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Television – A&E;, looked like it was ready to move forward on a U.S. edition of "Balls of Steel." A&E; had put the project in development, shot two episodes and was contemplating a series pickup. But then it ran into a hurdle…
Autos – Could 2007 Be The Year of The Fuel Efficient Cars? 2007 New Cars Crossovers : 1. GMC Acadia 2 Saturn Outlook SUVs 1. Saturn VUE Green Line Hybrid 2 Mercury Mariner Hybrid Moreââ;¬Â¦
Money – The question is not whether your employer will drop its employee group health plan, but when. The good news is that the alternatives are actually better than the current system. In addition, the alternatives may…
Health & Fitness – Trying to figure out everything that is on your insurance policy can feel like trying to read a new language. Having an illness or non-work related injury is devastating enough, trying to figure out what is covered…
Money – It is often hard to decide how to protect your money once you have earned it. This article compares Swiss Insurance Policies against a standard Cayman Island or Panama Trust structure.
Careers & Jobs – If You Can Read and Write at the 7th Grade Level Then I'll Show You How To RAISE Your CREDIT SCORE up to 249 Points in Under 90 Days... So You Can Be APPROVED For The CARS, HOMES, (Business Loans) and CREDIT…
Popular Videos – 15yr old driver vs cops in dads car. Looks like dad is will need new car insurance.
Gadgets & Tech – USB drive thrown away accidentally, letters sent out displaying Social Security numbers with no end in sight. The article discusses the risks of security threats and observes solutions from security companies like…
Money – You're surprised by your bank balance or credit card statements. In today's financial world, you can't be caught napping. "Float" -- the time it takes a transaction to clear your account -- has all but disappeared,…
Money – Their life is centered around the local Amish community, and they live separate lives from non-Amish people around them. They generally don't use insurance, but they share risk in a different way. They have a strong…
Celebrities – I, like many others, found myself in the need for mobile software and that's when the internet comes in hand. Being a very active guy, i always come back looking for more software that suits my needs. Fortunetely,…
Health & Fitness – A new study finds that families under a consumer-driven health plan (CDHP) could pay significantly more out of pocket for maternity care than under traditional plans. A normal vaginal delivery under a CDHP might…
Do-It-Yourself – Putting a value to your model railroad can be tough, especially if it's been built over a number of years. Learn some ways to get an accurate evaluation of the value of your model train equipment in this article…
Travel – This will be provided for in an amendment to the Tourism Act, which will also see travellers paying a surcharge to guard them against tour companies that go bust. The Tourism Ministry may require travellers leaving…
Autos – Welcome to suppercar your comprehensive suppercar resource. Our mission is to give you the facts you need about suppercar fast so you can get on the road to taking action right away
Autos – Auto insurers are making big changes in the way they price policies, and that can mean big savings for you.
Health & Fitness – Buying life insurance for elderly can be difficult. As you get older, the companies that supply insurance don't make any money off of you unless they make the policies too high priced to achieve. Obtaining senior…
Health & Fitness – If you are considering affordable health insurance options to check out. Then this is a great health insurance resource to explore. It has over 30 unique articles about different aspects of health and medical…
Health & Fitness – Seven insurance companies have agreed to stop marketing private Medicare plans temporarily amid complaints that agents used illegal or unethical sales tactics, Medicare officials announced yesterday.
Money – This is one insurance, which is generally not taken too seriously by the people. A thought is given to the same only when you are all set to leave for a holiday and that too rarely. Not something to be ignored,…
Travel – Travel insurance covers you in case you need emergency medical assistance overseas. Travelling without the correct insurance this summer could leave you thousands of pounds out of pocket if you become ill or have…
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Autos – Most auto insurance companies charge you more for being under 25. Does Geico?
Do No Evil – Government officials said Friday seven of the country's largest insurers will stop marketing some of their plans to seniors amid concerns that misleading and aggressive practices have been used to promote the products.
Do No Evil – Officials acknowledged today that the personal information of 12-hundred Lynchburg residents was posted on the city's website. Similar blunders put thousands at risk of a particularly dangerous type of identity…
Money – The amount of mandatory auto liability insurance drivers are required to carry should be increased for property damage only, not deaths or injuries, the House Insurance Committee said Wednesday.
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