Mythos gameplay video Demolishman / 2007-03-30 Download a five minutes video of the latest Mythos Alpha Test. Pyromancer and some Bosses.
Mass Effect Fan Questions... NightLight / 2007-03-29 Bioware is ready to post the the community Q&A with the developers. We are glad to share a first look with the galactic hub community.
Mass Effect site update NightLight / 2007-03-28 Bioware gives us a few more details on the 6 character classes that were in last weeks IGN article.
New info about the Hunter... Demolishman / 2007-03-26 Its official, the Cabalist divides into Evokers and Summoners and the Hunter into Marksman and Engineer.
Weapons of Hellgate London Demolishman / 2007-03-20 Check a few of the Hellgate London weapons, from Rifles to Swords; and don't forget to look at the rest of the Fansite for more...