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Science – A new study details how nanomaterials can be created that are not only safe, but also cost less and perform better than conventional materials. "Green Nanotechnology: It's Easier Than You Think," was written by…
Health & Fitness – "The fantasy model of sex dictates that men should be able to function and presumably enjoy sex without any special requirements. The fact is that we all have requirements and conditions." says Dr Bernie Zilbergeld…
Careers & Jobs – Personal tastes and relationships have always influenced the career trajectory of SebastiÃ;¡n Grinschpun in unexpected ways.
Science – NASA and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have established a partnership to foster student development of science, technology, engineering and math skills.
Health & Fitness – The brain can transfer specific functions to new areas when part of it is damaged, according to Oxford research.
Science – Climate scientists, economists and policy researchers are all in agreement: limiting long-term global warming is achievable at a "negligible" cost. Now, the responsibility for action lies in the hands of politicians,…
Science – Yes, helping others makes us feel warm and fuzzy, but new research suggests that doing good deeds can actually help people live longer, healthier lives. Siri Agrell explains why positive action may be better than…
Love & Personals – Northwestern University Researchers Eli Finkel and Paul Eastwick claim they've cracked the code on the earliest stage of attraction.
Science – A unique computer model designed by a mathematician at the University of Liverpool has shown that it is possible to make objects, such as airplanes and submarines, appear invisible at close range.
Science – Neanderthals disappeared from Earth more than 20,000 years ago, but figuring out why continues to challenge anthropologists. One team of scientists, however, now says they have evidence to back climate change as…
News – The world needs to divert substantially from today's main energy sources within a few decades to limit centuries of rising temperatures and seas driven by the buildup of heat-trapping emissions in the air, the top…
Science – Element 112 shows signs of chemical reactivity, hinting at the behavior of yet undiscovered elements
Science – Scientists have taken their first look inside antiferromagnets, a mysterious kind of antimagnet, using high-powered x-rays.
Science – The elixir of youth may ultimately be hidden in a poorly-understood gene that not only fosters longevity but enhances quality of life, according to a landmark study released Wednesday.
Science – What is vermicomposting? Vermicomposting means using worms to make compost. This is very easy to do and needs just a little bit of garden space and you can even do it in your basement or your garage. This is one…
Science – One thing that blogging and good copywriting share is a conversational style, and that means it's fine to fracture the occasional rule of proper grammar in order to communicate effectively. Both bloggers and copywriters…
Science – Combining diamond anvils and powerful lasers, laboratory researchers have developed a technique that should be able to squeeze materials to pressures 100 to 1,000 times greater than possible today, reproducing conditions…
Science – NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has discovered evidence of an ancient volcanic explosion at "Home Plate," a plateau of layered bedrock approximately 2 meters (6 feet) high within the "Inner Basin" of Columbia…
Science – Kitchen physics dictates that a raw egg will spin slower than a hard-boiled one. Scientists using this same logic have discovered the planet Mercury has a fluid core of molten iron.
Science – EUROPEAN planet hunters are stealing a march on their American rivals. After last week's discovery of a "habitable" extrasolar planet the size of five Earths - the smallest yet found - European astronomers have…
Video Games – In an article from the new 'Halo Effect' book, Battlestar Galactica science advisor Kevin R. Grazier takes a look at the hard science behind Bungie's Halo series, calculating the reality of surviving and fighting…
Science – Science Daily ââ;¬" Combining diamond anvils and powerful lasers, laboratory researchers have developed a technique that should be able to squeeze materials to pressures 100 to 1,000 times greater than possible…
Religion – In this first ever television history of disbelief, Jonathan Miller goes on a journey exploring the origins of his own lack of belief and uncovering the hidden story of atheism.
Science – How might a sunrise appear on Gliese 581c? One artistic guess is shown above. Gliese 581c is the most Earth-like planet yet discovered and lies a mere 20 light-years distant....
Science – Researchers have identified a link between a series of recently discovered earth movements that they believe may hold the key to better forecasting major earthquakes.
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Yeaaaaahhhhhhh !!!!
“When you worry your face will frown And that w...”
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