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Politics – Rep. John Dingell, the Michigan Democrat who is the dean of the House of Representatives and chairman of a powerful committee, says lawmakers should focus on three principles, including bipartisanship, when addressing…
Do No Evil – Saving the world isn't just for Birkenstock-wearing hippies. Environmentalists and investment bankers are working together to put a price tag on nature. The new 'greens' think that human beings are ready to start…
Science – With their new book, Unstoppable Global Warming Every 1500 Years, S. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery skewer all the misinformation that has been used for so long in an attempt to convince society that mankind is…
Science – Cleveland weathermen say "Don't get too worked up over global warming!"
Science – A large majority of genuine scientists believe that catastrophic man-made global warming is a hoax. Al Gore, media elites and a few United Nations pseudo-scientists will continue the far left's propaganda campaign.…
Politics – THE U.S. government has been resorting to reprehensible methods to deceive citizens about a subject that involves humanity as a whole: climate changes that are leading to increased global warming.
Science – When glaciologist Lonnie Thompson returns to Qori Kalis glacier, he expects to find that half of the ice he saw during his visit there last year has vanished. What troubles him the most is his recent observations…
Science – International efforts to combat global warming will come too late to prevent the evacuation of Pacific islands sinking as a result of rising sea levels and severe weather, said Anote Tong, president of Kiribati.…
Science – Last month was by far the hottest January ever. The broken record was fueled by a waning El Nino and a gradually warming world. Spurred on by unusually warm Siberia, Canada, northern Asia and Europe, the world's…
Science – A new hypothesis explains how the climate could change abruptly between ice ages and warm periods. New research argues that the changes in the Earth's orbit around the Sun in isolation do not explain the estimated…
Science – The warming most global climate models predict will do more harm than simply raise the sea levels that most observers fear. It will make drastic changes in fragile ecosystems throughout the world, especially in…
Science – The long-term stability of the massive ice sheets of Antarctica, which have the potential to raise sea levels by hundreds of metres, has been called into question with the discovery of fast-moving rivers of water…
Science – It may be cold comfort during a frigid February, but last month was by far the hottest January ever.
Science – An indepth look at climate change and the effects it is already having on our world. This documentary is very nicely done, great quality, and quite informative for those of you intested in finding out more about…
Music – Al Gore announced Thursday that concerts will be held on seven continents to focus worldwide attention on the threat of climate change, with a powerhouse lineup of acts from the Red Hot Chili Peppers to Snoop Dogg…
Science – In a recent report published in Nature, researchers present new evidence for significant global cooling at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary, about 33.5 million years ago, when the Earth cooled from 'greenhouse' to…
Do No Evil – A conservative think tank attempted to engage the debate over climate policy recently, only to see that attempt explode in its face. The tangled episode, with its combustible mix of sensationalist journalism, public…
News – Climate change could destroy many of Britain's coastal areas as sea levels rise and more intense storms bring flooding and corrosion, a study commissioned by the National Trust has warned.
Science – A new NASA study says that global warming could increase droughts in southwest United States, Mexico, parts of North Africa, the Middle East, and Australia -- areas already stressed by periodic water shortages.…
Science – Traditional ski holidays could be a thing of the past in 25 years, with climate change bringing a dramatic decrease in snow cover at resorts in the Alps and the US, a report warned today.The report, carried out…
Politics – Scientific consensus has been warning us for years that climate change is real. But the mountain of scientific evidence wasn't enough on its own for the issue to penetrate mainstream debate. For some to be convinced…
Men – The hoax of the doctrine of man-made global warming that is being foisted upon the world by decree, and the junk science that is manipulated to support it, represents a creeping fascism whose agenda to stifle open…
Politics – Some countries are jailing Holocaust deniers for their views. Disturbingly, it appears that a new political correctness is emerging in the debate on global warming and, like the war against Holocaust revisionists,…
Politics – Members of Congress should consider a carbon tax as a better approach to lowering greenhouse gas emissions than the caps and tradable permits (cap-and-trade) legislation currently being advocated by many lawmakers,…
News – The Chinese government is preparing to adopt its first program to cut its greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to global warming. Though some reports suggest the plan will not include quantitative reduction…
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“The FDA approves, but you should know: (1) FDA ...”
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