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Science – On Tuesday NASA released this new shot of a dying star -a white dwarf shown as a bright dot near the center of nebula NGC 2440-that was once similar to our sun.
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Science – Storms, lightning, and other forces of nature are almost always shunned upon but given the right moment they force us into a state of respect and awe for their beauty and power. Enjoy these these snapshots in time.…
Science – Greenhouse gases widely blamed for causing global warming have jumped to record highs in the atmosphere, apparently stoked by rising emissions from Asian industry, a researcher said on Friday.
Science – A miner in Chiapas discovered a tiny tree frog that has been preserved in amber for 25 million years, a researcher said.
Science – While a person's accidental death reported on the evening news can bring viewers to tears, mass killings reported as statistics fail to tickle human emotions, a new study finds.
Science – NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) spacecraft has used its onboard High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera (HiRISE) to take a color image of a region of Mars in the vicinity of the intended landing…
Science – Launch set for 6:05 p.m. Friday Mission To Study Geomagnetic Substorms (CBS4) CAPE CANAVERAL So many satellites. Just one rocket. Five NASA satellites stacked like a wedding cake are set to launch on a single…
Science – A star found spinning more than a thousand times every second is thought to be the fastest rotating star known.
Science – An unmanned "tractor spacecraft" could eventually be used to drag an asteroid off course before it slams into Earth with catastrophic consequences, experts have said.
Science – Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have successfully generated electricity from heat by trapping organic molecules between metal nanoparticles, an achievement that could pave the way toward the…
Science – The Irish technology development company, has today announced that its free energy technology will be made widely available to the development community immediately after the independent scientific validation process…
Science – Adults thinking back rarely can remember anything before preshool, but those bright infant eyes staring back at mommy and daddy really are forming memories. It's just that babies also forget. In fact, babies' rate…
Science – JUST as native English-speakers stumble with Japanese, the Japanese struggle mightily with English, not to mention Korean or Chinese. In the widely used TOEFL tests of English as a foreign language, Japan invariably…
Science – Last month was by far the hottest January ever. The broken record was fueled by a waning El Nino and a gradually warming world. Spurred on by unusually warm Siberia, Canada, northern Asia and Europe, the world's…
Science – Termites, the dread of homeowners worldwide, could play a significant role in the ethanol industry. Researchers at universities and private companies are scanning the DNA of the microbes that live inside the guts…
Science – As the college acceptance letters start rolling in this February, there's a lot for parents and their college-bound kids to sort through when making the big decision of where to go. Here's one important question…
Science – Jeffrey Sachs, speaking at the U.N. with British economist Sir Nicholas Stern, said the commitment of the two largest emitters of greenhouse gases is "absolutely fundamental" to forging a comprehensive agreement…
Science – A federal appeals court ruled Friday that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service violated the Endangered Species Act when it approved a 22,000- acre logging project that affects northern spotted owl habitat in southern…
Science – International efforts to combat global warming will come too late to prevent the evacuation of Pacific islands sinking as a result of rising sea levels and severe weather, said Anote Tong, president of Kiribati.…
Science – California's stem cell agency on Friday doled out nearly $45 million in research grants to about 20 state universities and nonprofit research laboratories, far exceeding the federal government's annual outlays for…
Science – The principal glacier of the world's biggest tropical ice-cap could disappear within five years as a result of global warming, one of the world's leading glaciologists predicted yesterday.
Science – Watch as these blood thirsty hornets make short work of these poor Honey Bees!
Science – "The specs of its 2-VU model aren't all that noteworthy--a 1.83GHx Intel Dual Core processor, 1GB of memory, a 60GB hard drive and no conventional keyboard or mouse, according to I4U News. But what makes it special,…
Science – A US space agency (Nasa) mission to study auroras - the Northern Lights - has been delayed for 24 hours due to high winds
Science – Think mother nature has dealt us her worst? Think again. Here are five natural disasters poised to strike the United States, and why they will be like nothing we have ever seen.
Science – Imagine two stars with winds so powerful that they eject an Earth's worth of material roughly once every month. Next, imagine those two winds colliding head-on. Such titanic collisions produce multimillion-degree…
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