? Don't wait any longer! (10 hours and 41 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: comic humor funny
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submitted by jpfieber
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BurJuman, the region's most luxurious shopping destination, has today unveiled its lineup of innovative and creative events for Art and Fashion 2006, the two-week long celebration of all things with a creative edge.
(12 hours and 6 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: new exhibition exhibition of goods from glass and wire
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submitted by parkins
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This past week, pedestrians passing the Asian Civilisations Museum in Singapore were happily surprised by periodic bursts of precipitation falling from a nearby Angsana tree. Many innocent passers-by gawked in wonderment, but those in the know recognized it as an art installation by artist Iepe B. T. Rubingh in conjunction with the first annual Sin (22 hours and 1 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: Raining Angsana Tree in Singapore Iepe Singapore Biennale
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submitted by ecomod
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The site automatically creates a thumbnail of screenshots for you to place on your blog. All you have to do is include the URL of the page you want captured and the size of the image. (0 hours and 27 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: Blog Screenshot Design Tool Application
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submitted by ppoff
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TS Spookytooth is currently wowing children with his first picture book for Harper Collins, entitled "The Small Bun" a re-telling of that old classic "The Gingerbread Man." He draws while surrounded by possibly the largest collection of cypripediums in the world, a pet octopus, and a hot pot of tea. (7 hours and 14 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: art artist illustration illustrator
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submitted by davetabler
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Arnold Lehman believes that he has seen the future of American museums, and other museum directors would see it, too, if only they would read the 2000 Census. (6 hours and 53 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: culture brooklyn museum art
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submitted by blainegarrett
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Buffalo restores a Wright building, one of many restoration projects nationwide. (6 hours and 50 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: frank loyd wright buffallo
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submitted by blainegarrett
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Nice black and white composition (8 hours and 37 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: Black white stool table
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submitted by TheIdeaDude
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Bernice Waldman never stopped hoping she would be able to go back to college. Today, at age 70, she is the oldest student to be enrolled in Florida International University's fine arts program, where she is studying advance painting while selling her creations.
(10 hours and 33 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: Florida International University Bernice Waldman
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submitted by parkins
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Impressionism is an artistic trend in fine arts and music, appeared at the end of XIX century. It is typical for this trend - appeal to feelings, not intellect; tendency to brilliance, realization of passing feelings, inspired landscapes. The most vivid representative of impressionism in music is K.Debussy and his followers.
(10 hours and 23 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: impressionism in painting impressionism art history fine art gallery
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submitted by parkins
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A hamon features an undulated border line of the tempered blade's edge. Traditionally, it characterizes Japanese katana; though some use it for ninja swords too.
(9 hours and 50 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: sword history art weapon
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submitted by igriva
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In Miami, custom 3D plastic Puppies will fund cancer. From December 6-10, auction house Christie's and Miami-based design retailer Luminaire will present the Puppy Love Project, a charity auction of plastic puppies for the University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. All event proceeds will benefit the Center's Molecular Oncology Prog (11 hours and 29 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: charity auction Art Basel Miami Beach
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submitted by parkins
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This year's 100% Design show highlighted the sheer wealth of creativity and innovation, which underscores furniture, lighting and product design in Britain. Impossible to categorise, British style embraces diversity, individuality and an eclectic mix of old and new, classic and contemporary. (11 hours and 17 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: design show innovation show product design industrial design product
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submitted by parkins
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Anatoliy Tertichniy was born in 1954 in Rovenky town, Lugansky region. From 1973 he lives in Kiev, Ukraine. Tertichniy achieved professional education in 1966-1969 at Fine Art Studio, Rovno; 1969-1973 - Lugansk National Fine Art Academy, painting faculty; 1973-1979 Kiev National Fine Art University, graphic arts faculty. Since 1987 - a member of Uk (11 hours and 7 minutes ago)
Channel: Art & Design | Tags: Modern art paintings museum of modern art ukrainian artist
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submitted by parkins
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