The Game
is a 1 vs 1 HexenWorld DM mod based in RocketArena for Quake,
where two opponents fight in an arena map for victory.
The other players can watch the fight while awaiting their
turn to challenge the champion. A round end when either
opponent dies. The winner stays in the arena where a new
challenger is teleported for the next round.
In the Arena
as the winner of previous round or the challenger, your
goal is to stay alive and kill your opponent.
Each player starts with 200 HP, all weapons and an amount
of discs of repulsion and glyphs determined by the server
settings. Some maps have artifacts and health to pick up
if server settings allow it, but usually there is nothing
to pick up.
Players in the arena can toggle the tome of power on and
off by pressing the number of their current weapon if the
server has tomemode set to 1. If server doesnt have tomemode
set to 1, tome of power is not available.
When the challenger has entered the arena, a countdown starts:
Weapons and artifacts WONT work before the countdown ends.
As a spectator
map has a spectator area separated from the arena, where
spectators can watch the fight. As a spectators, weapons
and artifacts are disabled.
The number in "Health" in a spectator status bar will not
display its health as it normally does, but its position
in the waiting line. When a spectator health shows "1" that
means he is next to go in the arena.
A spectator green mana will show the amount of health the
winner of previous round has (this is the player with the
gold/red skin) and blue mana will show the challenger's
health (the player with blue/silver skin).
New impulses
has a few new impulses:
- impulse 27:
prints statistics (wins and losses) for all players
- impulse 21:
prints your position in waiting line. Now obsolete since
your health shows it.
- impulse 20:
Takes you out of the waiting line, or put you back at the
end of it if you were already out of the line. NOTE: if
you stay out of the line for more than 5 minutes you are
disconnected form the server.
New server commands
also has some new server settings.
The syntax for these new settings is:
serverinfo command_name value
You substitute "command_name" with the name of
the command and "value" with the value to which you want
to set it.
The available new commands are:
set to 1 to disable all artifacts and items other than disks
and glyphs
the number you set this to is the number of glyphs players
in the arena start with as well as the maximum number of
glyphs they can carry. If set to 0 it will disable glyphs
and remove the glyph artifact from the map.
Same as glyphs but for discs of repulsion.