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Books – Social sites such as MySpace, Facebook and Bebo that want to run your life for you are all the rage, but this shouldn't distract from the strong growth of networks geared to special interests.
News – Bill Keaggy turns some of the pieces of personal history he collected at 'Grocery Lists' into 'Milk, Eggs, Vodka', a book.
Books – In Garissa, Kenya, camels carry goods between villages that can't be accessed with trucks. In most of those villages, 80% of people are illiterate. In order to address illiteracy while working within the limitations…
Books – With valuable exercises and step-by-step examples, this book will help you simplify your database work and provide a more standardized way to exchange data between multiple databases and web sites.
Books – MySQL's capabilities and low cost explain why major operations such as Yahoo!, the United States Census Bureau, and NASA use it within their organizations. But you, too, can incorporate MySQL into your projects.…
News – Windows workflow foundation (WF) is a general-purpose programming framework for creating reactive programs that act in response to stimulus from external entities. The basic characteristic of reactive programs is…
Books – Today, technology has become too much a part of overall corporate success for its effectiveness to be left to chance. The stakes are too high. Fortunately, the idea of quality management is being reinvigorated.
Gay & Lesbian – The main thing is this: You want your software out soon and defect free, but more than that, you need a way to examine how your team is doing along the way.
Books – book is specifically designed to teach you how to quickly turn routine, repetitive, time-consuming, or complex administrative tasks into simple scripts.
Careers & Jobs – Why do publishers contradict themselves? They want first choice of new novels, but maintain a publication rate that is suicidally low. They underestimate the internet and want authors to try them first, but give…
Do-It-Yourself – "Although it's unfortunate that the intellectual heritage of humanity is being forgotten we can use this to our benefit. By reading the classics to improve your mind you can give yourself an advantage. These examples…
Gadgets & Tech – Here, you can read many free online Linux books including Ubuntu Linux books such as "Moving to Ubuntu Linux", "The official Ubuntu Book", "Ubuntu Unleashed", "Ubuntu Hacks".
Gay & Lesbian – Adam Raphael has been making subtle, erotic images of stunning young men for nearly a decade. In his latest book "Room Service," Raphael gives us a sumptuous collection of 150 photographs of flawless male models…
Careers & Jobs – When an interested person considers buying your book, she will go through a series of quick decisions before determining if the book is a worthwhile investment of her time and money. This decision making process…
Money – The Royal Mail has lost a contract worth 8 million a year to deliver goods for online trader Amazon. The contract is the latest in a number of important deals the postal group has lost in the past year as it faces…
News – When was the last time you had a real day off, no phone, no e-mail? As Summer is about here, the idea of a lazy month sure sounds good.
News – Could this be the next Adventures of Alice in Wonderland, written by Oxford mathematician Lewis Carroll or another Lord of the Rings, by Oxford linguist JR Tolkien? Like 'A Brief History of Time' inspired millions…
Books – In PowerPoint, as in most other presentation software, text, graphics, movies, and other objects are positioned on individual pages or "slides". The "slide" analogy is a reference to the slide projector, a device…
Books – In the past, you might have learned a language like C or Java without much concern about the platform on which you would be programming. These cross-platform languages were as comfortable on a Unix box as they were…
Books – Is Fedora Right for You? There are many different Linux distributions, each with a different set of features, aimed at a different type of user. If you want (or need) to run Windows games or a specific Windows…
Books – A basic guide to the process of renting an audio book online.
Careers & Jobs – Short on cash? Not to worry. You can market your freelance writing services with little or no money. These 10 strategies cost nothing, or close to it. They'll save you moneyââ;¬Â¦and put money in your bank account,…
Science – Marc Andreessen is one of my alltime heroes -he's the inventor of the seminal Web browser, Mosaic, which morphed into the original Netscape browser. More recently he founded Ning, the social-network platform. Marc…
Books – Pictures of three book covers using stock photos that were also used on, well, other book covers. " does create a feeling of deja vu when you come across one of these repeats - like you're glimpsing a character…
Careers & Jobs – We article writers are creatures of habit. We get so used to writing up queries and features for magazines, we tend to forget there are hundreds (if not thousands) of other markets right in front of us. I'm talking,…
Story submitted House of Representatives Plans to Become Carbon Neutral
“The House aims to slash energy consumption by 5...”
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