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News From 07/07/05


NeoGeo Battle Colesium - 2 Video Footage

Two video footages of NeoGeo Battle Coliseum are now available, courtesy of KTallguy. Their descriptions goes as follows.

Video1: 34MB (Original Quality AVI)
Kaede & Moriya vs. Genjuro & Chonrei
Download Here

Video2: 48MB (Original Quality AVI)
Akari & Washizuka vs. Kyo & Mr.Karate
Download Here

For a detailed report on the latest beta test by KTallguy, check MMCafe's Bulletin Board.

News From 10/14/04


NeoGeo Battle Colesium - 2 Additional Characters Revealed

SNK Playmore has updated its official site for NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, revealing two additional characters that will be included in the game. The two characters goes as follows:

Mr. Big (Art Of Fighting 1, KOF 96)
Shermie (KOF 97 ~ )

Thus far, 25 characters have been announced NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, When including the 8 characters announced during the Tokyo Game Show and one additional character at the end of September. (Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami, Rock Howard, Kisarah Westfield, Haohmaru, Cyber Woo & Yuzu Makishima, Kaede, Akari Ichijo, and Mr Karate).

News From 09/03/04


The RumbleFish coming out in 2005

According to Softbank Games, Sammy's PS2 version of "The Rumblefish " will be released in 2005 rather than within the year as announced previously. No retail price or details on the PS2 version have been announced as of yet. The game will be exhibited at the Tokyo Game Show, which will take place in Tokyo, Japan from the 24 to the 26th

News From 09/02/04


NeoGeo Battle Colesium Additional Characters Revealed

Additional Characters in SNK Playmore's upcoming NeoGeo Battle Coliseum has been announced at the AMShow. The new characters revealed at the show goes as follows:

Asura (Samurai Spirits series)
Hanzo & Fuma (World Heroes series)

The World Heroes series is a product of ADK-- as the game's title suggests, NeoGeo Battle Colesium will include characters from not only SNK, but from other publisher's games that were released on the NeoGeo. Representatives at the show commented that the characters announced today are "just the tip of the iceberg", and that more characters will be revealed in the future. 8 character slots on the character select screen are still marked with "?"s-- some of them will be revealed at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show later this month.

The two new main characters of NeoGeo Battle Colesium were also announced; the male's name is Yuki, and the female's name is Ai. The two characters are most likely to be Japanese, considering their names.

Short Comment: Iggy has contributed one pic in the BBS!... check for additional updates and whatnot. -Henry A. Moriarty

News From 09/01/04


The RumbleFish announced for PlayStation 2

Sammy has announced through Famitsu magazine that they will release the Atomiswave 2D fighting game "The Rumblefish " on the PlayStation 2 within the year. No retail price or details on the PS2 version have been announced on the game.

Short Comment: I bet they're going to make an official annoucnement about it at the AMShow tomorrow. -Henry A. Moriarty

News From 08/28/04


NeoGeo Battle Coliseum - Details Revealed

Details on SNK Playmore's upcoming Atomiswave title NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, have been revealed in the latest issue of Arcadia magazine. The game will be a 2D fighting game featuring historical SNK characters in King Of Fighters styled sprites. The Game's details goes as follows.

Characters announced thus far are-

Marco (Metal Slug, newly drawn graphics)
Nakoruru (Samurai Spirits, newly drawn graphics)
Washizuka (Last Blade, Graphics looks similar to LB, but redrawn)
K' (KOF 99~ Graphics)
Geese Howard (KOF96 graphics)
Terry Bogard (KOF2003's MOTW style graphics)
Mai Shiranui (similar to KOF sprites, but Redrawn)

The main character of the game will be two original characters, one male, one female. The silhouettes of the two characters released by SNK Playmore look as though the male is tying a small scarf to his neck, while the female looks like she wears a hat and a short skirt.

Characters seen in the background, thus most likely will not be playable in the game are-

Ralf, Leona, Clark (KOF, Ikari Team)
Brian Battler (KOF, USA Team)
Eiji (Art Of Fighting 2)
Cain, Grant, Freeman (Garou -Mark Of The Wolves)
Kuroko (Samurai Spirits)
Bob Wilson (Fatal Fury 3)
Carol (Savage Reign)
Rocky (Robo Army)
Cathy (Top Hunter)
Amp & Yusa as background objects (Cool Cool Toon)

Game System

SNK Playmore has not revealed much about the game system yet, although it is known that the game will play with a 2-on-2 tag battle system. Meters on the screen appear to be orthodox, with two life meters on the top and a power bar than can be stocked up to three meters at the bottom. But on the site of the credit indicator for both players is a text that reads "0/0", although it is uncertain at the current time if they will be used in the games or if they are only there for debug purposes.

Stage background graphics in NeoGeo Battle Coliseum are drawn with high-resolution graphics, which appears to be too detailed to be rendered in polygons. Stages revealed thus far are; a metallic platform in front of a gigantic satellite, the interior of a Japanese building with shouji paper walls and a castle seen in the background, a planetarium called "SNK/Planet", a Greek looking structure built from white stones, an amusement park looking area called Cool Cool Town, and an area that looks like the mech maintenance room for Top Hunter.

Additional characters in NeoGeo Battle Coliseum will be revealed In the upcoming JAMMA/AM Show on 9/2-4, and the Tokyo Game Show on 9/24-26. Different characters in the game will be revealed during the two Shows.

Short Comment: The characters are drawn in KOF resolution, but the game looks way better than CVS Chaos, perhaps because of the really well detailed background graphics that seem to have depth to them. Terry's win pose seems to be redrawn, so I wouldn't be surprised if the KOF characters have new graphics or moves added on to them. The sillouettes of the two main characters look.. erm, 1960-70's ish'. Kind of wonder who could be doing the character designs. -Henry A. Moriarty

News From 06/16/04


Capcom Fighting Jam - Additional Characters

Additional characters in Capcom Fighting Jam Capcom have been revealed in the latest issue of Famitsu magazine. Six characters will be appearing from the game titles previously announced by Capcom, which goes as listed below. While a total of 16 characters have been unveiled thus far, there will be more announced in the future.

Capcom Fighting Jam will be played with the joystick and 6 buttons. The button are assigned different roles, depending on the character and its originating titles. Similarly, the power meter usage also differ between the characters and their originating game titles.

Capcom Fighting Jam is scheduled to begin beta testing later this month. More information will become available in the official site.

Vampire (Darkstalkers)

Streer Fighter Zero


Street Fighter II
Vega (M.Bison)

Street Fighter III

News From 05/12/04


Capcom breaks 3 years of 2D fighting game silence with All-Stars Title

Capcom has announced today that it will be releasing a new 2D fighting game titled Capcom Fighting Jam, which is scheduled for release in the Arcades, PlayStation 2 and Microsoft Xbox.

According to Famitsu magazine, "Capcom Fighting Jam" plays as an all-star game which features characters from a number of Capcom's past fighting game releases. 11 characters are confirmed to be in the game thus far, one of which in particular is Ingrid from Capcom's unreleased title, Capcom Fighting All Stars. The other characters confirmed to be in the game goes as listed below, with two characters appearing from each title.

Not much is known about the game system in "Capcom Fighting Jam" so far. The title will play as a 2-on-2 team battle, but players can chose which character to use at the end of each round. The game also has different styles of power meter bars that match the various capcom fighting game titles , though it isn't known whether the styles can be picked freely or if they're fixed depending on the characters and the titles they debuted from.

Capcom Fighting Jam is currently 30 perent complete in development. No release date for either the arcade or home versions have been announced at the current time. Illustrations for the game and its screen images are drawn by ex-SNK artist, Shinkirou.

Vampire (Darkstalkers)

Streer Fighter Zero


Street Fighter II

Street Fighter III

Capcom Fighting All Stars

News From 11/17/03


Short Comment- Summary of KOF2003 still in Progress

My life is still busy as ever, though I'm trying to set some considerible time in doing something about my site. For now, here goes a summary of KOF 2003 from the beta testing front... er, in the Forums. Better yet, check the ongoing threads Here (thread1) and Here (thread2).

News From 09/11/03


Sammy vs. Capcom, Latest KOF to be released on Atomiswave

Image: Softbank Games

Sammy has revealed in the Amusement Machine Show (AM Show) today that SNK Playmore will be releasing videogame titles on the Atomiswave hardware as a third party. Sammy also revealed that they will be working on a collaboration project together with major software publisher Capcom for the Atomiswave as well.

SNKPlaymore has announced their first release on the Atomiswave hardware as the latest release in "The King Of Fighters" series. Sammy has revealed that their project with Capcom will be "Sammy vs. Capcom". No details on either titles are available as of yet. The KOF for the Atomiswave is currently in development and scheduled for release in spring of 2004, while Sammy vs. Capcom is yet to go into production.

Note: I wrote KOF2004 by mistake since the game was announced for release that year. apologies. -H.Moriarty

News From 07/28/03


Short Comment- Summary of Today's News

My lift is busying me from making consistant updates, but I plan to do something about that in the near future. For now, here goes a summary of today's interesting news, short comment style.

1- A new GGX title is scheduled for release on Sammy's new Atomixwave hardware according to this month's release of Arcadia magazine. No news if it's 2D or 3D. It'll be featured in the next Jamma show, but we should be hearing some about it since there's a beta test scheduled to take place next month. Apparently, it uses a network system and a card. *Might* be multi-player game.

2- While this month's arcadia was also supposed to have info on the new Samurai Shodown Zero game, it reveals less than what's been reported online from the beta test. Check this thread in the BBS if you haven't heard much about the game yet. One interesting point however, has been revealed in the magaizne : Rurouni Kenshin artist Nobuhiro Watsuki did the character designs for three of the new characters. One is Nobutora, I wonder who the other two is. The game is scheduled to operate from October in Japan. Also, taken from the SvC image uploader, check out the size of Kusare Gedou.

3- What seems to be the codes for the hidden characters in SNK vs. Capcom are now leaked to the public by the Japanese fighting game site Arcade Freak. According to the site, the following codes can be used to unlock the hidden characters. (Note: I haven't tested them out yet, so I can't confirm on their validity. Plase use at your own risk.)

Geese: While holding on start, do left x 3, down, left, up, right, up, press a button to select character..

Mars Alien: While holding on start, do up, down, right x 3, up, down, left x 2, down, press a button to select character.

Goenitz: While holding on start, do down x 3, right, down, left x 3, press a button to select character.

Riot Iori: While holding on start, do up x 3, down, left, right, down, left, press a button to select character.

Zero: While holding on start, do up, right x 2, left x 2, down, up x 3, press a button to select character.

Dan: While holding on start, do down, left x 7, press a button to select character.

Demitri: While holding on start, do right x 3, left, up, right, down, up, press a button to select character.

Evil Ken: While holding on start, do up x 2, down, left x 2, right, left, up, press a button to select character.

- Henry A. Moriarty

News From 07/17/03


Samurai Spirits Zero - New Samurai Spirit Sequel Announced

[ Official site ]

SNK Playmore has announced their decision to release "Samurai Spirits Zero"- a new sequel to their Samurai Sprits series, through its official site .

No game details have been released on Samurai Spirits Zero as yet. However, the official site describes the game as a 2D fighter which will be developed under a company named Yuki Enterprise, known for their Japanese Shougi chess game titles.

Further details on Samurai Spirits Zero will be available through the Arcadia magazine in the end of the month.

Special thanks to Justicekyo for the news.

News From 07/11/03


SNK vs. Capcom - Official Hidden Character Images

[ SNKPlaymore | Section ]

SNK Playmore - formerly known as Playmore corporation, has released official images of Capcom vs. SNK.

While the images are small, a number of the shots confirm the hidden characters present in the game. For sceen shots including Goenitz, Demitri, Dan Hibiki and Geese Howard, check the site's section.

SNK vs. Capcom is scheduled for release on July 24th at arcades in Japan, with one week of delay than planned originally.
Short Comment: Well, that kills any doubts for fake images of Geese. voila. -Henry A. Moriarty

News From 07/07/03


Data East goes Bankrupt (AM Press)

[ AM Press | Section ]

According to arcade journalism site AM Press, game manufacturer Data East Corporation has been declared in a state of bankruptcy.

Data East's bankruptcy was declared in the district court of Tokyo on the 25th of last month, and the news was revealed in the federal Gazette today. The company had carried a 3.3 billion Yen debt in 1999 and underwent a composition in court in order to reorganize their finances. Since then, Data East shifted their business towards sales of negative ion generators, but filed voluntary for bankruptcy in April.

Short Comment- SNK vs Capcom Beta Test in California

It's a bit of an old news, but better mentioned than not. SNK vs Capcom will be beta testing on the 12th starting 10 AM, at Winnetka Fun Zone in California. The details and exact location are written in, so check it out if you're planning on going.

[ ]

- Henry A. Moriarty

Short Comment- Silent Hill3, Hidden Costume?

... HEH!?
Check the following link for the magical girl transformation skit... (scroll down in the site).

[ GUNP ]

- Henry A. Moriarty

Short Comment- Reason to Lack of Updates.. and More!

Here's a standard 15 second commercial advertisement that explains it all.

[ Fanta Shokata - MMCafe CM ]

Special thanks to TheBeast for the .. urm, news?
For more home made commercials, use this thread. Any yes, anyone can make one.

- Henry A. Moriarty

News From 06/17/03


Short Comment- Insert Credit WebMaster Eats Spoiled Beans, Gets SARS

It looks like some kind of a virus, doesn't it? Well it's health food, and I bet it contains the aged spit of a thousand sweaty Otakus.

Insert Credit's Brandon Sheffield was a delight to meet up with, and I enjoyed watching him eat through the rotting, smelly, string forming, uh.. spoiled delicacy called Natto. I hear that they make ice cream of that flavor too, which I'll be sure to serve him if he ever takes another vacation.

There were a few things we found out during the trip. One of which is that the jinx about Game site news owners usually tend to suck at playing the games, is true. The clips are there, so check them out for yourself it's always the Natto's fault dammit.

For a wrap-up of Insert Credit's vacation article in the land of the rising buns, check out the site.
There's a number of short but horrendous clips of quality battles and a few other odd-ends like strip mahjong too. And no, he didn't get SARS.. I hope.

[ Insert Credit / Article ]

- Henry A. Moriarty

News From 06/15/03


SNK vs. Capcom - Additional Footage Released & Addtional Images

[ | Image Archive ]

SNK&Capcom dedicated site, has released a new footage of SNK vs Capcom featuring a Terry vs SagatBattle. For the footage provided in Windows media (WMV) format, check the site.

The MMCafe section for SNK vs. Capcom Images has been archived with additional images since the last update as well.

Short Comment- Capcom opens Street Fighter Gallery

I checked out the Street fighter 15th anniversary gallery which opened a few days back. Not bad, but it's not as big as I've hoped for either. Good news is, I managed to get a few clear shots while I was there.

Gamespot and Impress GameWatch also has a few pics up, so check them out as well. Gamespot pretty much covers the basic ordeal, so I won't be writing much about this event. The new art book looks cool though, definitely a must get. On a side note, notice the name on the credit card.

[ Images: Image1 | Image2 | Image3 | Image4 ]

- Henry A. Moriarty

News From 06/13/03


SNK vs Capcom to continue beta testing in 4 Locations

[ SNKNeoGeo ]

SNKNeoGeo has announced that they will continue to beta test their upcoming release, SNK vs Capcom at 4 locations in Japan simultaneously.

Beta testing of SNK vs Capcom is scheduled to run at two locations in Tokyo (Ikebukuro Gigo, Shibuya Taito Station), one location in Osaka (Chateau EX), and also one location in the Fukuoka prefecture. The beta test will take place three days, between the 20th - 22nd. Its national release is scheduled for July 17th.

Short Comment: I wouldn't be surprised if the beta testing hit the States too. -Henry A. Moriarty


SNKNeoGeo Fan Site SNK WORLD Opens

[ ]

SNKNeoGeo's official fan site SNK WORLD has officially opened today under its own domain.

SNK World currently hosts a diary section for the developers, an illustration contest section, a chatroom, an information corner that displays companies distributing SNK merchandises, and a mini-games section with a Metal Slug clicking game.

Skecial thanks to Burning Kyo, Hasukii, and Exodus for the news.

Short Comment: And what coincedence, as the subject was just being discussed about in the BBS. -Henry A. Moriarty

News From 06/12/03


SNK vs. Capcom - Additional Footage Released

[ | Section ]

SNK&Capcom dedicated site, has released one additional high quality footage of SNK vs. Capcom following yesterday's five releases.

For the new Mai vs Ken footage, check the site.

Melty Blood- Midle Boss Patch, Beta Version Released (Watanabe Seisakujo)

[ Watanabe Seisakujo | Section ]

PC doujin software group Watanabe Seisakujo has released the beta version of the middle boss patch to their 2D fighter game, Melty Blood. With the new patch, Nero Chaos will be usable as a player character.

As a beta release, the patch may possibly cause issues to players, and is recommended on a at-your-own-risk basis. For the patch, check the official site's section.

Short Comment- Insert Credit Madness

I've had the fortune to meet up with Brandon Sheffield a week and a few days back, who is the head of the quickest growing non-commercial game news site that I can think of--

And he's just posted some of the reports from his experience in Japan during the trip, together with impression reviews and footages of some of the games running at the arcades. Check out the pages, and get to watch our suckyness in Azumanga Puzzle Bobble plus a number of other games. Also, Soon to come: horrendous fighting game matches.

[ Insert Credit ]

- Henry A. Moriarty


News From 06/11/03

SNK vs. Capcom - Additional Images (Update7)

The following are more additional images from the SNK vs. Capcom beta testing, released from a number of sources.

[ More Details ]


SNK vs. Capcom - Additional Images Released (GameSpot)

[ Gamespot | Section ]

English game news site, has released additional images of SNK vs. Capcom. For the images, check the site's section.

Short Comment: I'm not mirroring them since commercial sites tend to stay permanant. -Henry A. Moriarty


SNK vs. Capcom - High Quality Footages Released

[ | Section ]

SNK&Capcom dedicated site, has released five high quality footages of SNK vs. Capcom. Additional videos are scheduled for release tomorrow as well.

For the footages provided in Windows media (WMV) format, check the site.
Special thanks to Rugal for the news.

Short Comment: Some additional people are reporting that Geese is in the game after all. It should officially hit the arcades in Japan by the 18th next month.
A bit of a side note,
1- Dhalsim sounds weird.. like Guile from CvS.
2- I mistakingly checked out the URL of instead. Hurmn, looks like SNK didn't take the domain... -Henry A. Moriarty

SNK vs. Capcom - Additional Images (Update6)

The following are more additional images from the SNK vs. Capcom beta testing, released from a number of sources.

[ More Details ]


News From 06/09/03


SNK vs. Capcom - First Footages Released

[ Insert Credit | Section ]

Videogame news site Insert Credit, has released three footages of SNK vs. Capcom from the current beta testing.

For the footages, check the site.
Special thanks to Exodus for the news.

SNK vs. Capcom - Additional Beta test Reports

The following is an update on the beta test reports, collated from a collection of third party sources. Please note that this is a beta test and the reports are coming from third parties. Some details may be inaccurate, or modified in the final product.

[ More Details ]


Short Comment- Video-Senki Ressurects as Video-Fenky

Well, it seems like the in-depth Japanese game & pop-culture site Video-Senki is back, and now with a new name. If you've been missing his stuff, check out Fenegi's renamed site, Video-Fenky. Special thanks to Fenegi himself for the news.

[ Video-Fenky ]

- Henry A. Moriarty


News From 06/08/03

SNK vs. Capcom - Additional Images (Update5)

The following are more additional images from the SNK vs. Capcom beta testing, released from a number of sources.

[ More Details ]

SNK vs. Capcom - Additional Images (Update4)

The following are more additional images from the SNK vs. Capcom beta testing, released from a number of sources.

[ More Details ]


News From 06/07/03

SNK vs. Capcom - Additional Images (Update3)

The following are more additional images from the SNK vs. Capcom beta testing, released from an anonymous user in the Japanese 2Ch BBS.

[ More Details ]

SNK vs. Capcom - Additional Images (Update2)

The following are more additional images from the SNK vs. Capcom beta testing, released from an anonymous user in the Japanese 2Ch BBS.

[ More Details ]

SNK vs. Capcom - Additional Images

The following are additional images from the SNK vs. Capcom beta testing, released from an anonymous user in the Japanese 2Ch BBS. Some of the past pictures are mirrored as well.

[ More Details ]


News From 06/06/03

SNK vs. Capcom - Beta Test Begins

The following is a beta test report collated from a collection of third party sources. Please note that this is a beta test and the reports are coming from third parties. Some details may be inaccurate, or modified in the final product.

[ More Details ]


News From 06/03/03


Sun Amusement changes Corporate name, Becomes SNKNeoGeo

[ SnkNeoGeo(Sun) | Playmore ]

Playmore's subsidiary Sun Amusement, has changed their corporate name to "SNKNeoGeo".

While Playmore has already set subsidiaries in the US and Asia using the SNKNeoGeo name, this is the first time that they will be operating within Japan using the title. Sun Amusement has been responsible for the distribution of Playmore's games and the operation of the "NeoGeo Land" arcade chains in Japan.

While the SNKNeoGeo Web URL directed users to Playmore's site in the past, it now displays Sun Amusement's official site. Playmore's site and its contents such as the SNK vs Capcom subsite, can still be accessed with the URL.

Special thanks to Hasukii for the news.


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