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Science – A new NASA satellite has recorded the first detailed images from space of a mysterious type of cloud called "night-shining" or "noctilucent." The clouds are on the move, brightening and creeping out o
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Science – There are some who, lacking the ecstatic thrill of any other faith-based religion, wish to believe that the earth is in the early stages of an unprecedented climatic change which will see temperatures soar, the…
Science – This weekend's full moon hangs lower in the sky than any other full moon of 2007, according to NASA, and it's a good time to be fooled. When low on the horizon, the Moon can appear to be larger than when it's…
Science – A bright moon appeared in India just after sun set. Although most people in the US woke up to be greeted by a bright Sun, Indians were cheerful and joyous to see the 'blue moon' at the same time. People in Australia…
Science – The busy shipping lanes in and out of Boston Harbor will be narrowed and shifted northward Sunday in a bid to lower the risk of rare right whales being killed by ships. It's the first time in U.S. history shipping…
Science – Distinctive bones of the oldest species of the human genus, Homo, date back to rock strata about 2.4 million years old. Physical anthropologists agree that Homo evolved from one of the species of Australopithecus.…
Science – Spanish researchers on Friday said they had unearthed a human tooth more than one million years old, which they estimated to be the oldest human fossil remain ever discovered in western Europe.
Science – Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory will receive $1.98 million from the U.S. Department of Energy over the next three years to emulate nature's use of enzymes to convert chemicals to energy.
Science – German research shows promise for fighting HIV on a new front.
Science – Human urine could nourish the plankton used as food on fish farms. Plankton grown in diluted urine do better than those given other nitrogen-rich materials, ecological engineers have found.
Science – Some coral reef fish starve themselves to avoid getting into fights with their larger, dominant neighbors, researchers have found.
Science – Lieutenant Walter Haut was the public relations officer at the base in 1947. Haut died last year but left a sworn affidavit to be opened only after his death. He described seeing not just the craft, but alien bodies.…
Science – Methane from India's dams could boost the country's official greenhouse emissions by 40%.
Science – People have lived with rain and snow for millennia, and scientists have studied weather for more than a century. You might think that, after all that time, we would have precipitation pretty much figured out. And…
Science – NASA's Mars rover Opportunity, which has operated for more than 12 times its intended 90-day life span, will descend into the planet's enormous Victoria Crater late next week, mission scientists announced yesterday.
Science – Carbon offsetting schemes are all well and good, but do little to change the way people live day-to-day, argues Stefaan Simons. In this week's Green Room, he says instead of wasting money on short-term solutions,…
Science – Astronomers have found a neutron star emitting an enormous jet of x-rays, an ability they once thought was limited to black holes. The discovery could shed new light on both types of heavenly bodies and on the mysterious…
Science – Frank Drake's equation, which he developed back in 1961, leaves much to be desired in terms of what it's supposed to tell us about both the nature and predominance of extraterrestrial life in our Galaxy.
Science – WASHINGTON, U.S. researchers have successfully transplanted the entire genome of one species of bacteria into another species. The work by researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute was published online in…
Science – Long before global warming became a cause celebre, Lonnie Thompson was extracting climate secrets from ancient glaciers. He finds the problem is even more profound than you might have thought
Science – Indian-American astronaut Sunita Williams, who returned to earth last week after spending a record 194 days in space, said Friday she now plans to visit India. Williams, whose stay in space is the longest for…
Science – How NASA turned to America's basement brainstormers, workbench concocters and garage tinkerers to revive the space program.
Science – The question has come into sharper focus in the UK as BP, Du Pont and the ABF subsidiary British Sugar announce a Ã;£200m ($401m) bioethanol plant. The investment, in which BP and British Sugar would each hold…
Science – A genetic discovery could help save the Scottish wildcat from extinction, scientists have suggested.
Science – Scientists tracking bats in Texas have discovered the flying mammals play a significant role in keeping agricultural pests at bay.
Science – You might not think it, but in a country as dry as Australia many people are literally walking on water.
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