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Books – "But why should we believe the blogger? Who are they and how are they qualified to tell us what to read?" You should believe them and trust them in the same way you would a critic in a newspaper. Ther
Books – Inc. has taken more than a million pre-orders for the final "Harry Potter" book due out in July, but the world's largest Web retailer won't make a profit, Chief Executive Jeff Bezos told sh
Books – Princess Diana emerged from her divorce with a new style, a new crusade (banning land mines), and a new love, Pakistani heart surgeon Hasnat Khan, whom she hid from the press for 18 months. But, as Ti
Books – The Joyous Psychology of Meaning and Belonging, The Cosmic Psychology of committed spirituality, The Persuasive Psychology of a Cooperative Life Style, The Loving Psychology of Life Long Sexual Intimacy, The Guidance…
Books – You might think the most important product that the publisher Scholastic will release this summer is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and last book in J.K. Rowling's nearly infinitely bestselling…
Books – Stephen Colbert has branded a Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavor, a minor-league hockey team mascot, and (nearly) a bridge in Hungary. Now, the host of Comedy Central's Colbert Report is flying his geek flag with the…
Books – It appears publishers have no favorites among the current spread of eBook formats. "It's true -- publishers do not have a favorite or a preference at this point," Steve Potash, CEO of Overdrive and president of…
Books – I wrote a post last week that mentioned the late short story writer Breece D'J Pancake, and his admirers came out of the woodwork. I got a lot of e-mail about him. So this seems worth saying: today's his birthday.…
Books – A review on "Horseback Riding: The Complete Beginners Guide", a book written for horse lovers around the world and particularly for those with little or no experience around horses.
Books – Secret Article Profits is a proven article business marketing blueprint that you can use to promote your business online and improve bottom line. Read the full story about Secret Article Profits here...
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Books – Article Business Marketing Blueprint is for you if you are using online articles to promote your business. This blueprint you help you to maximize your business PROFITS. The Article Business Marketing Blueprint…
Books – Promofax offers bulk fax broadcasting solutions from Team Telecom to blast faxes to the wider audience. It allows you to broadcast faxes online at low cost. It's a cheap express marketing solution for your business…
Books – Online resource for Bulk Email Marketing Services, Email Marketing Campaigns, ... The problem with newsletter and e-mail marketing strategies, however, ...
Books – Offers an all in one bulk marketing software for email, fax and mass printing using our resources.
Books – The You Tube YouTube videos website rocks.
Books – I switched almost exclusively to audio books about a year and a half ago. Here are five reasons you ought to do so as well.
Books – Instead of listing my favorite author for today and/or list of books that I have found to be interesting to read ..... I am instead recommending a pirate library site called Burgomeister. This library is unque…
Books – Bookyards has finished its section on European History. A collection of over 500 books, this library focuses on European history from the middle ages to modern times.
Books – What does it mean to "believe" in America? Why do we always speak of our country as having a mission or purpose that is higher than other nations? Modern liberals have invested a great deal in the notion that America…
Books – BookYards author for today is the old bard himself ..... William Shakespeare. Born 1564, he was an English poet and playright who is regarded as the greatest writer of the English language, as well as one of…
Books – When you read Cicero, the great Roman Philosopher, and his Six Mistakes of Man, you cant help but think that he may have been wasting his time. After all, no one needs to be reminded what should be simple common…
Books – If DeLillo and Rushdie can't pull it off, what hope is there for the great rock novel?
Books – When I googled "Harry Potter and pain," I came across the Cruciatus Curse, the dark magic spell that "inflicts excruciating physical pain on the victim." Does anyone know the reverse spell???
Books – A 'sleeper' that I feel slightly bad about awakening but what the heck. In 1918 all unsold copies were destroyed by court order and the book is decidedly scarce. We sold our last copy for nigh on Ã;£1000 3 years…
Books – For a positive path towards plastic surgery, pick up a copy of a new book by Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, Dr. Stuart Linder. A must-read for all who are considering cosmetic or reconstructive surgery!
Books – A lost novel from the writer Anna Kavan will be published next week, and I, for one, am delighted.
Books – When a major writer produces a sub-par book, it's no great disaster, no unforgivable affront to readers. But the biggest loser in the deal may be the new reader who picks the book up on the basis of reputation and…
Books – his weekend, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is releasing "Now Playing," an oversized coffee-table book jammed with full-page reproductions of the best of lobby art. An exhibit containing original…
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