Constitutional Law
Project Information
International Constitutional
Law (ICL) provides English translations of and other textual material
related to constitutional documents. It cross-references those documents
for quick comparison of constitutional provisions. These are the rules
we try to rely on:
All translations and ICL-Editions
of publicly available translations are in American English to simplify
comparative research. However, British English is used for documents officially
published in that language.
Paragraphs are numbered, inofficial
titles put in square brackets to be included into the table of contents.
News and background information
is fact oriented.
A set of ICL-keys is provided
for most ICL-editions; we also include internal references to other provisions
of the constitution.
As a separate document, you
will find a primer on International Constitutional
Law And Comparing Constitutions with more details about the project's
purposes and some references to related literature. If you have suggestions
or questions or if you want to participate, please contact me (A.
Instead of the ICL-Newsletter
with project announcements and political news, we now have the
flag attached to any items that recently changed.
& Copyright Information
Please have a look at our
separate document regarding Download & Copyright.
Citation Suggestion
The Bluebook (The Bluebook.
A Uniform System of Citation, The Columbia Law Review Association
et al. eds., 16th ed. 1995) now includes citation rules for internet sources
- 19.3.2 (Foreign Jurisdiction); 19.1.5. (Translations); 17.3.3.
(Internet Sources).
You could cite as follows:
German Const. Art.
3 (2), translated in A. Tschentscher (ed.), International Constitutional
Law (last modified June 5th, 2003) <http: // law/
icl/> (F.R.G.).