Manic Minutes...On Burbia

 - added on: 06/28/2007

Burbia Audio

Car Pool Zen

Enjoying the car pool line? Absurd. Stuck in the car, by yourself, can't "accomplish" anything (like errands), alone, quiet, no distractions. Wait a minute. Sounds a lot like . . . a vacation.

markbecker ??Thu, 06/28/2007 ?? 10:38
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This is cute. I've been

- submitted by carpoolexpert on 06/28/2007

This is cute. I've been carpooling my 3 kids forever. It took me a year to figure out what these ladies say. Now, I look forward to being in line. It's sad. I'm shocked it's come to this. But, yea, I chill out. I listen to my favorite music, no kids whining on about listening to old fogey music. I turn off my cell phone, the hardest part! Then I shut my eyes and breathe. It's not the spa at Miraval but it's not bad.

I've been there. I'm still

- submitted by Anonymous on 06/28/2007

I've been there. I'm still too uptight on these lines to rest. A friend of mine brings a bottle of wine. She doesn't drink it in the car but she leaves it on the floor to remind her what she can have when she gets home.

I meditate while I'm

- submitted by Anonymous on 06/29/2007

I meditate while I'm waiting. It helps. Sometimes cars behind me honk but, hey, they should relax too!

Nice. I'm going to try

- submitted by carpoolhater on 06/29/2007

Nice. I'm going to try harder to be cool while I wait forever for my 2 boys. Meditation sounds good. I'm not sure I could do it knowing people behind me may honk any time.

I think of hot fudge sundaes

- submitted by Anonymous on 06/29/2007

I think of hot fudge sundaes when I'm in line.

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