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I'm a retired computer programmer, married twice and currently married 20 year. I have 2 daughters, one from each marriage; oldest getting married, youngest sophmore in college. I'm currently attending college (along with daughter #2) as a junior, majoring in American History. Politically, I'm an independant; fiscally conservative and socially liberal for the most part. I was born in Cuba and my wife was born in Panama.
Member Since: July 16, 2006 | Profile Views: 10171
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News – Gaza was on the brink of civil war last night as violent clashes between Palestinian factions spiralled out of control.
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Voted for on May 18, 2007 12:52am
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Politics – Al Gore may be the perfect stealth candidate for 2008, a Democrat who could step into the presidential race when the party confronts its doubts about the front runners. Someone with a message that transcends politics, someone who spoke out loud and clear and early against the war in Iraq. Someone with experience and credibility on the world stage.
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Politics – Embattled World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz will resign at the end of June, he and the bank said late Thursday, ending his long fight to survive pressure for his ouster over the generous compensation he arranged for his girlfriend.
Politics – On Monday, Al Gore has a new book coming out next week, titled, "The Assault On Reason". Because he is standing up, telling the truth and because he simply is a Progressive leader, he will be smeared mercilessly by the right-wing smear machine. They will tease and make fun of him. But what they will not do: TALK ABOUT WHAT'S IN THE BOOK.
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Voted for on May 17, 2007 01:56am
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News – fter six weeks of combating efforts to oust him as president of the World Bank, Paul D. Wolfowitz began Wednesday to negotiate the terms under which he would resign, in return for the dropping or softening of the charge that he had engaged in misconduct, bank officials said.
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Voted for on May 17, 2007 12:13am
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Politics – President Bush intervened in March 2004 to avert a crisis over the National Security Agency's domestic eavesdropping program after Attorney General John Ashcroft, Director Robert S. Mueller III of the F.B.I. and other senior Justice Department aides all threatened to resign, a former deputy attorney general testified Tuesday.
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Voted for on May 16, 2007 05:22pm
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Health & Fitness – Americans get the poorest health care and yet pay the most compared to five other rich countries, according to a report released on Tuesday. Germany, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada all provide better care for less money, the Commonwealth Fund report found.
News – Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty said Monday he will resign, the highest-ranking Bush administration casualty in the furor over the firing of U.S. attorneys
Do No Evil – Of course... The vice president didn't mention that Syria, Al Qaeda and Iran are impressed with the Pelosi Plan.
News – An internal panel concludes World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz violated staff rules in arranging a promotion and pay raise for his girlfriend and questions whether he can still lead the bank, according to its report. The special ad hoc committee looked into allegations Wolfowitz broke conflict of interest rules in dealing with his girlfriend, S
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Voted for on May 15, 2007 08:32pm
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Politics – Nearly half the U.S. attorneys slated for removal by the administration last year were targets of Republican complaints that they were lax on voter fraud, including efforts by presidential adviser Karl Rove to encourage more prosecutions of election- law violations, according to new documents and interviews.
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Voted for on May 15, 2007 12:00am
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Science – In the next 24 hours, deforestation will release as much CO2 into the atmosphere as 8 million people flying from London to New York. Stopping the loggers is the fastest and cheapest solution to climate change. So why are global leaders turning a blind eye to this crisis?
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Voted for on May 14, 2007 01:00pm
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Science – Evidence that Earth's climate is undergoing significant, and in some cases alarming, changes has accumulated rapidly during the past three decades. The probability is extremely high that HUMAN generated greenhouse gases, with carbon dioxide the major offender, are the primary cause of well documented global warming and climate change today.
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Voted for on May 14, 2007 02:14am
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Politics – The oil companies is really one big happy family... attached at the hip. Read em and weep. There is no s in oil company. For now I guess we should be thankful we aren't paying $10.00 a gallon... for now!!! How our goverment allowed this cancer to grow is anybodies guess!!!
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Voted for on May 13, 2007 11:48pm
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Religion – Pope Benedict XVI warned drug traffickers Saturday that they would face divine justice for the scourge of illegal narcotics across Latin America, telling them that, "God will call you to account for your deeds."
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Voted for on May 13, 2007 06:19pm
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