February 27, 2007 - Rafael Furcal batted backward for a pitch.
Michael Barrett forgot to tag a runner crossing home plate right in front of his face.
Randy Johnson is still on the Yankees.
Announcer Jon Miller is calling the wrong game.
And worst of all, JD Drew is rated 100.
It's a mystery why so little effort went into polishing MLB 2K7, a game that features a solid gameplay engine but is ridden with strange and inexplicable bugs. When you get past those bugs, if you ever do, you can have fun with the solid pitching and batting mechanics and the improved fielding. Unfortunately, the mistakes in 2K7 are glaring and numerous. One has to wonder why the game hits the streets in February when fans would trade in their baseball card collections for MLB 2K7 to be properly bug-tested with accurate rosters and ratings even if it came out in April. And seriously, JD Drew is rated 100?
Before I lose my mind on the player ratings, let me say that MLB 2K7 can be a lot of fun. The Hit Stick batting system still works well, as does the innovative pitching mechanic. Inside Edge scouting reports are make hot and cold zones look like kindergarten research. But every now and then, a bonehead mistake kills your game. Click on the video link below to see an Xbox flick of Cubs catcher Barrett (rated 96!) stand on the plate with the ball in his hand, staring at fans in the right field bleachers as a runner slides in without so much as an attempt at a tag. The guy was out by not one but two miles.
The hitting, controlled with the right analog stick, is simply a blast. With a new batting view moved closer toward the strike zone, ala old school World Series Baseball, it's fun to work the count, guess the pitch location with the Batter's Eye, and swing away. The system works as well as any game out there, although it does take some time to get used to it if you're a button-presser, which is so 2005. And if you are a button presser, you can switch to classic hitting.
On the mound, the Payoff Pitching system returns and continues to shine. To throw a curve, you have to aim up and away, allotting for the break. The amount of break is decided by how long you hold the pitch button. So if you're a curve-ball master like Barry Zito, you actually aim at a lefty's head and snap one off. It'll scare the bejeebus out of the batter and land right in the middle of the zone. You can also move your catcher's target around. If he's lining up outside and you throw in, you're likely to be charged with a wild pitch as your catcher hustles to the backstop to collect your mistake.