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Books – A powerful metric for making every marketing dollar count by accurately measuring its impact on your company's bottom line. ROI is today's key business tool for measuring how effectively a company uses its assets,…
News – Selon Google les premieres publicites AdSense affichees sont les plus remuneratrices, Google affiche les suivantes par ordre decroissant. Les publicites aux angles arrondis.
Gadgets & Tech – One of the great ways of analyzing issues of conversion or investigate the landing pages for your web visitors is the use of eye tracking. Eye Tracking is refined technology software which monitors eye movements…
Careers & Jobs – Every blog that you create has what is known as a RSS feed, and your network marketing blog has this feature as well. However, the RSS feed is one of the most overlooked and under utilized features of many blogs,…
Careers & Jobs – If you want the maximum effectiveness possible out of your network marketing blog, then you should definitely use the full range of features available. Not only is your blog an effective tool for helping you to…
Careers & Jobs – "Get my system, set it up and wait for the money to roll in!" Do you hear this all the time. All I can say is, this sentence is a piece of crap and it will never work. If it was that easy, everyone will be rich…
Do-It-Yourself – If you have been on the internet marketing for any length of time, for sure you know besides writing articles, keyword research, and search engine optimization; send email to your subscribers, ezine publishing,…
Careers & Jobs – Have you given your voice acting business any thought lately? This week, we're focusing on how you can grow your business and get ahead in the voice over industry, one building block at a time.
Gay & Lesbian – A new update to the Wordpress Plug IM Vitebox plugin is available today, you can download it here.
Gadgets & Tech – Social bookmarking, which is considered to be one of the hottest trend in the internet right now, is an important tool for any online business owner to know, master and take advantage of in order to succeed in their…
Gadgets & Tech – Yahoo introduces SmartAds to its marketing clients that will allow them to customize their advertisements. This system offers advertising tools to Yahoo Inc.'s clients that will enable them to tailor their ads…
Gadgets & Tech – "It was wrong from the very beginning...but he didn't care!!" Check out this funny but geeky cartoon.
Gadgets & Tech – I seem to have dived straight into Pownce. I've only been using if since Sunday, and I like it so far...
Money – How to use cookies on your blog to let new visitors see different text to help them on their first visits.
Money – I was subscribing to Ewen Chia's mailing list and when I receive an email from him, introducing his new product, Newbie Cash Machine, I was wondering could it be the same stuff as I bought another of his product,…
Money – When writing a Day Job Killer review, it really is hard to ignore the hype and just write about the facts. Chris, the author, has done such a fantastic job with his promotions that it makes it difficult for any…
Money – I recently purchased a system called "Blogging to the bank". I have spent a lot of money on different make money quick scams and have not gotten far with them. Some succeeded, but never enough to quit my day job.
Money – Earlier today I had an interesting conversation with a new coaching client. We were discussing the refund rate on his DVD course (which is only 2%) and he thought I had lost my mind when I told him that 2% was…
Money – As you know, tracking conversion rates by individual traffic source is critically important. Different traffic sources can convert at vastly different rates.Tracking the conversion rate of online traffic sources…
Gadgets & Tech – My daughters and I loved watching The Crocodile Hunter. Steve's Passion and enthusiasm for wildlife conservation were unmatched. But in addition to being a masterful entertainer and educator. Steve Irwin was also…
Money – Possibly the most misunderstood part of online marketing is improving conversion rates... Improving conversion rates produces some of the greatest returns oninvestment of any activity you can engage in while…
Gadgets & Tech – I've got a confession to make. This may come as a surprise to you (after all, I'm a testing fanatic)... But, testing doesn't improve website conversion every time. Nearly all "online marketing gurus" promote…
Gadgets & Tech – To keep up to date on the latest techniques and information (and to spy on the conversion and marketing processes of others) I subscribe to a TON of newsletters, ezines and mailing lists. Well, from time to time…
Gadgets & Tech – Well"... I've finally made the jump and begun recording my own Podcasts. You can see the results here: htt... these…
Gadgets & Tech – Copywriter and marketing consultant Ray Edwards posted a short article on his blog listing "3 Mistakes That Kill Copy". I'd suggest you give it a quick read. 1. Focusing On You, Not Your Customer. 2. Using Cliche…
Comment posted to One Suspect May Link London/Glasgow Incidents
“Stein I was replying to what evelyna wrote. "...”
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