By Donald Zimmer
This week's advice includes how to pleasure her without hurting her, dealing with pre-love leaking, and some tips for a few panicking virgins.
By Donald Zimmer
This week's Q&A addresses bumps where no man wants to see them, adult circumcision, and impregnation via standing on one's head.
By Donald Zimmer
Pinpointing the source of her stench, sizing up the scrotum, the ejaculation/orgasm overlap, and more in this week's sex questions. More
By Donald Zimmer
This week's sex topics include on-and-off orgasms, prepping for the first time, and the meaning behind post-coital tears. More
By Donald Zimmer
This week's queries address handling a hypersensitive chest, the worst kind of torsion and STD insecurities. More
By Donald Zimmer
Ill-placed scars, ill-timed headaches, and our 2,347th penis-size query of the month. More