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Gay & Lesbian – Manvendra Singh Gohil grew up in a bubble of prestige and privilege, surrounded by hangers-on who treated him so reverentially that he was 15 years old before he crossed a street by himself.
Gay & Lesbian – The largest adult video library on the net invites you to Join the rest of our satisfied members in the most sex filled video network online today. We provide hundreds of high quality videos and DVD's. Several hundred…
Gay & Lesbian – I grew up a Catholic kid in Philadelphia. It was a time when nuns still wore habits and local priests were treated as gods themselves. Years of parochial school did nothing to erase the reality that I was a Catholic…
Gay & Lesbian – Beatings and criminal assaults against gays in Jamaica are common and supported by the laws which criminalizes sexual relations between men. Garfield Mullings, not his real name, came to the US to attend the Metropolitan…
Gay & Lesbian – She's always got the man they sent her to get, but this time instead of killing her prey she him! Instead of doing battle and making a game attempt at stopping the other, these two spent their time screwing like…
Gay & Lesbian – Cute gay men can sometimes get weird, especially when they're bored. Hank and Peter have been banging one another for two weeks and got totally bored. Some S & M stuff might spice up things between them, but that…
Gay & Lesbian – When two horny lesbian babes get together for some licking and fingering and toying, things get really hot really fast. Watch delicious big tit dykes eat and nibble on nipples and do whatever it takes to get each…
Gay & Lesbian – The daughter of homophobic preacher Fred Phelps has been formally charged with negligent child abuse, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, flag mutilation and disturbing the peace over an anti-gay protest…
Gay & Lesbian – President Bush's nominee for Surgeon General is expected to face tough questioning when he appears next week at a Senate confirmation hearing over anti-gay remarks he has made. Dr. James Holsinger, an MD and…
Gay & Lesbian – Scientists have found a new drug named etravirine that can bring hope for HIV positive people who have stopped reacting to the first-line of treatment of drugs. Etravirine, also called TMC125, is designed as an…
Gay & Lesbian – Out Scottish actor Alan Cumming is asking his fans to take a greater stand in global politics. He spoke to the U.K. newspaper The Independent about his frustration with public apathy.
Gay & Lesbian – We are frequently asked, "How do you believe someone becomes homosexual?" The question implies that all are born heterosexual and some "become" homosexual somewhere along the way. I believe that implication to be…
Gay & Lesbian – Before I start this part I want to say that Nick has enjoyed people's responses to what he wrote so much that he said he wants to add to this part also. I told him he had to either start this part or end it. He's…
Gay & Lesbian – Girls outed by meddling school administators.
Gay & Lesbian – Rev. Bradley Schmeling was booted out of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America for refusing to end his committed relationship.
Gay & Lesbian – "Old Joe has gone fishing, and young Joe has gone fishing, and you know has gone fishing and found them a shoal. Bring them in handfuls, and in canfuls, and in panfuls. Bring them in sweetly, gut them completely,…
Gay & Lesbian – Brazil will be receiving an AIDS drug at a 30 percent discount which can save of more than $ 10 million a year to the Exchequer.The Latin American country, which is effectively fighting Aids and HIV with measures…
Gay & Lesbian – The city of Winston-Salem is the latest municipality to protect its gay and lesbian employees from discrimination. City Council has approved amendments to City Personnel Policies adding the term "sexual orientation"…
Gay & Lesbian – The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Monday removed the Rev. Bradley Schmeling, a gay pastor, from his position as minister of St. John's Lutheran Church in Atlanta
Gay & Lesbian – Manvendra Singh Gohil grew up in a bubble of prestige and privilege, surrounded by hangers-on who treated him so reverentially that he was 15 years old before he crossed a street by himself.
Gay & Lesbian – (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) Fort Lauderdale's Mayor wants the city to fork out a quarter-million dollars for a toilet he claims will put an end to gay sex that he says is rampant in public washrooms on the beach,…
Gay & Lesbian – Enjoy!
Gay & Lesbian – (Los Angeles, California) A jury has found that the Los Angeles Fire Department failed to protect the civil rights of a firefighter who was harassed by coworkers because she is a lesbian and Black and awarded Brenda…
Gay & Lesbian – Enjoy!
Gay & Lesbian – DADT still being fought with even more ridiculous right wing arguments.
Gay & Lesbian – One of only 4 states in the country that do not have hate-crime laws in place, Indiana violence demonstrates the critical need for such laws.
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