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Health & Fitness – Federal health investigators suspect that they will find more farms that received tainted animal feed but stressed Tuesday that the threat to people is minimal.
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Health & Fitness – Responding to the sweeping recalls of pet food in the United States and to worries about contamination in its own food supply, China said today that it has begun nationwide inspections to determine whether wheat…
Health & Fitness – Studies have found that within fat stores there is a substance which increases the risk of cancer, the risk of breast cancer being 50% higher in obese people than people who are not obese. Experts stated that there…
Health & Fitness – We should have a right in America to choose our own form of healing. We should have a right to unprocessed foods, we should have the ability to live healthfully and not succumb to government intrusion in pursuing…
Health & Fitness – The brain can transfer specific functions to new areas when part of it is damaged, according to Oxford research.
Health & Fitness – Smoking, teen drug abuse, and childhood obesity lead the list, a poll shows.
Health & Fitness – Texas pharmacy implicated in 3 recent deaths was cited in 2004
Health & Fitness – Extreme sports fans could soon have instant treatment if they break a limb in a spot far from medical help.
Health & Fitness – To understand the challenges of insuring the health of the nation's work force, consider Varney's Book Store. After a long bout with emphysema an employee at Varney's, a family-owned business in Manhattan, Kan.,…
Health & Fitness – Day in and day out, children across the U.S. are riding to school on aging buses, breathing what some activists say is a dangerous brew of pollutants up to five times dirtier than the air outside. It is a situation…
Health & Fitness – Because they're accustomed to diagnosing eating disorders in white teenage girls, doctors may overlook the condition in boys and certain ethnic groups, U.S. researchers warn.
Health & Fitness – The U.S. Agriculture Department said on Friday as many as 20 million chickens currently on U.S. farms in several states may have been fed contaminated feed. A USDA official said the birds must be held until the…
Health & Fitness – For Kevie Kelly, it started with dreams. For Tina Gerber, it was sleepless nights. Bev Jackson actually considered ending her life. What these women have in common is a deep love for the military and a diagnosis…
Health & Fitness – Differences between species, amounts of melamine consumed are key, experts say
Health & Fitness – Lowering blood cholesterol levels with a statin after a stroke or a mini-stroke cuts the risk of a second stroke or heart attack, French researchers report.
Health & Fitness – People who unwind with a cup of tea every night may have a lower risk of two common forms of skin cancer, new research suggests.
Health & Fitness – Ever wonder why it sometimes feels like you do everything better after a couple of drinks? Maybe it's because you actually perform better when you're drunk. But don't get too ahead of yourself--excessive drinking…
Health & Fitness – MIT researchers are working on faster retinal scanners that will allow doctors to make more accurate diagnosis much sooner than currently possible.
Health & Fitness – Five U.S. senators asked the Federal Trade Commission on Friday to investigate what they say are R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.'s attempts to appeal to teenage girls with ads for its sleekly packaged Camel No. 9 cigarettes.…
Health & Fitness – Huntsman World Senior Games are up to bat on the "Back Porch". Want to sleep better and with more Comfort...tune in. A directory for "Seniors" all on Back Porch with Dave and Bob. Dave Beckstrand and Bob…
Health & Fitness – Crowds of shoppers besieged Boots pharmacy stores on Friday morning in search of the Holy Grail of cosmetics -- an anti-ageing cream that actually seems to work.
Health & Fitness – Naked yoga is exactly what it sounds like. People remove their clothing and perform breathing exercises, sun salutations and various stretches completely in the nude.
Health & Fitness – Almost everyone has eaten cholesterol-lowering foods like walnuts, salmon, and oatmeal. But what's a plant sterol or stanol? And do you really want to eat it?
Health & Fitness – Stress Hormone Rises Higher in Perfectionists Under Pressure.
Health & Fitness – We are richer than ever but no happier, so the experts tell us, prompting renewed discussion about what happiness is, in the hope that public policies can be devised to promote it.
Health & Fitness – Nivea is capitalizing in the booming skin care market in the Middle East with the launch of Nivea Visage DNAge in the region.
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Loose Change 3rd Edition Trailer JUST Released!
“Little corner of the world? The U.S. is surpris...”
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FBI to Investigate LA Police Response to Immigration Rally
“But, many facets of our economy have caused a n...”
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