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News – Prime Minister John Howard called Wednesday on Australians to pray for drought-breaking rain as the government dismissed reports it underestimated water shortages in the country's main farming zone. Although the…
News – July 7th, kicks off, Live Earth, a mega-concert with top stars to help bring awareness to global warming. Madonna will perform at the London concert.
Science – According to the National Climatic Data Center, the average temperature in April 2007 was 51.7 F. This was -0.3 F cooler than the 1901-2000 (20th century) average, the 47th coolest April in 113 years. The temperature…
Science – Following the U.S. Senate's vote on 15 May 2007 on a global warming measure, it is an opportune time to examine the recent and quite remarkable momentum shift taking place in climate science. Many former believers…
Science – I read this fodder for the globaly warming nuts, er, activists. Sea surface temperatures around Japan have risen 0.7 - 1.6C over the past 100 years. This apparently is one and half to three times the world average.
Health & Fitness – Now that we're in the thick of leading "greener" lives, some of the information out there can sometimes make the task a little overwhelming. Thankfully, there are those out there willing to lend a hand.
Science – The small ice caps of Mont Blanc and the DÃ;´me du GoÃ;»ter are not melting, or at least, not yet. At very high altitudes (above 4200 meters), the accumulation of snow and ice has varied very little since the…
Science – Environmental activists are building a replica of Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat - where the biblical vessel is said to have landed after the great flood - in an appeal for action on global warming, Greenpeace said…
Science – Recently Global Warming has come under a lot of skepticism and has unfortunately turned into a debatable political issue. Fortunately and unfortunately, a NASA satellite recently detected proof of huge areas of…
News – Prominent Scientists Reverse Belief in Man-made Global Warming - Now Skeptics
News – It is getting hotter isn't it, right? This lecture by internationally best selling author Stuart Wilde will get you questioning the Global Warming "Terror-machine" and reveals the truth behind all the hype...
Science – Global climate models are missing a good chunk of plant information that could significantly alter long-term climate change predictions. A new technique for modeling phytoplankton -- microscopic plants in the upper…
Science – Senior retired military officers are urging immediate action on climate change to avoid a massive upsurge in regional and global instability that could threaten U.S. security. They warned Monday that many Asian,…
News – Warm temperatures melted an area of western Antarctica that adds up to the size of California in January 2005, scientists report.
News – Indonesia has so many islands it has not been able to count them all and is having a hard time finding names for them. From coral-fringed atolls to jungle-clad volcanoes thrusting up from the ocean, its chains…
Science – More severe tropical cyclones expected as a result of climate change may lead to the extinction of the green sea turtle in some areas within 100 years, researchers say.
Women – Sir Bob Geldof ruffled a few feathers yesterday when he launched an attack on Al Gore's Live Earth concerts, due to take place all around the world on 7 July.
Science – Creating more parks and green spaces in urban areas could cool cities by up to 4Ã;°C - possibly enough to offset the warming from climate change - say researchers.
News – An article dealing with Yahoo's green initiative. This story reflects on the need for everyone using Web 2.0 to exert themselves and effort solutions to one of the world's greatest challenges of the 21st century.…
News – LUBBOCK, Texas (AP) - Cotton producer Weldon Melton has planted most of his fields, but the seedlings could be in trouble if cooler-than-normal temperatures continue.
Gadgets & Tech – Governments should tax plasma screen televisions because of the large amount of energy they consume, according to a leading expert on climate change. Professor Paul Ekins, who studies the economics of climate…
Gadgets & Tech – A new Internet tool to help individuals and communities curb their role in adding global-warming carbon emissions will be announced Tuesday at a conference in New York of mayors from around the world, said a person…
Politics – degree of stupidity to which humanity is driven by the cuteness of albino giants
Science – Could we get any more idiotic than this? The designation of July 4th, our Independence Day as "Energy Independence Day"! Have I missed something? Has the Global Warming fanaticism hit SO hard that now we direct…
Science – World leaders have just five years to save the planet from a climate change disaster - but it can be done, according to a new report. The document, Climate Solutions: WWF's Vision For 2050, shows that the world…
Story submitted Nibbler's pet door is also an automatic sliding door
“Nibbler's pet door is also an automatic sliding...”
New story! Story 362,740 in Pets
Comment posted to Al Gore Will Be Swift-Boated Next Week. Guaranteed
“Did you guys know that John Kerry and Al Gore a...”
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