Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Trailer01:16 am
- Andrew Burnes
- Games: Action
Screw watching some crappy American Football rubbish, get your CoD4 trailer goodness directly from your fave site, VE! Below you'll find the Flash version, but if you clicky here, you can view the 720p Surround Sound edition that's 36MB. Oh and these are the unrated versions, despite the ending telling you to visit the CoD4 community site.
1UP: So it's been a long road getting here. It's getting close. Before we get to the end of this conversation, I've gotta ask you: Why's it always take so long?
BR: You know, games have gotten ginormous. Gigantic and enormous. It takes a lot of talented people a lot of time to build the games. I think it's why, to be honest, you're seeing a lot of people pushing more toward [saying], "Oh god, I'd love to do some small games, or do some casual games because they're one- to two-year cycles." Sometimes even less than that. But when you're building a triple-A title, and especially -- I mean, the scope of what we're doing in Hellgate is honestly maybe a little crazy: We've got a standalone game, it's an online MMO experience, it's an action-RPG but it's got first-person shooter elements, we had to design our 3D engine, build our own online space...
We bit off a huge chunk to do and I think, in the end, it will definitely have paid off, but at the same time, that takes a lot of people a large amount of time to do. And I think part of that is also coupled with the expectations of players. You know...if we came out today with the original Diablo or maybe even Diablo II, people would be a little disappointed. They'd be like, "Well, geez, I was kind of expecting more." If you go back to what the original Diablo was, that was one town.
The strangest rumor of all was that MS was "forcing" Bungie to make Halo 3 60 fps at 1080p. Um, it was one thing to see that on a forum, but it was strange to see it on regular news site.
1080p at 60 fps is awesome for fighting games and barely a stretch for Live Arcade games. But if you want epic battles, dozens of bad guys, huge vistas and colossal structures, with advanced AI, HDR lighting and explosive physics, then you're not getting those at 1080p at 60fps. Actually, that's not entirely accurate - Halo 3 will display at 1080p through the Xbox Elite with its scaler and HDMI port, but not natively. We've seen it do just that and it looks utterly lovely. So if you have a 1080p TV, enjoy it yourself in a few weeks. Most people, and I mean the VAST majority of people don't have a 1080p TV, so it would be foolish to sacrifice even a single feature for a bullet point number on the back of a box.
The only number we're committing to is that our number one priority is to make Halo 3 look awesome, smooth, detailed and innovative, no matter what resolution you run it at. Although that said, it does look significantly better in HD, so maybe you should convince the powers that be, that now is the time for a set upgrade?
The technical beta is kicking off and we've already started inviting several hundred players to join us. This week take a look at what they can expect to see!
Now is an incredibly exciting time for everyone working at Funcom. The technical beta is kicking off and we've already started inviting several hundred players to join us and become some of the first people to tread the blood-soaked earth of Hyboria under their sandaled (or chain mailed, for that matter) feet. After years of working on the game behind closed doors it is finally ready for the world. Bringing more external testers into the game is a very interesting experience for us, especially with so many people participating. We're just as excited as you are, if not even more!
We know most of you won't have the opportunity to join us this time around (though your chance may come soon!), but we still want to let you in on what we'll be doing in these first tests by explaining to you what it will involve.
This first time around we're focusing on testing how well the server works under heavy load, particularly how the different areas of the gameworld holds up when many people try to get into one specific place. In the days following the test, developers will be going through the data collected and probably utter quite a few "oohs" and "aahs".
"We'll start by testing several different high-load scenarios on our servers by pushing the technology, like seeing how the server reacts to so many people going from one area to another at the same time," says Quality Assurance Manager Ørjan Mathis Tvedt. "This is to further optimize our servers for the future tests which will be even bigger in scale."
Blizzard Announcing New Game Next Month02:25 am
- Robert 'Apache' Howarth
- Games: MMOG
Blizzplanet has the poop that Blizzard will be announcing a new game on May 19th during the Blizzard Worldwide Invitationals in South Korea. A lot of people are expecting it'll be StarCraft 2, but cooler heads suggest it will be the next World of WarCraft expansion. Thanks GlobGloba.
Update - These Job Listings might provide a few clues:
New Position - Lead Engine Programmer - Next-Gen MMO
Blizzard Entertainment is looking for an individual to lead an engine-programming team focused on next-generation massively multiplayer online games. The ideal candidate will possess outstanding communication and coordination skills and be capable of leading a team of programmers in the design and creation of a next-generation engine. This team is responsible for developing and overseeing all engine-related features and technologies. Blizzard offers a fun, creative, and technically challenging environment with excellent compensation and a full range of benefits. Please check out our Lead Engine Programmer - Next-Gen MMO posting for more information.
New Position - Lead Tools Programmer - Next-Gen MMO
Blizzard Entertainment is looking for an individual to lead a tools programming team focused on next-generation massively multiplayer online games. The ideal applicant will possess outstanding communication and coordination skills and be capable of leading a team of programmers in the design and creation of a suite of powerful support tools for all disciplines, including art, design, programming, audio, and customer service. Blizzard offers a fun, creative, and technically challenging environment with excellent compensation and a full range of benefits. Please check our Lead Tools Programmer - Next-Gen MMO position for more information.
New Position - Lead Technical Artist - Next-Gen MMO
Blizzard Entertainment is looking for an individual to serve as Lead Technical Artist for a team focused on next-generation massively multiplayer online games. The ideal candidate feels comfortable in a team environment and is able to contribute on many levels (modeling, texturing, special FX, etc.) and act as a liaison between the artists and programmers. This candidate would be a highly motivated and very sharp artist who has experience using Scripts to solve technical problems. The candidate must also be able to research and implement new art techniques and tools into the production pipeline. Blizzard offers a fun, creative, and technically challenging environment with excellent compensation and a full range of benefits. Please check our Lead Technical Artist - Next-Gen MMO job listing for more information.
Pirates of the Burning Sea First View
Flying Lab's online world in which you can sail the Caribbean as a buccaneer or side with Britain, France or Spain
Jonric's Blog
Suspected theft of Lineage III code valued at $1 billion