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Politics – Jurors reached a verdict Tuesday in the trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, a former White House aide accused of lying and obstructing an investigation into the leak of a CIA operative's identity. The verdict will be read at 12 noon EST.
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Voted for on March 06, 2007 08:11pm
Do-It-Yourself – At long last, the Netscape team is proud to release a Beta of the next generation My.Netscape, at: This site will be live tomorrow (Tuesday 3/6). My.Netscape will retain its identity as a personalized homepage, with a minimum of ad clutter. The initial release will in fact have no ads at all! Our programming staff has worked hard to create a framework that allows for scalability and UI elegance.
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Voted for on March 06, 2007 08:10pm
Science – Studies in a wide range of species, from worms to mice and monkeys, have come to the same conclusion: eat all the nutrients necessary for a healthy life and cut calories to the bare minimum - half the normal daily amount - and you could extend life span by up to half..
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Voted for on March 06, 2007 08:10pm
Travel – The five-hour bus ride between two Baltic capitals just got easier. With constant internet access, a couple of flat-screen TVs and a built-in espresso machine, time flies.
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Voted for on March 06, 2007 08:10pm
News – The Pentagon said Tuesday it will bar news coverage of hearings for the 14 terror suspects who were transferred to Guantanamo Bay last fall from secret CIA prisons abroad--including an alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks.
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Voted for on March 06, 2007 08:09pm
News – As migrant laborers flee Colorado because of tough new immigration restrictions, worried farmers are looking to prisoners to fill their places in the fields.
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Voted for on March 04, 2007 08:52am
Do No Evil – A challenge to the President's moral integrity, wayward policies and strategies as he leads the American people deeper into war.
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Voted for on March 04, 2007 08:52am
Politics – It is the soldiers, their families, and the people of Iraq that pay the human costs. The tab so far: more than 3,000 dead U.S. troops, tens of thousands of wounded, over half a million Iraqi casualties, roughly 250,000 American servicemen and women struggling with PTSD, and almost 60,000 military marriages that have been broken by this war.
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Voted for on March 04, 2007 08:51am
Commented on 1 time:
Careers & Jobs – A business credit card separate from your personal one will provide detailed reports of purchases you made during specific time periods, for example quarterly or yearly. This can be extremely helpful in organizing your deductions at tax time, which comes four times a year not just once if you are subject to paying estimated taxes.
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Voted for on March 03, 2007 08:19pm
Food – "The day Wendy's opened Apollo 12 astronauts were headed for the moon despite electrical problems in the spacecraft. The government was reporting the death of soldiers in Vietnam and newspapers reported war protests at home". Am from India and am also a sucker for nostalgia, nice piece this one!! I yearn for times I was not born in.
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Voted for on March 03, 2007 08:18pm
Science – The MODIS satellites gaze back at the Earth constantly circling and snapping high res images of our world. You can see what they've been up to for the last couple days and download high res versions that are in the commons and ready for you to use for whatever you like
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Voted for on March 03, 2007 08:18pm
Humor – How do we manage to let that one bombing a day in Iraq bum us out?
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Voted for on March 03, 2007 08:12pm
Humor – Jason Jones checks out the online dating scene with a little help from his friend, Conservative Pundit/Dating Expert Joe Scarborough.
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Voted for on March 03, 2007 08:11pm
News – A bus carrying what police called a "full load" of passengers fell off a bridge and onto Interstate 75 in downtown Atlanta early Friday morning, snarling morning rush hour traffic, police said.
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Voted for on March 03, 2007 08:10pm
News – The city of New Orleans filed a $77 billion damage claim against the Army Corps of Engineers Thursday for flooding that inundated the city when levees failed after Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. Under the Federal Tort Act, Thursday was the last day residents could file such a claim against the Corps.
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Voted for on March 03, 2007 08:10pm