Inyotef I ()
el-Tarif, Thebes: Dilapidated pyramid in a row.
Inyotef II ()
el-Tarif, Thebes: Dilapidated pyramid in a row.
Inyotef III ()
el-Tarif, Thebes: Dilapidated pyramid in a row.
Nebhepetre’ Montuhotep (2061-2010 B.C.E.)
Gebelein: Inscription.
Tod: Evidence for Temple of Montu.
Armant: Evidence of Temple of Montu.
Deir el-Bahri: Mortuary Temple.
Dendara: Small chapel.
Amenemhet I (1991-1962 B.C.E.)
el-Lisht: Dilapidated pyramid of the king, smaller pyramids,
and mastabas of the noblemen.
Tell el-Qirqafa: Fragments of a chapel.
Senwoseret I (1971-1926 B.C.E.)
Tod: Evidence for Temple of Montu.
Karnak: Fragment of shrines found in fill of Pylon III. Now
el-Lisht: Dilapidated pyramid of the king, small pyramids, and
mastabas of the noblemen.
Beni Hasan:Tomb of nomarch Amenemhet (No.2) with depiction of
Asiatic entering Egypt
(ANEP 2).
Amenemhet II (1929-1892 B.C.E.)
Dahshur: White pyramid and tombs of the princesses containing a
rich collection of jewelry.
Senwoseret II(1897-1878 B.C.E.)
el-Lahun: Dilapidated pyramid of the king and shaft tomb of
Princess Sithathoriunet contained
fine collection of jewelry.
Senwosret III (1878-1841 B.C.E.)
Dahshur: Pyramid, six boat pits, and tombs of princesses and
queens containing a rich
collection of jewelry.
Tell el-Qirqafa: Fragments of a chapel.
Amenemhet III (1844-1797 B.C.E.)
Dahshur: Black pyramid.
Mit Rahina: lintel from structure.
Tell Basta: Sed-festival chapel.
Amunhotep I (1525-1504 B.C.E.)
Karnak: Fragments of construction near Pylon VII.
Abydos: Some fragmentary remains of building projects.
Thothmosis I (1504-1492 B.C.E.)
Karnak: Pylons IV, V and associated structures.
Biban el-Muluk (Valley of the Kings), Thebes: Tomb.
Naqada: Construction in Temple of Seth.
Hatshepsut (1473-1458 B.C.E.)
Karnak: Obelisks near Pylons IV and V. Fragment of shrines
found in fill of Pylon III.
Deir el-Bahri: Mortuary Temple and Tomb of Senemut.
Biban el-Muluk (Valley of the Kings), Thebes: Tomb.
Thothmosis III (1479-1425 B.C.E.)
Elephantine: Building.
Tod: Shrine to Montu constructed.
Armant: Remains of pylon for Temple of Montu.
Karnak: Pylons VI, VII, VIII. Courts and inner Festival
Tempple including botanical garden.
Medinet Habu, Thebes: Temple of Amun built by Thothmosis III
and Hatshepsut.
Biban el-Muluk (Valley of the Kings), Thebes: Tomb.
Qubbanet el-Qirud, Thebes:Tombs of three princesses contained
treasure of gold and silver
Thebes: Tombs of the Nobleman (in particular see, Tomb of
Naqada: Construction in Temple of Seth.
Abydos: Some fragmentary remains of building projects.
Akhmim: Rock-cut chapel.
Kom Medinet Ghurab: Large Temple.
Amunhotep II (1427-1401 B.C.E.)
Tod: Evidence of Construction projects.
Karnak: Fragment of shrines found in fill of Pylon III.
Sed-festival temple between pylons X
and IX.
Biban el-Muluk (Valley of the Kings), Thebes: Tomb.
Naqada: Construction in Temple of Seth.
Thothmosis IV (1401-1391 B.C.E.)
Thebes: Mortuary Temple.
Karnak: Fragment of shrines found in fill of Pylon III.
Biban el-Muluk (Valley of the Kings), Thebes: Tomb.
Mit Rahina: Foundation deposit.
Giza: Dream stela directing king to clear away the sand around
the sphinx.
Amunhotep III (1391-1353 B.C.E.)
Elephantine: Colonnade temple.
Karnak: Pylon III. Temple of Mut.
Luxor: Most of the Temple of Amun including processional
colonnade, forecourt and
hypostyle hall, four antechambers, and sanctuary.
Malqata, Thebes: Palace.
Thebes: Memnon Colossi are remains of Mortuary Temple.
Biban el-Muluk (Valley of the Kings), Thebes: Tomb.
Abydos: Some fragmentary remains of building projects.
Kom Medinet Ghurab: Artifacts (e.g. bust of Queen Tiyi) and
possible palace.
Amarna: Some diplomatic correspondences may date to this king’s
Mit Rahina: Blocks in vicinity suggest buildings in the
Saqqara: Tombs of the nobleman.
Tell Basta: Sed-festival Chapel.
Amunhotep IV (Akhenaten) (1353-1335 B.C.E.)
Amarna: Short-lived capital in Middle Egypt containing tombs,
palace, Aten temple, houses
and artisan complex.
Luxor: Blocks from the Temple of Aten used as fill in Luxor and
Karnak Temples
Tutankhamun (1333-1323 B.C.E.)
Luxor: Decoration on colonnade for Festival of Opet in Temple
of Amun.
Biban el-Muluk (Valley of the Kings), Thebes: Undisturbed tomb
contain wealth of artifacts
from late eighteenth dynasty.
Saqqara: Tombs of Nobleman of the Late Eighteenth Dynasty when
capital moved to
Aya (1323-1319 B.C.E.)
Thebes: Mortuary Temple.
Akhmim: Rock-cut chapel of Thothmosis III decorated for Aya and
his wife as they
worship the gods.
Haremhab (1319-1307 B.C.E.)
Gebel el-Silsila, Great Speos: Rock-cut chapel dedicated to
seven deities.
Luxor: Decoration on colonnade for Festival of Opet in Temple
of Amun.
Karnak: Pylons II, IX and X.
Thebes: Mortuary Temple.
Biban el-Muluk (Valley of the Kings), Thebes: Tomb.
Saqqara: Cenotaph of Haremhab containing unflattering
depictions of Asiatic captive. Tombs
of Nobleman of the Late 18th Dynasty
Tell el Dab’a Evidence of building activities.
Seti I (1306-1290 B.C.E.)
Tod: Evidence of Construction projects.
Karnak: Porch in front of Pylon III. Relief from campaigns in
Hypostyle hall between Pylons
II and III.
Qurna, Thebes: Mortuary Temple.
Gebel el-Silsila, south Great Speos: Rock-cut chapel.
Biban el-Muluk (Valley of the Kings), Thebes: Tomb.
Abydos: Mortuary Temple, cenotaph and palace. Temple contains
king list, hunting scene,
side chapels.
Ramesis II (1290-1224 B.C.E.)
Gebel el-Silsila, south Great Speos: Rock-cut chapel.
Luxor: Entrance, facade and forecourt to Temple of Amun. Facade
contains relief and text of
Battle of Qadesh.
Karnak: Porch in front of Pylon III. Relief from campaigns in
Hypostyle hall between Pylons
II and III.
Thebes: Modified Temple (Rammesseum), magazines, chapels and
other buildings.
Biban el-Muluk (Valley of the Kings), Thebes: Tomb.
Abydos: Small temple.
Ihnasya el-Medina: Major rebuilding of the temple by Ramesis
Mit Rahina: Western pylon and hypostyle hall of Temple of Ptah.
Tell el-Yahudiya: Colossal statues of Ramesis II and remains of
a Temple there.
Tell el-Rub’a & Tell el-Timai: Scattered remains.
Tell Nabasha: Large Temple of goddess Wadjit may have been
built by Ramesis II.
Tell el Dab’a: Evidence of building activities.
Merneptah (1224-1214 B.C.E.)
Gebel el-Silsila, south Great Speos: Rock-cut chapel.
Thebes: Mortuary Temple.
Biban el-Muluk (Valley of the Kings), Thebes: Tomb.
Mit Rahina: Small Temple of Ptah and palace.
Ramesis III (1194-1163 B.C.E.)
Tod: Evidence of Construction projects.
Edfu: Base of pylon of a temple is all that remains of
construction by king.
Medinet Habu, Thebes: Well-preserved mortuary temple contains
scenes of campaigns against
Libyans, Sea People and Asiatics.
Medinet Habu, Thebes: Modified Temple of Amun built by
Thothmosis III and Hatshepsut.
Biban el-Muluk (Valley of the Kings), Thebes: Tomb.
Tell el-Yahudiya Temple of Ramesis III with exquisite faience
tiles including symbols,
cartouches and foreign captives.
Tell el-Rub’a & Tell el-Timai: Scattered remains.
Ramesis IV (1163-1156 B.C.E.)
Thebes: Mortuary Temple.
Tod: Evidence of Construction projects.
Psusennes I (1040-992 B.C.E.)
San el-Hagar (Tanis): Tomb. Started construction of great
Temple including pylon and court.
Amenemope (993-984 B.C.E.)
San el-Hagar (Tanis): Tomb.
Shoshenq I (945-924 B.C.E.)
Karnak: Pylon I at Temple records conquests in Asia.
el-Hiba: Destroyed temple.
Osorkon II (924-909 B.C.E.)
Tell Basta: Entrance Hall of the Temple of Bastet. Temple of
Sheshonq II (?-883 B.C.E.)
San el-Hagar (Tanis): Sacrophagus found in Tomb of Psusennes I.
Osorkon III (883-855 B.C.E.)
San el-Hagar (Tanis): Tomb. Add pylon and court to great
Mit Ya’ish: Stela.
Tell Basta: Sed-Festival Hall and Hypostyle Hall of the Temple
of Bastet.
Takelot II (860-835 B.C.E.)
San el-Hagar (Tanis): Sacrophagus found in Tomb of Osorkon III.
Shoshenq III (835-783 B.C.E.)
San el-Hagar (Tanis): Tomb. Gate entrance to enclosure wall.
Osorkon IV ()
Tell Atrib: Tomb of Queen Kamama, mother of Osorkon IV.