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Gadgets & Tech – Zude uses cross domain drag-and-drop technology to allow users to drag all their Web favorites and sites onto the Zude platform. This amazing tool enables people unlimited versatility in creating site
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Gadgets & Tech – Sales of Apple Inc.'s iPhone and new iPods slated for release later this year will mark the end of cheap flash memory for a time, and that means users may see fewer bargains on older digital music players or bundled…
Gadgets & Tech – Hackers may successfully unlock an iPhone in as soon as three to seven days, according to a representative of one effort that aims to unlock Apple's new handset."We believe it will be easy. We are privately aware…
Gadgets & Tech – Simply put, defensible traffic is web traffic from sources other than search engines.This article includes a detailed list of 10 defensible traffic tactics you can use to send more visitors to your website or online…
Gadgets & Tech – Panasonic has recently introduced a write once Blu-ray disc with 4x writing speed globally which is faster than any other high-definition discs. Panasonic is the first company to introduce the 4x BD-R discs to the…
Gadgets & Tech – What could possibly hinder the growth of the first online office suite to make use of Facebook's developer API? Some people may be able to cope, but will potential users wait for new updates before implementing…
Gadgets & Tech – For 3 days, people will meet to discuss, develop and improve the web experience for the Apple iPhone. This article provides an overview of iPhone Developers Camp and asks for your opinions and expectations.
Gadgets & Tech – When I buy a plane ticket, I buy a ride, not the whole airplane. This is an economic axiom, and, at business school, I learned this concept as a First Cause. We are thankful that, yes, the analogy breaks down:…
Gadgets & Tech – For just $5200, you too can have this fabulously luxurious cellphone that not only looks good, but comes with a 24/7 concierge service that will get you just about anything you request at any time.
Gadgets & Tech – Finally, the Apple IPhone has arrived on 29th June. It has sold out in many stores. Many consumers who have purchased the phone bought it simply to take it apart and find out what lies inside. There are a number…
Gadgets & Tech – Making their grand appearance at CES 2007 this year, the I-MU Vibro speaker definitely makes a unique class of their own. No matter what your taste and choice is, this pair will definitely suit you because of their…
Gadgets & Tech – Here's the basic idea. If you 're willing to pay $10 a month on top of a regular T-Mobile voice plan, you get a special cellphone.But when it's in a Wi-Fi wireless Internet hot spot, this phone offers a huge bargain:…
Gadgets & Tech – Microsoft Corp. will release six groups of security patches next week including three critical updates for Windows and Excel users. The critical updates will fix bugs in many different versions of Microsoft's…
Gadgets & Tech – One of the greatest tragedies of intellectual property law is how it generates intellectual confusion among successful businesspeople. Many are under the impression, even when it is not true, that they owe their…
Gadgets & Tech – Microsoft has said that it is facing a bill of more than $1bn to cover the cost of offering extended warranties, after failings with its Xbox 360. The company admitted it had been forced to make "an unacceptable…
Gadgets & Tech – I have been having some real problems claiming some blogs with Technorati. I'm still not sure why this happens, but I am giving some useful advice here about the Technorati blog claim problem. Unfortunately for…
Gadgets & Tech – Microsoft's memory-hungry Vista operating system -- along with falling dynamic RAM prices -- is boosting semiconductor sales.
Gadgets & Tech – A dashboard gadget that alerts drivers to impending accidents has been launched. The device sounds an alarm if two vehicles are on a collision course, warning the drivers to take evasive action.
Gadgets & Tech – We can appreciate the fact that Apple seems to draw a lot of inspiration from art -- we really can. But we're noticing a pretty disconcerting trend taking shape: Cupertino's getting all Picasso on us with the "Good…
Gadgets & Tech – Get ready to be overwhelmed!!!
Gadgets & Tech – OpenID is a decentralized, secure single sign-on system. It allows you to create a login at a site you frequent, and use that same login on any other site that supports OpenID.
Gadgets & Tech – Things are quiet on the site buying front this week. I have been sat on my ass all week searching for a great website to purchase.
Gadgets & Tech – There's a new Switzerland based startup launching called WSLabi that is setting up shop to allow "security researchers" to sell vulnerabilities that they find in software via an auction format.
Gadgets & Tech – Linux-powered robots are flocking to Atlanta this week to compete in the Robocup scientific competition. In particular, two Linux-based designs are aiming to replace Sony's Aibo as the de facto hardware platform…
Gadgets & Tech – The current technology for creating computerized avatars for human interactions is relatively primitive; we tend to be surprised if a computerized representation can perform even vaguely human behaviors.
Gadgets & Tech – One of the stated goals of the music industry's barrage of lawsuits against P2P users has been to cut down on peer-to-peer traffic.
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